Can anyone electronic-mail me the source of "Doctor and Eliza" written in Common LISP to run on a VAX/VMS-system? My plan is to connect that program to a server in order to make an 'intelligent' secretary. It (she) should respond to (remote) users who try to contact me through the EARN-network when I am not at the office. That makes a 'world-wide' test-setup to improve the program by analyzing the log-files. Anybody done things like this? Any comments, hints? ad-thank-vance, Tel. 08370- .KeesdeGroot (DEGROOT@HWALHW5.BITNET) o\/o THERE AINT NO (8)3557 Agricultural University, Computer-centre [] SUCH THING AS Wageningen, the Netherlands .==. A FREE LUNCH! DISCLAIMER: My opinions are my own alone and do not represent any official position by my employer.