[mod.ai] Seminar - Learnability and the Vapnik-Chervonenkis Dimension



          [Excerpted from the IBM Calendar by Laws@SRI-AI.]

                IBM Almaden Research Center
                       650 Harry Road
                  San Jose, CA 95120-6099

Science         D. Haussler, Department of Mathematics and
Seminar         Computer Science, University of Denver

Fri., Feb. 28   The current emphasis on knowledge-based software has
11: 00 A.M.     created a broader interest in algorithms that learn
B1-413          knowledge structures or concepts from positive and
                negative examples.  Using the learning model recently
                proposed by Valiant, we have attempted to determine
                which classes of concepts have efficient (i.e.,
                polynomial time) learning algorithms.  As noticed
                earlier by Pearl and by Devroye and Wagner, a simple
                combinatorial property of concept classes, the
                Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension, plays an important
                role in learning and pattern recognition.  We clarify
                the relationship between this property and Valiant's
                theory of learnability.  Our results lead to the design
                of efficient learning algorithms that employ a
                variant of Occam's Razor.  Illustrations are given
                for certain classes of conjunctive concepts and for
                concepts that are defined by various types of regions
                in feature space.  The work reported was done jointly
                with Anselm Blumer, Andrzej Ehrenfeucht and
                Manfred Warmuth of the Universities of Denver,
                Colorado and California at Santa Cruz, respectively.
                Host:  B. Simons