[mod.ai] Seminar - Intuitionistic Logic Programming Language

Theona.Stefanis@A.CS.CMU.EDU (02/05/86)

From: Theona Stefanis@A.CS.CMU.EDU

			  Dale Miller
	    CIS Department, University of Pennsylvania
Date:  Thursday February 13
Time:  3 pm
Place:  4605 Wean Hall
A Logic Programming Language Based on Intuitionistic Higher-Order Logic.
Dale Miller
CIS Department, University of Pennsylvania
In this talk, we present a programming language whose operational
semantics can be understood as searching for proofs with in a subset of
intuitionistic higher-order logic.  Kripke-models over a universe of
higher-order terms provide a model theoretic semantics for our
programs.  Such models can be computed as least fix points.  This logical
language is a natural extension to Horn clause logic and the
programming language based on it has many features not available in
simple Horn clause based programming languages.  In particular, this
programming language can manipulate higher-order functions in a manner
similar to many functional programming languages.  An interesting notion
of parametric modules is also available by virtue of the behavior of
implication within an intuitionistic logic.  An interpreter for this
language must perform unification of higher-order terms.  If time
permits, we illustrate how this feature makes possible the very clean
implementation of certain kinds of program transformation algorithms.