[mod.ai] Hangman

moorthy@RPICS.CSNET (Moorthy) (01/30/86)

We have developed a computer program to play hangman by itself. Here
the computer both guesses a word and tries to find what the guessed
word is. This program is a variation of hangman available under unix
4.2. The program to guess the words is partly rule based (these rules
are obtained by talking to an "expert") and partly searches the
dictionary judiciously. The programs are written in C and uses system
calls to AWK for searching various subsets of dictionary. We have
tested the program fairly exhaustively and it plays reasonably well.
If anyone is interested in knowing more about the program, you could
contact moorthy@rpics. The developers of this program are Patrick
Harubin, a junior in Computer Science at R.P.I and myself.

                      Department of Computer Science
                      R.P.I., Troy NY 12181.