E1AR0002@SMUVM1.BITNET (06/10/86)
%A William R. Arnold %A John S. Bowie %T Artificial Intelligence: A Personal Commonsense Journey %I Prentice Hall %D 1986 %K AT15 %X 24.95, ISBN 0-13-148877-1 219 pages %A Luc Steels %A John A. Campbell %T Progress in Artificial Intelligence %D 1985 %K AT15 %A Rodney A. Brooks %T Programming in Common Lisp %I John Wiley and Sons %D 1985 %K AT15 T01 %X ISBN 0-471-818888-7 %A Ajit Narayanan %A Noel E. Sharkey %T An Introduction to Lisp %I Chichester: Ellis Horwood %D 1985 %K AT15 T01 %X ISBN 0-470-20244-0 paperback %A Alain Bonet %T Artificial Intelligence: Promise and Performance %I Prentice-Hall %D 1985 %K AT15 %X 221 pages ISBN 0-13-048869-0 %A Wendy B. Rauch-Hindin %T Artificial Intelligence in Business, Science and Industry, Volume I: Fundamentals %I Prentice-Hall %D 1985 %X 331 pages ISBN-0-134-048893-3 $34.95 %A Wendy B. Rauch-Hindin %T Artificial Intelligence in Business, Science and Industry, Volume II: Applications %I Prentice-Hall %D 1986 %X 348 pages ISBN-0-134-048901-3 $34.95 %A Tim Johnson %T Natural Language Computing: The Commercial Applications %I Ovum Limited %C London %K AI02 AT04 %A B. K. Boguraev %A K. S. Jones %T A Framework for Inference in Natural Language Front Ends to Databases %I University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory %R Report No. 64 %D 1985 %K AI02 AA09 %A F. J. Damerau %T An Interactive Customization Program for a Natural Language Database Query System %I IBM Research Division %R Report No. 10411 %D 1984 %K AI02 AA09 %A F. J. Damerau %T Problems and Some Solutions in Customization of Natural Language Data Base Front Ends %I IBM Research Divison %D 1984 %R Report No. 10872 %K AI02 AA09 %A H. Enomoto %T TELL: a Natural Language Based Software Development System %I Institute for New Generation Computer Technology %D 1984 %R Report No. 67 %K AI02 %A R. E. Frederking %T Syntax and Semantics in Natural Language Parsers %I Carnegie-Melon University, Department of Computer Science %R Report No. 85-133 %D 1985 %K AI02 %A P. S. Jacobs %T PHRED: A Generator for Natural Language Interfaces %I University of California, Berkeley Computer Science Division %R Report No. 85-198 %D 1985 %K AI02 %A D. E. Johnson %T Design of a Robust, Portable Natural Language Interface Grammar %I IBM Research Division %R Report No. 10867 %D 1984 %K AI02 %A J. K. Kalita %T Generating Summary Responses to Natural Language Database %I University of Saskatchewan %R Report No. 84-9 %D 1984 %K AI02 AA09 %A E. Mays %T A Modal Temporal Logic for Reasoning About Changing Database with Applications to Natural Language Question Answering %I University of Pennsylvania, Moore School of Electrical Engineering. Department of Computer Science %D 1985 %R Report No. 85-01 %K AI02 AI10 AA09 %A B. Neuamnn %T Natural Language Descriptions of Time-Varying Scenes %I Universitaet Hamburg. Fachbereich Informatik %R Report No. 105 %D 1984 %K AI02 AI06 %A E. Orlowska %T The Montague Formalization of Natural Language %I Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Computer Sciences %R Report No. 548 %D 1984 %K AI02 %A S. R. Petrick %T Natural Language Database Query Systems %I IBM Research Division %R Report No. 10508 %D 1984 %K AI02 %A P. Saint-Dizier %T An Approach to Natural Language Semantics in Logic Programming %I Institute National de Recherce en Informatique et en Automatique %R Report No. 389 %K AI02 AI10 $A L. F. Rau %T The Understanding and Generation of Ellipses in a Natural Language Systems. %I University of California Berkeley. Computer Science Division %D 1984 %R Report No. 85-227 %K AI02 %T Dynamic Computer Simulation of Multiple Closed-Chain Robotic Mechanisms %A Se-Young Oh %A David E. Orin %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %T On Dynamic Models of Robot Force Control %A Steven D. Eppinger %A Warren P. Seering %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %T Arm Signature Identification %A Henry W. Stone %A Arthur C. Sanderson %A Charles P. Neuman %T The Effects of Dynamic Models on Robot Control %A M B. Leahy Jr %A K. P. Valavanis %A G. N. Saridi %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %T Experimental Determination of the Effect of Feedforward Control on Trajectory Tracking Errors %A Chae H. An %A Christopher G. Atkeson %A John M. Hollerbach %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %T Low Level Control for the Utah/MIT Dextrous Hand %A K. B. Biggers %A S. C. Jacobsen %A G. E. Gerpheide %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %T Hybrid Position/Force Control of Multi-Arm Cooperating Robots %A Sama Hayati %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %T Solving a Two Dimensional Path Planning Problem Using Topographical Knowledge of the Environment and Capability Constraints %A R. F. Richbourg %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %T Implementing a Force Strategy for Object Re-orientation %A Ronald S. Fearing %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %T On-Line Pathfinding in Multi-Robot Systems including Obstacles - %A E. Freund %A H. Hoyer %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %T Video Image Stereo Matching Using Phase-Locked Techniques %A W. Thomas Miller III %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AI06 %T An Approach to 3-D Object Identification Using Range Images %A David B. Shu %A C. C. Li %A Y. N. Sun %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AI06 %T Sensing and Describing 3-D Structure %A Peter K. Allen %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AI06 %T A New Decomposition for Three-Dimensional Contours Based on Curvature and Torsion %A N. Kehtarnavaz %A R. J. P.de Figueiredo %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AI06 %T Soft Configuration in Automated Insertion %A C. B. Lofgren %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA26 AA04 %T Part Dispatch in Multistage Card Lines %A Ram Akella %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %T Throughput Maximization in Short Cycle Automated Manufacturing %A M. H. Han %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %T Job Scheduling Model for a Flexible Manufacturing Machine %A C. S. Tang %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %T Graphical Simulation and Automatic Verification of NC Maching Programs %A U. Sungurtekin %A H. B. Voecker %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %T Real-time Verification of Multi-Axis NC Machining Programs with Raster Graphics %A W. P. Wang %A K. K. Wang %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %T Real-time Error Compensation System for A Computerized Numerical Control Turning Center %A Alkan Donmez %A Kang Lee %A C. Richard Liu %A Moshe M. Barash %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %T Adaptive Control of Robot Manipulators - A Review %A T. C. Hsia %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %T Automatic Generation of the Dynamic Equations of the Robot Manipulators using a Lisp Program %A Albert Izaguirre %A Richard Paul %B BOOK28 %K AI07 T01 %A M. A. Peskin %A A. C. Sanderson %T Manipulation of a Sliding Object %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Rajko Tomovic %A George A. Bekey %T Robot Control by Reflex Actions %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A M. Togai %A O. Yamano %T Learning Control and its Optimality: Analysis and its Applications to Controlling Industrial Robots %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AI04 %A Ataru Nakamura %A Kang G. Shin %A Neil D. McKay %T Automatic Generation of Trajectory Planners for Industrial Robots %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A G. N. Saridis %A K. P. Valavahnis %T Mathematical Formulation of the Organization Level of an Intelligent Machine %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Morikazu Takegaki %A Tadashi Ohi %T An Advanced Design Support System for Intelligent Robots %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Ricard Cassinis %T Automatic Resource Allocation in Industrial Multirobot Systems %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Michael J. Swain %A Joseph L. Mundy %T Experiments in Using a Theorem Prover to Prove and Develop Geometrical Theorems in Computer Vision %B BOOK28 %K AI06 AI11 AA13 AI14 %A W. Eric L. Grimson %T Disambiguating Sensory Interpretations Using Minimal Sets of Sensory Data %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A H. S Yang %A A. C. Kak %T Determination of the Identity, Position and Orientation of the Topmost Object in a Pile %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A Judith F. Silverman %A David B. Cooper %T Unsupervised Estimation of Polynomial Approximations to Smooth Surfaces in Images or Range Data %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A P. J. Englert %A P. K. Wright %T Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Design of Fixtures for Automated Manufacturing %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %A Patrick Fitzhorn %A Wade O. Troxell %T A Dynamic Approach to the Robotic Design Cycle %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A M. Dado %A A. H. Soni %T A Generalized Approach for Forward and Inverse Dynamics of Elastic Manipulators %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A R. Marino %A S. Nicosia %A A. Tornambe %T Dynamic Modelling of Flexible Robot Manipulators %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Gregory P. Starr %T Edge Following with a PUMA 560 Manipulator Using VAL-II %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A M. Silva %A L. Montano %A P. Pardos %T Terminal Controllers for Robots: Shooting and Optimal Control %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Christopher Clark %A Lawrence Stark %T Cooperative Robot Control %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Gerhard Hirzing %A J. Dietrich %T Multisensory Robots and Sensorbased Path Generators %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AI06 %A E. G. Harokops %T Optimal Learning Control of Mechanical Manipulators in Repetitive Motions %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AI04 %A John Wen %A Alan Desrochers %T Sub-Time-Optimal Control Strategies for Robotic Manipulators %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A M. B. Leahy %A George N. Saridis %T The RAL Hierarchical Control System %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Kang G. Shin %A Neil D. McKay %T Minimum Time Trajectory Planning for Industrial Robots with General Torque Constraints %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A H. Kazerooni %A P. E. K. Houpt %A T. B. Sheridan %T Robust Compliant Motion for Manipulators, Part I: The Fundamental Concept of Compliant Motion; Part II: Design Methods %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Mary M. Moya %A William M. Davidson %T Sensor Driven Factor Tolerant Control of a Maintenance Robot %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Richard J. Grommes %A Michael P. Hennessey %A Warren J. Dick %T Adaptive Intervehicle Positioning for Robotic Material Transfer %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A S. Thunborg %T A Remote Maintenance Robot System for a Pulsed Nuclear Reactor %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Nobuyoshi Yokobori %A Pen-shu Yeh %A Azriel Rosenfield %T Sub-Pixel Geometric Correction of Pictures by Calibration and Decalibration %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A Ichiro Masaki %T Modular Multi-Resolution Vision Processor %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A Ronald Lumia %T Rapid Hidden Feature Elimination Using an Octree %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A Nien-hu Chao %A E. N. Schiebel %T Inspection Assistant - A Knowledge-Based System for Piece Part Inspection %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A Agostino Pl. M. Villa %A Roberto Mosca %A Giuseppe Murari %T Expert Control Theory: A Key for Solving Production Planning Control Problem in Flexible Manufacturing %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %A R. Ippolito %A S. Rosseto %A M. Vallauri %A A. P. M. Villa %T The Emergence of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Manufacturing %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %A Caludio Boer %T Expert Control System Requirements for Manufacturing Process Control %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %A Cynthia K. Whitney %T Building "Expert Systems" When No Experts Exist %B BOOK28 %K AA26 AI01 %A Alan A. Desrochers %A Christopher M. Seaman %T A Projection Method for Simplifying Robot Manipulator Models %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Brian Armstrong %A Oussama Khatib %A Joel Burdick %T The Explicit Dynamic Model and Intertial Parameters of the PUMA 560 ARM %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A M. B. Leahy Jr., %A L. M. Nugent %A K. P. Valavanis %A G. N. Saridis %T Efficient Dynamics for a PUMA 600 %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A R. B. Kelley %T Vertical Integration for Robot Assembly Cells %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A S. A. Cameron %A R. K. Culley %T Determining the Minimum Translational Distance Between Two Convex Polyhedra %B BOOK28 %K AI07 O06 %A Walter Meyer %T Distance Between Boxes: Applications to Collision Detection and Clipping %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A R. Alami %A H. Chochon %T NNS, a Knowledge-Based On-Line System for an Assembly WorkCell %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A A. Rovetta %A G. Frosi %T Logical Structure for Assembly with Robot %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A J. R. Stenstrom %A C. I. Connolly %T Building Wire Frames from Multiple Range Views %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AI06 %A X. Zhuang %A T. S. Huang %T From Two-View Motion Equations to Three-Dimensional Motion Parameters and Surface Structure: A Direct and Stable Algorithm %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Giulio Sanino %A Massimo Tistarelli %T Analysis of Object Motion and Camera Motion in Real Scenes %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A J. Amat %A A. Casals %A V. Llario %T Improving Accuracy and Resolution of a Motion Stereo Vision System %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A B. Chernuschi-Frias %A D. B. Cooper %A P. N. Belhumeur %T 3-D Object Position Estimation and Recognitions Based on Parameterized Surfaces and Multiple Views %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A G. M. Acaccia %A R. C. Michelini %A R. M. Molfiono %A P. A. Piaggio %T X-SIFIP: A Knowledge-based Special Purpose Simulator for the Development of Flexible Manufacturing Cells %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %A Andrew Kusiak %T FMS Scheduling: A Crucial Tool in an Expert Control Structure for Production Planning %B BOOK28 %K AA26 AI01 %A Jon D. Erickson %A Aaron Cohen %T Autonomous Robotic Aspects of the Space Station Program %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA27 %A W. Kohn %A K. Healy %T On-Line Task Interpreter for Astrobot %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA27 %A Scott Y. Harmon %A Douglas W. Grange %A Walter A. Aviler %T Techniques for Coordinating Autonomous Robots %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Mark A. Bronez %A Margaret M. Clarke %A Alberta Quinn %T Requirements Development for a Free-Flying Robot -- The Robin %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA19 %A Jeffrey S. Schoenwald %A Michael S. Balck %A Gregory A. Arnold %A Timonthy A. Allison %T Improved Robot Trajectory from Acoustic Range Servo Control %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Ljubomir T. Grujic %T Tracking Analysis for Non-Stationary Non-Linar Discrete-Time System %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Tomoaki Kubo %A George Anwar %A Masayoshi Tomizuka %T Applications of Nonlinear Friction Compensation to Robot Arm Control %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Daniel E. Whitney %T Real Robots Don't Need Jigs %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA26 %A Margo K. Apostolos %T Robot Choreography: An Aesthetic Application in User Acceptance of a Robot Arm %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA25 O01 %A Stuart G. Stanley %A Mansour Eslami %T On Design of an Educational Robot %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AT18 %A P. J. Becker %T Sensor Information Processing in Robot Control Systems %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Gerard Medioni %A Yoshio Yasumoto %T Corner Detection and Curve Representation Using Cubic B-Splines %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A Xueyin Lin %A William G. Lee %T SDFS: A New Strategy for the Recognition of Object Using Range Data %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A Bir Bhanu %A John C. Ming %T Recognition of 2-D Occluded Objects using a Cluster-Structure Paradigm %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A Michael Magee Mitchell Nathan %T A Theorem Proving Based Pattern Recognition System %B BOOK28 %K AI06 AI11 AI14 %A Patricia McConail %T Automation and CIMS in the Esprit Program %B BOOK28 %K AA26 %A Ulrich Rembold %A M. Vojnovic %T Operational Control for Robot Systems Integration into CIM %B BOOK28 %K AA26 AI07 %A Lyle M. Jenkins %T Telerobotic Work System- Space Robotics Application %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA27 %A David L. Akin %T Parametric Testing of Space Teleoperators through Neutral Buoyancy Simulation %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA27 %A T. Sheridan %T Human Supervisory Control of Robot System %B BOOK28 %K AI07 O01 %A Jack Pennington %T (I) Space Telerobotics: A Few More Hurdles %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA27 %A Fredrik Dessen %T Coordinating Control of a Two Degrees of Freedom Universal Joint Structure Driven by Three Servos %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Chang-huan Liu %A Yen-ming Chen %T Multimicroprocessor-based Cartesian Space Control %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Subbiah Mahalingam %A Anand M. Sharan %T The Optimal Balancing of the Robotic Manipulators %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A N. Sreenath %A P. S. Krishnaprasad %T DYNAMAN: A Tool for Manipulator Design and Analysis %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Sanjeev R. Maddila %T Motion Planning Algorithm for a Ladder Among Rectangular Obstacles %B BOOK28 %K AI07 O06 %A Michael Erdmann %A T. Lozano-Perez %T On Multiple Moving Objects %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Michael Brady %T Recent Advances Toward a Surface Primal Sketch %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A Martial Hebert %A Takeo Kanade %T Range Data Analysis of Outdoors Scenes %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A N. Ayache %A O. D. Faugeras %A B. Faverjon %A F. Lustman %T Building Visual Maps by Combining Noisy Stereo Measurements %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A T. Poggio %A Michael Drumheller %T Parallel Stereo %B BOOK28 %K AI06 H03 Thinking Machines %A S. Harmon %A G. Bianchini %A B. Pinz %T Sensor Data Fusion Through a Distributed Blackboard %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A J. Crowley %T Generalized Surface Patches: A Representation for Composite Surface Modeling %B BOOK28 %K AI06 %A K. Jo. Overton %T Range Vision, Force, and Tactile Sensory Integration: Issues and an Approach %B BOOK28 %K AI06 AI07 %A H. Durrant-Whyte %T Integration of Distributed Sensor Observation %B BOOK28 %K AI06 AI07 %A Waj-Joon Lee %A David E. Orin %T The Kinematics of Legged Locomotion Over Uneven Terrain %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A U. Ozguner %T Control of Quadruped Trot %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Chi-Keng Tsai %A David E. Orin %T Using Proximity Sensing in Robot Leg Control %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Jagdish Joshi %A Alan A. Desrochers %T Modeling and Control of a Mobile Robot Subject to Disturbances %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Hiroaki Kobayashi %T Grasping and Manipulation of Objects by Articulated Hands %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Steve Jacobsen %A E. K. Iversen %A D. F. Knutti %A R. T. Johnson %A K. B. Biggers %T Machinery Issues in End Effector Design %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Mark R. Cutosky %A Pual K. Wright %T Modeling Manufacturing Grips and Correlations with the Design of Robotic Hands %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA26 %A J. C. Becker %A N. V. Thakor %A K. G. Gruben %T A Study of Human Hand Tendon Kinematics with Applications to Robot Hand Design %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Michael A. Erdman %A Matthew T. Mason %T An Exploration of Sensorless Manipulation %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Randy C. Brost %T Automatic Grasp Planning in the Presence of Uncertainty %B BOOK28 %K AI07 O04 AI09 %A Juan Juan %A R. P. Paul %T Model for Automatic Programming of Fine-Motion in Assemblies %B BOOK28 %K AI07 %A Bruce R. Donald %T Robot Motion Planning with Uncertainty in the Geometric Models of the Robot Environment: A Formal Framework for Error Detection and Recovery %B BOOK28 %K AI07 O04 AI09 %A Tsuji %T Recent Advances Toward the Realization of a Flexible Mobile Vehicle %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA19 %A Allen M. Waxman %A Jacqueline Le Moigne %A Larry S. Davis %A Eli Liang %A Tharakesh Siddalingaiah %T A Visual Navigation Systems %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AI06 %A Y. Y. Huang %A Z. L. Cao %A E. L. Hall %T Region Filling Operation for Mobile Robot Using Computer Graphics %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA19 %A Richard Wallace %A Kichie Matsuzaki %A Yoshimasa Goto %A Jon Webb %A Jill Crisman %A Takeo Kanade %T Progress in Robot Road Following %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA19 %A C. Thorpe %A S. Shafer %A A. Stentz %T An Architecture for Data Fusion %B BOOK28 %K AI06 sensors %A M. Shimojo %A O. Khatib %T Intelligent Fusion of Tactile Sensor Data %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AI06 %A D. Morley %A S. Chiu %A J. Martin %T Sensor Data Fusion on a Parallel Processor %B BOOK28 %K AI07 H03 AI06 %A E. W. Kent %A M. Shneier %A T. H. Hong %T Building Representations from Fusions of Multiple Views %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AI06 %A E. Bensana %A M. Correge %A G. Bel %A D. Dubois %T An Expert System Approach to Industrial Job Shop Scheduling %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA26 AA05 AI01 %A J. Erschler %A P. Esquirol %T Decision Aid in Job Shop Scheduling: A Knowledge Based Approach %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA26 %A Alexandre M. Parodi %A John J. Nitao %A Louis S. McTamaney %T An Intelligent System for an Autonomous Vehicle %B BOOK28 %K AI07 AA19