[mod.ai] Conference - Temporal Aspects in Information Systems

lougiea@crl.tek.CSNET (Lougie Anderson) (06/09/86)

                  Conference Announcement


                  Sophia-Antopolis, France
                      May 13-15, 1987

Temporal Aspects in Information Systems:  A working  confer-
ence  by IFIP Technical Committee TC 8 "Information Systems"
in cooperation with AFCET, the French Computer  Science  and
Information Society.


Recent developments  in  the  area  of  information  systems
emphasize  the role played by time.  Research in information
systems design has pointed to the need for a realistic world
model  which  includes representations not only for snapshot
descriptions of the real world, but also for  histories,  on
the   evolution  of  such  descriptions  over  time.   These
developments still suffer from a lack of concepts, languages
and  theoretical foundations dealing with the design of tem-
poral and behavioral aspects of informations systems.  More-
over,  temporal correctness criteria and analysis are neces-
sary.  In addition the management of  computerized  informa-
tion  systems requires new mechanisms to allow the implemen-
tation and the handling of these elements.   Papers  can  be
submitted on the following items.


Theoretical and Modeling Aspects of the  Time  Dimension  of
Information:  Time theory, temporal logic, causality theory,
linguistic and philosophic approaches of time.  Time  model-
ing,  behavioral  modeling,  languages for specification and
query, temporal/causal dependencies  and  constraints,  tem-
poral consistency checking.

Time and Behavior  Implementation  and  Handling:   Temporal
dimension of databases, historical databases implementation,
user interface for historical databases, snapshots, time and
behavior  handling  in  computerized systems, time and event
mechanisms,  management  of  multiple  versions,  data  time
versus  transaction  time,  concurrency  and synchronization

Applications with a Temporal Dimension:   Time  in  decision
support  systems  for  prediction  and planning achievement,
time dimension in CAD and CAM systems, in large  statistical
data  bases,  in large socio-economic data bases, in medical
systems, and real-time systems.


Francois Bodart
Institute Notre-Dame de la Paix
21, rue Grangagnage
500 Namur, Belgium


Colette Rolland
Universite Paris I
12, place du Pantheon
75231 Paris Cedex, France


Michel Leonard
Centre Universitaire d'Informatique
Universite de Geneve
24, rue du General-Dufour
1211 Geneve 4, Switzerland

M. Adiba, IMAG, France
J. Allen, University of Rochester, USA
L. Anderson, Tektronix, USA
V. de Antonellis, University of Milano, Italy
G. Ariav, Tel Aviv University, Israel
F. Bodart, Institut Notre-Dame de la Paix, Belgium
J. Bubenko, University of Stockholm, Sweden
J. Clifford, New York University, USA
A. Furtado, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
M. Jarke, University of Frankfurt, Germany
M. Leonard, University of Geneva, Switzerland
S. Navathe, University of Florida, USA
P. Nobecourt, University Paris I, France
A. Olive, University of Barcelona, Spain
B. Pernici, Milano Polytechnic School, Italy
U. Schiel, Federal University of Paraiba, Brazil
A. Sernadas, University of Lisbon, Portugal


Original papers in English of up to 5,000 words  are  sought
on  topics  included  in,  but  not limited to, the proposed
list.  Papers should be recieved before October  1st,  1986.
Authors should submit four copies of the full paper to:

                   TAIS, Conference
                   156, boulevard Pereire
                   75017 Paris, France


Papers due:                   October 1, 1986
Acceptance notification:      December 15, 1986
Final copy due:               February 15, 1987
Conference:                   May 13-15, 1987