[mod.ai] J. of AI, Cognitive Science and Applied Epistemology

LIBRARY@SU-SCORE.ARPA (C.S./Math Library) (02/07/86)

From: C.S./Math Library <LIBRARY@SU-SCORE.ARPA>

         [Forwarded from the Stanford bboard by Laws@SRI-AI.]

I received a message a while ago about the introduction of a new journal
titled Journal for the Integrated Study of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive
Science and Applied Epistemology from Ghent, Belgium.  However I have not
been able to verify that such a journal has been published or is being
planned.  Does anyone have more information about it?  

Harry Llull

ailist@ucbvax.UUCP (02/11/86)

From: sdcsvax!sdcrdcf!ucla-cs!koen@ucbvax.berkeley.edu (     Koenraad Lecot)

The journal had a couple of issues last year. Papers cover a wide variety
of topics within AI. Not too technical stuff. Have not received any issues
this year yet.

 -- Koenraad Lecot