[net.sf-lovers] Autographs

Fournier.pasa@Xerox.ARPA (07/17/85)

From: Fournier.pasa@Xerox.ARPA

	In Digest #216, the subject of autographs was raised, and I'd like to
add my two cents worth, now that I can finally grab the time to reply.  
	At a bookstore (e.g., Change of Hobbit, Dangerous Visions), the
manager/owner will often set a limit on # of books PER PASS through the
line, especially if there are long lines anticipated (at a convention, a
similar ruling may hold true). You might wish to call ahead for info.
Sometimes the owner will make a differentiation based on whether you
have purchased from the store at the time of the autograph party, any of
the books you wish to get signed, such as 3 without purchase, 5 with
purchase.  Most bookstores will give you a receipt upon entry to
differentiate your own books from those for sale.  I think Wendel
Phillips went to CoH, but DV also gives receipts.
	VERY SELDOM does an sf author specify that thon will only sign the book
for which the autograph party is being held (usually a new publication).
Many authors appreciate seeing different editions, or the breadth of
your collection of thon's material.  Also, don't be afraid to talk to
the author about some aspect of the book being signed, if time permits,
or to ask That Burning Question (esp. if no one else is asking it).
Anne McCaffrey was suprised to find her works published in France, as
she was not getting royalties for same. Larry Niven understood that many
of his readers could not afford clothbound books in terms of price and
shelfspace, and said he had ceased to be upset by the dearth of them in
fannish collections.  Roger Zelazny seemed surprised when I walked in
with my entire collection of his work, but didn't complain. 
	And on a final note, let me say that Dangerous Visions Bookstore in
Sherman Oaks, Calif., will be holding an autograph party for Norman
Spinrad to celebrate the publication of CHILD OF FORTUNE, on Saturday,
August 3rd, from 2-5 pm.  Please call 818/986-6963 for the limit on