Here is the file of ambiguous sentences. I have responded to the responants with this file. If you want to post any or all of it, be my guest. From: BATES@G.BBN.COM The all-time classic is "Time flies like an arrow", which has at least 5 ambiguous interpretations if you allow it to be the first part of an unfinished sentence (which is how a parser would have to consider it) as well as a complete sentence. The interps are: 1. The cliche we all understand the sentence to mean. 2. An imperative, as in "Take this stopwatch and time these flies the same way you would time an arrow in flight." 3. An imperative, as in "Take this stopwatch and time these flies the same way an arrow would time the flies if an arrow could use a stopwatch" 4. "Time flies (which are like Horse Flies or Bluebottle Flies) are fond of an arrow" 5. "Time flies (as above), in a manner similar to an arrow, ..." (The end of the sentence could be something like "move through the air rapidly") There may even be another interp in there somewhere, but that's what I remember for now. If you get other sentences that are that heavily ambiguous, I would very much appreciate seeing a list of them. Thanks, Lyn Bates BATES@BBNG.ARPA From: Subject: multiple ambiguity John made Jim die by swallowing his tongue. E.g., John forced Jim's tongue down Jim's throat. John ate Jim's tongue (the rudest version). John swallowed his own tongue and Jim died laughing. John ate the cow's tongue that Jim had tainted with hot peppers so Jim died laughing. It was on John's plate. <Same>, but it was on Jim's plate. The tongue belongs to some third person (referent of "his"). From: FRAMPTON%northeastern.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA The following is only four ways ambiguous, but the ambiguity is purely syntatic and the sentence isn't overly contrived. It is a good test of a syntatic parser. "I sent the man who is too stubborn to talk to Jack." The four readings can be deduced from: (1) I sent X to Jack (2) I sent X (3) I sent X to talk to Jack (4) I sent X Jack (dative shift) Please either post the results of your inquiry on the AILIST or csnet-mail the results to me. I'm quite curious. From: Stephen G. Rowley <SGR@SCRC-STONY-BROOK.ARPA> One classic example is the phrase "pretty little girls school". One source of ambiguity is "pretty", which could mean either "beautiful" or "moderately". However, most of the ambiguity comes from binding powers, i.e., where you attach the adjectives. J. C. Brown, in his work on Loglan, gives 17 meanings. Here they are, always interpreting "pretty" as "beautiful". P = pretty; L = little; G = Girls; S = school. The problem is how to insert parentheses into P L G S. (Actually, it's more complex than that, since you can put in a connective between adjectives to effectively make a compound sentence; see [5ff]. Also, the some adjectives can be present in both components of the compound; see [9ff].) Binding Meaning ======= ======= [1] (((P L) G) S) A school for girls who are small; the smallness of the girls is beautiful. [This is purely left-associative.] [2] (P ((L G) S)) A school for girls who are small; the speaker's opinion is that such schools are beautiful. [Cf. [15].] [3] ((P L) (G S)) A school for girls; the school is small and the smallness is beautiful. [4] (P (L (G S))) A school for girls; the school is small; the speaker's opinion is that such schools are beautiful. [This is purely right-associative.] [5] ((P G) S) & ((L G) S) A school for girls who are both beautiful and small. [Both components left-associate. G is duplicated.] [6] (P (G S)) & ((L G) S) A school for girls; the school is pretty; the girls are small. [First component right-associates, second component left-associates. G is duplicated.] [7] ((P G) S) & (L (G S)) A school for pretty girls; the school is also small. [First componentleft-associates, second component right-associates. G is duplicated.] [8] (P (G S)) & (L (G S)) A school for girls; the school is both pretty and small. [Both components right-associate. G is duplicated.] [9] ((P L) S) & ((P G) S) A beautifully small school for beautiful girls. [Note duplication of P; both components left-associate.] [10] (P (L S)) & ((P G) S) A small school which is thought to be pretty; also it's for pretty girls. [P duplicated; association is right/left.] [11] ((P L) S) & (P (G S)) A school which is small and whose smallness the speaker considers beautiful; also a school for girls which is itself pretty. [P duplicated; association is left/right.] [12] (P (L S)) & (P (G S)) A small school which is pretty; also a school for girls which is pretty. [P duplicated; both components right-associate.] [13] ((P L) S) & (G S) A school which is small and the speaker considers that smallness to be beautiful; also it's a school for girls. [14] (P (L S)) & (G S) A small school which is beautiful and which is a school for girls. [15] (P S) & ((L G) S) A beautiful school which is for small girls. [Unlike [2], the beauty of the school is independent of L & G.] [16] (P S) & (L (G S)) A pretty school which is for girls and small as girls schools go. [17] (P S) & (L S) & (G S) A school which enjoys all 3 properties of being beautiful, small, and for girls. [There's another set of 4 sentences that Brown didn't exhibit in his book. They're of the same class as [5-8] and [9-12], but duplicate L instead of P or G: [18] ((P L) S) & ((L G) S) [19] (P (L S)) & ((L G) S) [20] ((P L) S) & (L (G S)) [21] (P (L S)) & (L (G S)) That brings the total to 21. However, since we're both getting bored with this by now, and you've undoubtedly gotten the point, we won't analyze them!] One of Brown's points in Loglan was that, in order to be unambiguous, the language needs pronounceable parentheses and connectives so that the groupings above become apparent. Each of the 17 (or 21) above meanings has a separate pronounciation in Loglan; you're not allowed to be vague about binding of adjectives. (The default is left-associativity.) One might object that I've left out cues to understanding, such as punctuation (commas and apostrophes) and tone of voice. That's true; many cues to understanding sentences like these come from lexical or prosodic factors like that. However, tone of voice gets lost in writing and punctuation is lost in speaking (at least partially; consider "girls" vs "girl's"). Therefore, coping without some of these cues is still a valid problem. From: mab@aids-unix (Mike Brzustowicz) My favorite is "The technician made the robot fast." -Mike Brzustowicz <mab@aids-unix> From: William Dowling <Dowling%upenn.csnet@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA> Re the recently posted question seeking multiply ambiguous sentences: the easiest way to make multiply ambiguous sentences or phrases is to exploit the tree inequality X(YZ) <> (XY)Z. For example "a book and a stapler or some tape" is doubly ambiguous, and "a book and a stapler or some tape and a newspaper" is 5-ways ambiguous. The same trick makes "the man with a hat and a monkey in pajamas" heavily ambiguous. Of course if n1 and n2 are noun phrases k1- and k2-ways ambiguous then "<n1> is no <n2>" is a sentence that is k1.k2-ways ambiguous. Bob Wall once told me that an early automatic translation program picked up many of the readings of "Applicants who apply for licenses wearing shorts From: Walter Hamscher <hamscher@MIT-HTVAX.ARPA> There's always the old standby "I saw the man on the hill with the telescope." This is used in Winston's textbook. I count six meanings. From: John DeCarlo <> My favorite is: "Mary had a little lamb." It supposedly has at least a dozen meanings, most of which I can't think of off the top of my head, but I know it is in at least one of my textbooks. Mary owned some meat from a young sheep ate an actual live animal had intercourse with was accompanied by ... John DeCarlo <>
ice@TRWRBA.UUCP (03/05/86)
I'm not sure that this is precisely what you are looking for, but I remember a sentence whose meaning changes slightly when different words are stressed: I never said he stole that money. I NEVER said he stole that money. I never SAID he stole that money. I never said HE stole that money. I never said he STOLE that money. I never said he stole THAT money. I never said he stole that MONEY. --Doug Ice.
One of my favorites, which I seem to remember first reading in the instructions for solving the Atlantic magazine puzzle is: "I fancy you have one." which has more meanings when spoken than when written. Art Medlar <art@think> Thinking Machines Corporation ("A. N. Walker") (03/12/86)
English is supposed to be right associative, so "pretty little girls school" is (relatively) unambiguously a pretty schoolette for girls. Similarly, "second hand book shop" should probably be as opposed to a third automatic drug store. The other possible associations should be obtained by hyphenation or concatenation, as "second handbook shop", "second-hand book shop" or [the usual meaning] "secondhand-book shop". Sadly, English has no good way of writing a third-level bracket, so more complicated examples can be very hard to write down. Andy Walker, Maths Dept, Nottingham Univ., UK.