Laws@SRI-AI.ARPA (Ken Laws) (02/03/86)
I have begun forwarding individual messages to at the request of Eric Fair, the Berkeley postmaster who gateways AIList to UUCP. The undigested format integrates better with other UUCP lists, and is probably favored by most Usenet readers. Note, however, that you will no longer be getting the Today's Topics header. Neither will contain a complete record of the Arpanet digest form since I am not sending messages back to By reading both and, however, you will be getting somewhat more material than appears in the Arpanet version of AIList. -- Ken Laws -------
ailist@ucbvax.UUCP (02/05/86)
From: decwrl!dec-rhea!dec-logic! (Karl Puder) I agree that most readers of USENET prefer the undigested format, but the messages have lost their author information (except for those individuals who terminate their communications with a signature). All messages appear to come from ...!ucbvax!ailist. Would it be possible to include the mail from-line in the message? :Karl. P.S. Since I am inside DEC, it may be the case that you already include the above mentioned from-line, since our internal forwarding of USENET (via mail) strips off "uninteresting" header lines. If this is the case, inserting a blank line before the mail from-line should preserve it. [The substitution of the Sender: for the From: line is occurring somewhere after message leave the gateway. Eric Fair and others are looking into it. -- KIL]