[mod.ai] AIList Digest V3 #184

AIList-REQUEST@SRI-AI.ARPA (AIList Moderator Kenneth Laws) (12/10/85)

AIList Digest            Tuesday, 10 Dec 1985     Volume 3 : Issue 184

Today's Topics:
  Query - Translator: SAIL --> LISP?,
  AI Tools - Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp,
  Bindings - AI&DS Name Change,
  Journal - Machine Learning


Date: Sun 8 Dec 85 00:59:07-PST
From: Kashi.Rao%dworkin@usc-eclc.ARPA, 220P%dworkin@usc-eclc.ARPA,
Subject: Translator: SAIL --> LISP?

I have a large program in SAIL that I would like to convert to LISP.
I would like to know if there's any program available to translate
code from SAIL to LISP (COMMON or FRANZ).
Any quick pointers/references/suggestions would be deeply appreciated.

                          Kashi Rao
                        Intelligent Systems Group, USC.


Date: Thu, 5 Dec 85 14:52 CDT
From: Joseph_Tatem <tatem%ti-eg.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>
Subject: RE: Object-Oriented Programming in Common Lisp

The TI Explorer supports Flavors  in Common Lisp.

                                        Joe Tatem


Date: Thu, 5 Dec 85 13:33:35 pst
From: clif@aids-unix (Clif McCormick)
Subject: Name Change

                 Advanced Decision Systems

                   201 San Antonio Circle
                         Suite 286
              Mountain View, California 94040
                       (415) 941-3912

     Advanced Information & Decision Systems, a leader in defense and
commercial applications of artificial intelligence and other advanced
information processing technologies, has changed its name to:

                          ADVANCED DECISION SYSTEMS

     Founded in 1979, Advanced Decision Systems specializes in applied
research and prototype development involving a number of technologies,
including artificial intelligence, computer science, estimation and
control theory, signal and image processing, and decision theory.
     Specific projects include image understanding for scene analysis
and object classification, oil exploration, fault diagnosis, distributed
sensor networks, multi-target tracking, autonomous land vehicle navigation,
avionics expert systems, and a battlefield commander's assistant.
     Primary among the clients for these projects are defense organizations
such as the Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency, and
research laboratories of the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force.  The name
change comes as Advanced Decision Systems seeks to expand its involvement
in the commercial marketplace and add to its list of commerical clients,
which currently includes Bank of America, McGraw-Hill, and Kodak.
     Advanced Decision Systems, with headquarters in Mountain View,
California and a recently opened office in Arlington, Virginia, is
completely employee-owned and had revenues of $6.5 million in fiscal
1985.  The company currently has a total of 86 employees.
     The name change, from Advanced Information & Decision Systems to
Advanced Decision Systems, will become effective December 1, 1985.

Clif McCormick
(415) 941-3912


Date: 5 December 1985 0703-PST (Thursday)
From: west@nprdc.arpa (Larry West)
Subject: New Journal: ``Machine Learning''

I'm sure many of you received the same flyer I did, but for
those who didn't, the new journal ``Machine Learning'' is
about to begin its first volume, and is soliciting subscriptions
and submissions.

Executive Editor: Pat Langley, UCI
Editors: Jaime G. Carbonell, CMU
         Ryszard S. Michalski, UIllinois
         Tom M. Mitchell, Rutgers

The Editorial Board:
        Saul Amarel, John R. Anderson, Bruce G. Buchanan, Thomas
        G.  Dieterrich, Geoff Hinton, John H. Holland, Yves
        Kodratoff, Douglas B. Lenat, Jack Mostow, J.R.  Quinlan,
        Paul S.  Rosenbloom, Roger Schank, Derek Sleeman, and the
        omnipresent Patrick Winston.

        Machine Learning will publish papers on the processes through
        which intelligent systems improve their performance over time,
        and will cover areas such as:

                * Concept Acquisition
                * Strategy Learning
                * Language Development
                * Reasoning by Analogy
                * Scientific Discovery

        The main emphasis will be on symbolic learning methods as
        opposed to numeric ones [boo], and the editors will give
        preference to papers that describe theories or principles of
        learning that are supported by running computer programs.
        However, the journal also welcomes theoretical treatments and
        comparisons of existing systems, and encourages computational
        models of human learning.   Although the journal will emphasize
        basic research in the emerging field of Machine Learning, it
        will also consider applications of learning methods to
        real-world domains.


        Machine Learning publishes articles on the processes through
        which intelligent systems improve their performance over
        time.   Authors are invited to submit papers describing
        computational approaches to any aspect of learning.   We
        encourage attempts to formulate principles of learning to
        integrate previous research results, and to model human
        learning in a computational framework.

Four issues per year, $35 individual, $78 institutional; first
issue due out in January 1986.

Kluwer Academic Publishers
190 Old Derby Street
Hingham, MA 02043
617-749-5262 (for Credit Card orders)

Larry West                              USA+619-452-6771
Institute for Cognitive Science         non-business hrs: 452-2256
UC San Diego (mailcode C-015)
La Jolla, CA  92093  USA

UUCP:   {ucbvax,ihnp4,sdcrdcf,decvax,gatech}!sdcsvax!sdcsla!west
                                or     {sun,ulysses}!sdcsla!west
ARPA:   <west@nprdc.ARPA>       or      <west@ucsd.ARPA>
DOMAIN: <west@nprdc.mil>        or      <west@csl.ucsd.edu>


End of AIList Digest