[mod.ai] a cuppla ai koans

trainor@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU ("Douglas J. Trainor") (02/13/86)

From:           "Douglas J. Trainor" <trainor@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU>

from <colonel%buffalo.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA>

One day SIMON was going to the cafeteria when he met WEIZENBAUM, who
said: "I have a problem for you to solve." SIMON replied, "tell me more
about your problem," and walked on.


from <Kelley.pa@Xerox.COM>

How long would a simulation of its own lifetime survive?

What is the rate of change of all metaphors for the viability of that rate?


someone resent me Gabriel's old '83 koan <robins@usc-isib>:

A famous Lisp Hacker noticed an Undergraduate sitting in front of a
Xerox 1108, trying to edit a complex Klone network via a browser.
Wanting to help, the Hacker clicked one of the nodes in the network
with the mouse, and asked "what do you see?"  Very earnesty, the
Undergraduate replied "I see a cursor." The Hacker then quickly pressed
the boot toggle at the back of the keyboard, while simultaneously
hitting the Undergraduate over the head with a thick Interlisp Manual.
The Undergraduate was then Enlightened.