RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM (RISKS FORUM, Peter G. Neumann -- Coordinator) (09/18/86)
RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest, Wednesday, 17 Sept 1986 Volume 3 : Issue 58 FORUM ON RISKS TO THE PUBLIC IN COMPUTER SYSTEMS ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator Contents: Massive UNIX breakins (Dave Curry, Brian Reid) "Atlanta's been down all afternoon" (Alan Wexelblat) F-16 software (Herb Lin) Viking Project (Eugene Miya) Protection of personal information (David Chase) Autonomous Weapons (Ken Laws) Re: computers and petty fraud (Col. G. L. Sicherman) The RISKS Forum is moderated. Contributions should be relevant, sound, in good taste, objective, coherent, concise, nonrepetitious. Diversity is welcome. (Contributions to RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, Requests to RISKS-Request@CSL.SRI.COM) (Back issues Vol i Issue j available in CSL.SRI.COM:<RISKS>RISKS-i.j. Summary Contents in MAXj for each i; Vol 1: RISKS-1.46; Vol 2: RISKS-2.57.) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: davy@ee.ecn.purdue.edu (Dave Curry) To: risks@csl.sri.com Cc: reid@decwrl.dec.com Subject: Massive UNIX breakins Date: Wed, 17 Sep 86 08:01:03 EST Brian - I feel for you, I really do. Breakins can be a real pain in the neck, aside from being potentially hazardous to your systems. And, we too have had trouble convincing the authorities that anything serious is going on. (To their credit, they have learned a lot and are much more responsive now than they were a few years ago.) I do have a couple of comments though. Griping about the Berkeley networking utilities is well and good, and yes, they do have their problems. However, I think it really had little to do with the initial breakins on your system. It merely compounded an already exisiting breakin several fold. Two specific parts of your letter I take exception to: One of the Stanford campus computers, used primarily as a mail gateway between Unix and IBM computers on campus, had a guest account with user id "guest" and password "guest". The intruder somehow got his hands on this account and guessed the password. Um, to put it mildly, you were asking for it. "guest" is probably the second or third login name I'd guess if I were trying to break in. It ranks right up there with "user", "sys", "admin", and so on. And making the password to "guest" be "guest" is like leaving the front door wide open. Berkeley networking had nothing to do with your initial breakin, leaving an obvious account with an even more obvious password on your system was the cause of that. There are a number of well-known security holes in early releases of Berkeley Unix, many of which are fixed in later releases. Because this computer is used as a mail gateway, there was no particular incentive to keep it constantly up to date with the latest and greatest system release, so it was running an older version of the system. Once again, you asked for it. If you don't plug the holes, someone will come along and use them. Again Berkeley networking had nothing to do with your intruder getting root on your system, that was due purely to neglect. Granted, once you're a super-user, the Berkeley networking scheme enables you to invade many, many accounts on many, many machines. Don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to criticize for the sake of being nasty here, but rather I'm emphasizing the need for enforcing other good security measures: 1. Unless there's a particularly good reason to have one, take all "generic" guest accounts off your system. Why let someone log in without identifying himself? 2. NEVER put an obvious password on a "standard" account. This includes "guest" on the guest account, "system" on the root account, and so on. Enforcing this among the users is harder, but not impossible. We have in the past checked all the accounts on our machines for stupid passwords, and informed everyone whose password we found that they should change it. As a measure of how simple easy passwords make things, we "cracked" about 400 accounts out of 10,000 in one overnight run of the program, trying about 12 passwords per account. Think what we could have done with a sophisticated attack. 3. FIX SECURITY HOLES. Even on "unused" machines. It's amazing how many UNIX sites have holes wide open that were plugged years ago. I even found a site still running with the 4.2 distributed sendmail a few months ago... 4. Educate your police and other authorities about what's going on. Invite them to come learn about the computer. Give them an account and some documentation. The first time we had a breakin over dialup (1982 or so), it took us three days to convince the police department that we needed the calls traced. Now, they understand what's going on, and are much quicker to respond to any security violations we deem important enough to bring to their attention. The Dean of Students office is now much more interested in handling cases of students breaking in to other students' accounts; several years ago their reaction was "so what?". This is due primarily to our people making an effort to educate them, although I'm sure the increased attention computer security has received in the media (the 414's, and so on) has had an effect too. --Dave Curry Purdue University Engineering Computer Network ------------------------------ From: reid@decwrl.DEC.COM (Brian Reid) Date: 17 Sep 1986 0729-PDT (Wednesday) To: davy@ee.ecn.purdue.edu (Dave Curry) Cc: risks@csl.sri.com Subject: Massive UNIX breakins The machine on which the initial breakin occurred was one that I didn't even know existed, and over which no CS department person had any control at all. The issue here is that a small leak on some inconsequential machine in the dark corners of campus was allowed to spread to other machines because of the networking code. Security is quite good on CSD and EE machines, because they are run by folks who understand security. But, as this episode showed, that wasn't quite good enough. ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 86 14:38:59 CDT From: Alan Wexelblat <wex@mcc.com> To: risks@csl.sri.com Subject: "Atlanta's been down all afternoon" (!?) Last Friday, we attempted to phone (ATT) long distance to Atlanta. After two hours of busy signals we finally decided to try and reach the Atlanta operator. She said that Atlanta had been "down all afternoon." Does anyone have any info about this? Alan Wexelblat ARPA: WEX@MCC.ARPA or WEX@MCC.COM UUCP: {seismo, harvard, gatech, pyramid, &c.}!ut-sally!im4u!milano!wex ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1986 17:43 EDT From: LIN@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU To: RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM, arms-d@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU Subject: F-16 software I spoke to an F-16 flight instructor about this business concerning bomb release when the plane is upside down. He said the software OUGHT to prevent such an occurrence. When the plane is not at the right angle of attack into the air stream, toss-bombing can result in the bomb being thrown back into the airplane. ------------------------------ From: eugene@AMES-NAS.ARPA (Eugene Miya) Date: 16 Sep 1986 2213-PDT (Tuesday) To: <RISKS@CSL.SRI.COM> Subject: Re: RISKS-3.57 Viking Project Sorry Dr. Benson, I wish to correct you on several points. First off, NASA is the CIVILIAN space agency. NASA takes great pains to emphasize this. We are frequently accused of being puppets of the military and we cannot deny that the DOD are customers and joint researchers, but the DOD also causes us problems. Many scientists in NASA (myself included) work here to try an benefit ALL mankind. The Viking Project, in particular, is not a military project and the scientists that I know such as Conway Snyder and others would take great offense to your implication. (I think Sagan would be amused and offended, too.) I can tell you there were bugs in the program. Not all was perfect. Note the mission had redundency built into it. What I can tell you about the physical systems is that spacecraft memories at that period of time were very small and quite crude. We are talking hundreds of words of storage not K. We are not talking sophisticated programming either (more like hard coded routines). We are not talking FORTRAN except for the trajectory and orbit determination programs (still in use with 400K to 1M lines of code: Univac FORTRAN V and now VAX VMS FORTRAN). This code may be purchased from COSMIC (I think something like $2K I can look this up). Regarding other project documentation about the nature of the Viking computers and their software, this is all in the public domain in the form of NASA TRs. (Don't ask for all, we are talking TONS of documentation, you want to ask for specifics. and I might be able to help a little [emphasis] by giving you contacts to phone at JPL). (Un)happily? no Martians shot at the Landers. I don't know how we would have faired. The system had no AI, it's really was not a concurrent system, it had strictly local real-time processing, but not by choice (one-way signal time to Mars is 7 minutes). Valhalla: that place where Viking Project members go to retire. --eugene miya ex-Voyager Program member ex-JPL/CIT NASA Ames Research Center ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 16 Sep 86 23:37:47 CDT From: David Chase <rbbb@rice.edu> Subject: Protection of personal information To: risks@csl.sri.com A friend of mine attending a large state university is preparing to interview for jobs. At this university the powers that bureaucratically be "require" that you fill out a form that among other things has your social security number and a statement that (if signed) authorizes release of transcript to people who might wish to employ you. Other things on this form include percentage of college expenses earned, and similar rot that one might wish to keep private. No form, then no on campus interviews. Just to make things interesting, they wish to place this info in an "experimental" database. When faced with something like this, what does one person (out of 48000 students, most of them cooperating like sheep) do to get any assurance that private information is not released to undesirables (where the set of "undesirables" is defined by the one person, NOT the university)? This same problem pops up with utilities in this state also, and the bargaining position is even worse than the student's ("I'm sorry sir, but we can't turn on your power until I complete this form, and I can't complete it without your social security number"). Does anyone have any experience with this sort of thing? I read a little blurb while waiting to get my drivers license that told all about how one should most definitely keep one's social security number in confidence, so handing out (without permission) even those 9 digits to an alleged prospective employer is out of line. Never mind that those same 9 digits are your "student number" at this school. (Perhaps this belongs on Human Nets, but I feel this is a risk--if nothing else, it raises my blood pressure to dangerous levels to hand out private information to pig-headed idiots. I'd also rather prevent some of this now than be the subject of an amusing/shocking anecdote later) David ------------------------------ Date: Wed 17 Sep 86 07:10:43-PDT From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA> Subject: Autonomous Weapons To: Risks@CSL.SRI.COM Message-ID: <12239658229.17.LAWS@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA> Eugene Miya asks whether autonomous weapons can be considered moral. Brief thoughts (since Risks may not be the right forum): Dumb weapons or those guided incompetently are no better -- was the accidentaly bombing of the French Embassy in Libya moral? Autonomous vehicles (or, for that matter, bombs) are not smart enough to perform trivial civilian duties in cooperative environments (e.g., driving to the grocery store or picking weeds in a corn field). Someday they may be, in which case questions about their intelligence and morality may be worth debating. For now, the assumption is that they are only to be used in situations where anything that moves is a legitimate target and where taking out the wrong "target" is better than taking out no target. This is rather similar to the situation facing nukes, and the moral choices in initiating use are the same. The advantages of autonomous weapons over nukes should be obvious, although there will always be philosophers and humanists who mourn an isolated wrongful death as much as the destruction of a city. -- Ken Laws ------------------------------ Date: Wed, 17 Sep 86 15:33:21 EDT From: "Col. G. L. Sicherman" <colonel%buffalo.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA> Subject: Re: computers and petty fraud Newsgroups: mod.risks To: risks%sri-csl.arpa@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA References: <8609160017.AA09578@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU> In RISKS-3.54 Mark S. Day inquires why computerization encourages people to defraud shop clerks. > ... Thus, people will talk about switching > UPC price tags who would view switching non-computerized price tags as > fraud. This is partly because it's less easily detected. Replacing price tags with bar codes means that the clerk has little or no opportunity to consider whether the price is reasonable. The effect resembles what happened when hand calculators replaced slide rules. By eliminating the element of clerical surveillance, the manager increases efficiency at the cost of security. It's a typical trade-off. As for the customers ... perhaps the general run of people were never very ethical to begin with? > Similarly, people will read mail and data files stored on a > timesharing system, even though it's unacceptable to rifle through > people's desks. There are two active changes here. First, a time-sharing system is perceived as a shared facility (even if it runs VM! :-), a commune rather than an apartment house, so to speak. This has been reinforced by the development of message systems. Second, the phenomenal progress in communication in recent years has undermined public support for privacy. The subject of privacy has been vexing and misleading pundit lately; the best treatment of it is to be found in _The Gutenberg Galaxy_ by H. M. McLuhan. (It's nothing like the typical liberal or illiberal arguments one normally reads.) A third factor, and I think a significant one, is the re-alignment of popular loyalty. Large societies are products of the age of print. In particular, print provides the inspiration for uniform, stable laws, language, and conventions; it also creates the necessary illusion of commonality by virtue of the physical uniformity of print and the impersonality of publishing. (One could add that large states and countries are perceptible chiefly by virtue of printed maps.) In an age of fast, easy communication, artifacts like countries grow to appear unreal and arbitrary. People are coming to prefer to deal directly with one another, and personal loyalties are out- weighing loyalties to abstractions like country and society. I do not believe that this is a bad thing; it increases strife, but reduces international war. ------------------------------ End of RISKS-FORUM Digest ************************ -------