[mod.ai] Conference - Symbolics National Users Group Meeting

grover@AIDS-UNIX (Mark Grover) (02/20/86)

Return-Path: <grover@aids-unix>

[Submitted to AILIST because: 1) it is an initial announcement. Followup will
take place via the address provided. 2) Symbolics computers are a major tool
of AI researchers. 3) The majority of work on Symbolics computers is related
to AI. 4) Users are widespread: well over 100 sites and 1500 machines.]

                 Are you getting bored with TV:MENU-CHOOSE?
                    Do you know your FOSS from your CSE?
                Are you ready for Release 7 and Common Lisp?
             No matter what your answers, you are invited to the
                   		Second Annual
                        Georgetown University Campus
                               Washington, DC
                               June 2-6, 1986
                  (organized by the Capital Area SLUG)
        Speakers        Poster Sessions         War Stories
        Panels          Discussions             Tutorials
        Debates         Wizards                 BOFs

The SLUG National Board has approved plans from the Capital Area SLUG to hold
a five-day National Symposium (SNUG86).  This year's Symposium will consist
of three days of meetings, preceeded by two days of special Symbolics
Educational Services Tutorials at a small additional cost per session.
Planning is well underway to build on the experience of last year's National
SLUG Symposium in San Francisco. This year we hope for an even more exciting
gathering at the beautiful Georgetown University campus on the Potomac River
to discuss, debate and learn the best in Lisp Machine techniques.

                             This year's theme:
                   "Programming in Style on the Symbolics"

The goal of this year's Symposium is to make explicit the experience of
long-time users in terms of programming style. There are so many ways of
achieving a particular function, but which are the most efficient, elegant
and consistent? This Symposium is a means to share such important
information, where common needs and individual problems can be addressed.

Registration costs (separate from tutorials) will be considerably less than
comparable meetings. Inexpensive campus housing will be available.  A
detailed announcement will be forthcoming.


It is essential that the Symposium planning committee hear from you in order
to gauge interest.  To receive future announcements, you must fill in a
response form BY MARCH 28 to the mailing address below.
We also also invite program suggestions.  Please address program-related
correspondence to ATTN: Programs, or via ARPAnet mail to the Program Chair,
Mark Grover (Advanced Decision Systems), at GROVER@AIDS-UNIX.ARPA (or
Grover@AIDS-DC.Dialnet.Symbolics.COM). This address is for technical program
session proposals only!  Questions regarding registration, facilities and
exhibits should be directed to address and phone below.

			     Planned Activities

Monday and Tuesday: Tutorials taught by Symbolics personnel to include
Introduction to Lisp Machine Programming, Site Maintenance, Common Lisp and
advanced topics. Tuesday evening: Third Party Vendor Hospitality suites.

Wednesday: Keynote presentations, concentrating on Release 7 and SLUG
activities such as the national library.

Thursday and Friday: program sessions to include Windows and Processes;
Flavors; Of Mice and Menus; Large Scale Data Management; Networking; File
Storage for Lisp Objects; Group Programming Etiquette; Security; and
Personalizing Your Environment.  Many other topics are under consideration.
Please make additional suggestions of session proposals on the form below.

Poster sessions will be held in parallel with the program sessions.  A poster
session allows a user to display charts and code on a fixed display in shared
quarters while interested attendees are free to move about, listen to and
discuss these informal talks.  Further, there will be free time for Birds of
a Feather (BOF) gatherings.  We hope to provide some Lisp Machine time for
these sessions.

This is a USER-oriented meeting.  The informal availability of Symbolics
"wizards" was a significant attraction of last year's Symposium which will be

			     Conference Location

Located near the Potomac River and Rock Creek Park, the Georgetown area of
Washington DC is well-known for its many shops and restaurants.  Georgetown
University provides excellent meeting facilities and inexpensive
accommodations. The many monuments and museums of Washington are within short
rides via bus or metro.

	 (Mail this form to the address below. No ARPA mail please).

	Ms. Annmarie Pittman
	655 15th Street NW #300
	Washington, DC 20005
	(202) 639-4228

First Name:		Last Name:
City:			State:		Zip Code:

_____ Please add me to the mailing list.

_____ I plan to attend SNUG86.

_____ I would be interested in attending Symbolics Education Services
	one-day tutorials on the subjects(s):

_____ I would like to propose sessions on the subject(s):

_____ I would be interested in giving a poster session on the topic:

_____ My company is interested in exhibiting at the conference. Please
	send exhibit materials.