[mod.ai] New Journal on Applied AI



                 [Forwarded from the IRList Digest.]

New Journal: Applied Artificial Intelligence, An International Journal
Publication Information: published quarterly starting March 86
Rates: $55/volume indiv ($88 institutional) plus $24 air mail postage
Contacts: order with check or money order to -
            Hemisphere Publishing Corporation, Journals Dept., 79 Madison Ave.
            New York, New York 10016
Information: Elizabeth D'Costa, Circulation Mgr. (212) 725-1999

Aims and Scope: Applied Artificial Intelligence is intended to help
exchange information about advances and experiences in this field among
AI researchers.  Furthermore, it will aid decision makers in industry and
management to understand the accomplishments and limitations of the
state-of-the-art of artificial intelligence.
   Research to be presented will focus on methodology, time-schedules,
problems, work force strength, new tools, transfer of theoretical
accomplishements to application problems, information exchange among
concerned AI researchers and decision makers about the potential impact
of their work on their decisions.