[mod.ai] Searching for comments on expert system shell software...

mayerk%UPenn-GradEd%upenn.CSNET@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA (03/04/86)

I'm currently putting together an introductory course
on expert systems here at Penn, and I'm in need of
sage advice.  Part of the course will involve using
some expert system shell for homework assignments.
The assignments will involve:  Forward and backward
chaining, frames, CFs, contexts (maybe), and a final
project that will be a small prototypical system from
a selected list of subjects.

I've plowed through some of the hype from various
vendors, but I'd like more information from people
who have either used them, or used others that are
personal favorites.

If anyone is interested, I'll send out an appendix
of all of the responses I get.

Here is an uncut list from a database that I'm compiling:

Vendor Name					Product Name
________________________________________        __________________
Expert Systems International, Ltd.		ES/P  Advisor
ExperTelligence, Inc.				ExperFacts
Exsys, Inc.					Exsys Version 3.0
Human Edge					Expert Ease
						Expert Edge
Intelliware, Inc.				Experteach
Jeffrey Perrone & Associates, Inc.		Advisor
						Expert Ease
KDS Corporation					KDS
Lithp Systems BV				Daisy
Micro Data Base Systems/Marketing & Sales	Guru
Radian Corporation				RuleMaster
Silogic, Inc.					The Knowledge Work Bench
Software Architecture and Engineering, Inc.	KES II
Texas Instruments				Arborist
						TI Personal Consultant

You'll have to excuse me if the list seems a little "raw,"
but I thought that it unfair to omit anything until I hear
a little more.  (Most of the above are unsuitable for my
needs, but in the interests of a wider community, comments
might be valuable.)

Send responses to:

mayerk%UPenn-Graded			Kenneth Mayer
					University of Pennsylvania
					(215) 387-4751