thornton@kcl-cs.UUCP (ZNAC468) (07/16/85)
The other episode that was banned was RETURN TO TOMMORROW in which Kirk lends his body to some alien for some reason. A bit too much like possesion? With reference to BUG EYED MONSTERS. What is wrong with them? As Aliens they must surely be better than 1) STRANGE FLASHING LIGHTS (TREK/1999) 2) LARGE BLACK SLABS (2001) 3) HUMANS IN SILLY UNIFORMS WITH LOTS OF MAKE UP ON (All) Besisdes the kids love them (don't they?). With reference to UNLIMITED EAGLES. "The Eagle is one of several classes of interplanetary spacecraft... ..constructed by the Engineering and Technics section of Moonbase Alpha using materials and components either shipped from Earth or MANUFACTURED ON THE MOON." Q.E.D. from STARLOG #7 Anyone care to comment on unlimited fuel? With reference to STARLOG. Someone called STARLOG a rag, I must protest. In the early days it was very good and very fair to new series like 1999.TV-SciFi and SF-TV have also been fair (see quote below) and much better than the feeble STARBURST could manage (did they do a 1999 article at all?). SFTV #2 on SPACE:1999. "The shortcomings and innaccuracies on the surface vanish when a person cares to dig deeper into the messages of the series." With reference to DUBBED LAUGHTER. I tried dubbing laughs but see no added appeal in 1999, but some rock music over the action sequences works well. I'm sure laughter would work on the TREK episode PLATO'S STEPCHILDREN as it is sorely needed. This episofde took itself seriously but was very funny. At a recent college showing for Charity of this and other BBC banned episodes, this episode brought the house down whilst people thought WHOM GODS DESTROY to be corny. Andy T. (I'M TWEDDLE DEE, HE'S TWEDDLE DUM) Kirk from P.S. (SIZE, SHAPE AND COLOUR MAKES NO DIFFERENCE) Kirk from P.S. with certain sexual conertations.