[mod.ai] Seminar - Automatic Proof of Godel's Theorem

roseh@RATLIFF.UTEXAS.EDU (Rose M. Herring) (02/28/86)

                      University of Texas
                  Computer Sciences Department


SPEAKER:                N. Shankar
                                University of Texas at Austin

TITLE:          Checking  the  Proof  of  Godel's  Incompleteness
                  Theorem with the Boyer-Moore Theorem Prover

DATE:           Thursday, March 6, 1986
PLACE:          WEL 3.502
TIME:           4:00-5:30 p.m.

        There is a widespread belief that computer proof-checking
of  significant mathematics is infeasible.  We argue against this
by presenting a machine-checked proof of  Godel's  incompleteness
theorem, one of the greatest landmarks of mathematics.  The proof
of this theorem was checked in  a  constructive  logic  with  the
Boyer-Moore theorem prover.  The proof demonstrates the essential
incompleteness of Cohen's axioms for  hereditarily  finite  sets.
This  was done by first formalizing a proof-checker for this log-
ic, extending it with derived inference rules, demonstrating  the
representability  of  a Lisp Eval function by a predicate in this
logic, and then constructing an undecidable sentence.  The state-
ment of the incompleteness theorem as proved, asserts that if the
undecidable sentence is either provable or disprovable,  then  it
is  both provable and disprovable.  This shows that the above ax-
iom system is either incomplete or inconsistent.