[mod.ai] Bibliography #2

E1AR0002@SMUVM1.BITNET (06/10/86)

%A C. S. G. Lee
%A P. R. Chang
%T Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Robot Inverse Dynamics Computation
%K AI07  H03

%A Shgaheen Ahmad
%T Real-Time Multi-processor Based Robot Control
%K AI07

%A V. Dupourque
%A H. Guiot
%A O. Ischacian
%T Towards Multi-Processor and Multi-Robot Controllers
%K AI07  H03

%A John M. Hollerbach
%A John E. Wood
%T Finger Force Computation without the Grip Jacobian
%K AI07

%A John Jameson
%A Larry Leifer
%T Quasi-Static Analysis: A Method for Predicting Grasp Stability
%K AI07

%A Van-Duc Nguyen
%T The Synthesis of Stable Grasps in the Plan
%K AI07

%A James Barber
%A Richard A. Volz
%A Rajiv Desai
%A Ronitt Rubenfeld
%A Brian Schipper
%A Jan Wolter
%T Automatic Two-Fingered Grip Selection
%K AI07

%A Dinesh K. Pai
%A M. C. Leu
%T INEFFABELLE - An Environment for Interactive Computer
Graphic Simulations of Robotic Applications
%K AI07

%A S. A. Hutchinson
%A A. C. Kak
%T FProlog: A Language to Integrate Logic and Functional Programming
for Automated Assembly
%K AI07 T02 AI10

%A Mitchell S. Steffen
%A Timothy J. Greene
%T An Application of Hierarchical Planning and Constraint-directed Search
to Scheduling Parallel Procesors
%K AI07 H03 AI09

%A John T. Fedema
%A Shaheen Ahmad
%T Determining a Static Robot Grasp for Automated Assembly
%K AI07

%A Thomas F. Knoll
%A Ramesh C. Jain
%T Recognizing Partially Visible Objects Uising Feature Indexed Hypotheses
%K AI07   AI06

%A Stephen J. Gordon
%A Warren P. Seering
%T Accuracy Issues in Measuring Quantized Images of Straight Line Features
%K AI07

%A C. K. Cowan
%A R. C. Bolles
%A M. J. Hannah
%A J. A. Herson
%T Edge Chain Analysis for Object Verification
%K AI06

%A Rashpal S. Ahluwalia
%A Lynn M. Fogwell
%T A Modular Approach to Visual Servoing
%K AI07

%A Melvin Montemerlo
%T  NASA's Robotics and Automation Technology Development Program
%K AI07  AA27

%A Chung Fong
%A A. K. Bejczy
%A R. Dotson
%T  Distributed Microcomputer Control System for Advanced Teleoperators
%K AI07  AA27 H03

%A Bernard Espiau
%T  An Integrated Experiment in Advanced Nuclear Teleoperation
%K AI07

%A Fumio Miyazaki
%A shigaki Matsubayashi
%A Takashi Yoshimi
%A Suguru Arimoto
%T A New Control Methodology toward Advance Teleoperation of Master
Salve Robot Systems
%K AI07

%A K. Youcef-Toumi
%A H. Asada
%T The Design of Open Loop Manipulator Arms with Decoupled and Configuration
Invariant Inertia Tensors
%K AI07

%A B. W. Mooring
%A T. J. Pack
%T Determination and Specification of Robot Repeatability
%K AI07

%A Vincent Hayward
%T Fast Collision Detection Scheme by Recursive Decomposition of a Manipulator
%K AI07

%A Vladimir J. Lumesky
%T Continuous Path Planning for a Three-Dimensional Cartesian Robot Arm
%K AI07 AI09

%A Martin Herman
%T Fast, Three-Dimensional, Collision-Free Motion Planning
%K AI07  AI09

%A R. K. Culley
%A K. G. Kempf
%T A Collision Detection  Algorithm Based on Velocity and Distance
%K AI07

%A Richard E. Smith
%A Maria Gini
%T Robot Tracking and Control Issues in an Intelligent Error Recovery System
%K AI07

%A Marco Somalvico
%T  The Role of White Collar Robots Real-Time Expert Systems with Multi-Media
Sensory Systems
%K AI07 AI01 O03

%A V. Dupourque
%T Using Abstraction Mechanisms to Solve Complex Tasks Programming in Robotics
%K AI07

%A M. L. Hornick
%A B. Ravani
%T  Data Structure and Database Design for Model Driven Robot Programming
%K AI07

%A John W. Roach
%A Jeff S. Wright
%T Spherical Dual Images: A 3D Representation Method for Solid Objects
that Combines Dual Space and Gaussian Spheres
%K AI07

%A Erick P. Krotkov
%A Jean Paul Martin
%T Range From Focus
%K AI06

%A Christopher Bania
%A James C. Lin
%T Theory and Implementation of a High Capacity 3-D Recognition System
%K AI06

%A A. Robert de Saint Vincent
%T  A 3D Perception System for the Mobile Robot Hilare
%K AI07 AA19 AI06

%A Michael J. Smith
%T  Sociotechnical Considerations in Robotics and Automation
%K AI07 O05

%A George Burri
%A Martin G. Helander
%T  Case Studies of Human Factors/Ergonomic Design in Robotics and
Automation at IBM
%K AI07 O01

%A Olov Ostberg
%T  A European Perspective on Human Factors Aspects of Robotics and
%K AI07 O01 GA03

%A Dennis Bering
%T  Supervisory Interface with Expert Systems for Semi-Autonomous Walking
%K AI07 O01 AI01

%A S. V. Nageswara Rao
%A S. S. Iyengar
%A C. C. Jorgenson
%A C. R. Weisbin
%T Concurrent Algorithms for Autonomous Robot
Navigation in an Unexplored Terrain
%K AI07 AI06 AA19 H03

%A J. L. Olivier
%A F. Ozguner
%T A Navigation Algorithm for an Intelligent Vehicle with a Laser Rangefinder
%K AI07 AI06 AA19

%A Alberto Elfes
%T A Sonar-Based Mapping and Navigation System
%K AI07 AI06 AA19

%A Shriar Negahdaripour
%T Direct Passive Navigation: Analytical Solutions for Planes and
Curves Surfaces
%K AI07  AI06

%A Kye Y. Lim
%A Masour Eslami
%T Robust Adaptive Controller Designs for Robot Manipulator Systems
%K AI07

%A Steven Fortune
%A Gordon Wilfgong
%A Chee Yap
%T Coordinated Motion of Two Robot Arms
%K AI07

%A Pierre Tournassoud
%T A Strategy for Obstacle Avoidance and its Application to Multi-Robot
%K AI07

%A Yuan F. Zheng
%A Fred R. Sias,\ Jr.
%T Multiple Robot Arms in Assembly
%K AI07 AA26

%A Sohail S. Houssani
%A David E. Jakopac
%T Multiple Manipulators and Robotic Workcell Coordination
%K AI07 AA26

%A Matt Barth
%A Srinivasan Parthasarathy
%A Jing Wang
%A Evelyn Hu
%A Susan Hackwood
%A Gerardo Beni
%T A Color Vision System for Microelectronics: Application to Oxide
Thickness Measurements
%K AI07 AI06

%A Ren C. Luo
%A Wen-Hsiang Tsai
%T Object Recognition Using Tactile Image Array Sensors
%K AI07  AI06

%A Kenneth J. Overton
%A Vivek V. Badami
%T Tactile Sensors for Robotic Touch
%K AI07  AI06

%A M. R. Driels
%T Pose Estimation Using Tactile Sensor Data for Assembly Operation
%K AI07

%A J. Schneiter
%A T. B. Sheridan
%T Optimal Strategy for Object Recognition by Tactile Sensing
%K AI07

%A P. Dario
%A M. Bergamasco
%A A. Fiorillo
%A R. Di Leonardo
%T Geometrical Optimization and Design Criteria for Tactile Sensing Patterns
%K AI07

%A S. A. Stansfield
%T Primitives, Features and Exploratory Procedures: Building a Robot Tactile
Perception System
%K AI07 AI06

%A R. E. Ellis
%T A Multiple-Scale Measure of Static Tactile Texture
%K AI07

%A David Siegel
%A Inaki Garabieta
%A John M. Hollerbach
%T An Integrated Tactile and Thermal Sensor
%K AI07

%A J. Vranish
%T (I) Magneto-Inductive Skin for Robots
%K AI07

%A T. Tsumura
%T  Survey of Automated Guided Vehicle Use in Japanese Factories
%K AI07  GA01 AA26  AA19

%A T. Tsumura
%A M. Hashimoto
%T  Positioning and Guidance of Ground Vehicle by use of Laser and
Corner Cube
%K AI07 AA19

%A K. Nishide
%A M. Hanawa
%T  Automatic Position Findings of Vehicle by means of Laser
%K AI07 AA19

%A T. Takeda
%T Automated Vehicle Guidance using Video-Camera/spot Mark System
%K AI07  AA19

%A Kenneth Salisbury
%T  Teleoperator Hand Design Issues
%K AI07

%A Jeffrey R. Kerr
%T  Special Grasping Configurations with Dextrous Hands
%K AI07

%A Van-Duc Nguyen
%T  Constructing Force-Closure Grasps
%K AI07

%A Peter W. Taylor
%T  Design and Implementation of a Multi-Variable Programmable Controller
for a 9-axis General Purpose Gripper
%K AI07

%A J. Y. S. Luh
%A Y. F. Zheng
%T Compliance and Coordinated Control of Two Moving Robots
%K AI07

%A O. Khatib
%T A Unified Approach for Motion and Force Control: The Operational Space
%K AI07

%A J. J. E. Slotine
%T Robustness and Adaptation in Compliant Motion Control
%K AI07

%A Tsuneo Yashikawa
%T Dynamic Hybrid Position/Force Control of Robot Manipulators:
Description of Hand Constraints and Calculation of Joint Driving Force
%K AI07

%A Freidrich Pfeiffer
%A Ranier Johanni
%T A Concept for Manipulator Trajectory Planning
%K AI07

%A Bernard Faverjon
%T Object Level Programming of Industrial Robots
%K AI07

%A Bruce H. Krogh
%A Charles E. Thorpe
%T Integrated Path Planning and Dynamic Steering Control for Autonomous
%K AA19

%A D. Gaw
%A A. Meystel
%T Minimum Time Navigation of an Unmanned Mobile Robot in a 2 1/2 D World
with Obstacles
%K AA19 AI09

%A A. Meystel
%A A. Guez
%A G. Hillel
%T Planning of Minimum Time Motion Among Obstacles
%K AI07 AI09 AA19

%A J. Bradley Chen
%A Ronald S. Fearing
%A Brian S. Armstrong
%A Joel W. Burdick
%T NYMPH: A Multiprocessor for Manipulation Applications
%K AI07 H03

%A Christopher G. Atkenson
%A Joe McIntyre
%T Robot Trajectory Learning Through Practice
%K AI07 AI04

%A Sanjiv Singh
%A Meghanad D. Wagh
%T Robot Path Planning Using Intersecting Convex Shapes
%K AI07 AI09

%A D. M. Lyons
%T Tagged Potential Fields: An Approach to Specification of Complex Manipulator
%K AI07

%A B. John Oommen
%A Irwin Reichstein
%T On the Problem of Translating an Elliptic Object Through a Workspace of
Elliptic Obstacles
%K AI07

%A James H. Graham
%A John H. Meegher
%A Stephen J. Derby
%T A Safety and Collision Avoidance System for Industrial Robots
%J IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
%V 22
%N 1
%D JAN-FEB 1986
%K AI07

%A K. Piasecki
%T On the Bayes Formula for Fuzzy Probability Measures
%J Fuzzy Sets and Systems
%V 18
%N 2
%D MAR 1986
%K O04

%A I. A. Kalynev
%T A Decentralized System for Planning and Controlling the Activity
of a Team of Mobile Robots
%J Cybernetics
%V 21
%N 4
%D JUL-AUG 1984
%P 533-538
%K AI07 AI09

%A B. R. Boyce
%T Questions Natural Language Examples in Caduceus
%J OnLine
%V 10
%N 2
%D MAR 1986
%P 54-76
%K AA01 AI01 AI02 AA14

%A B. S. Thompson
%A C. K. Sung
%T The Design of Robots and Intelligent Manipulators Using Modern Composite
%J MAG24
%P 471-482
%K AI07

%A S. M. Song
%A K. J. Waldron
%A G. L. Kinzel
%T Computer-Aided Geometric Design of Legs for a Walking Vehicle
%J MAG24
%P 587-596
%K AI07

%A N. Nandhakumar
%A J. K. Aggarwal
%T The Artificial Intellgience Approach to Pattern Recognition -
A Perspective and an Overview
%J MAG25
%P 383-390
%K AI06

%A J. H. Justice
%A D. J. Hawkins
%A G. Wong
%T Multidimensional Attribute Analysis and Pattern Recognition for Seismic
%J MAG25
%P 391-408
%K AI06  AA03

%A P. L. Love
%A M. Simaan
%T Segmentation of a Seismic Section Using Image Processing and Artificial
Intelligence Techniques
%J MAG25
%P 409-420
%K AI06 AA03

%A K. Y. Huang
%A K. S. Fu
%T Syntactic Pattern Recognition for the Recognition of Bright Spots
%J MAG25
%P 421-428
%K AI06

%A K. Y. Huang
%A K. S. Fu
%A T. H. Sheen
%A S. W. Cheng
%T Image Processing of Seismograms: (A) Hough Transformation for the Detection
of Seismic Patterns (B) Thinning Processing in the Seismogram
%J MAG25
%P 429-440
%K AI06 AA03

%A R. F. Kubichek
%A E. A. Quincy
%T Statistical Modeling and Feature Selection for Seismic Pattern Recognition
%J MAG25
%P 441-448
%K AI06 AA03

%A R. F. Kubicheck
%A E. A. Quincy
%T Identification of Seismic Stratigraphic Traps Using Statistical Pattern
%J MAG25
%P 449-458
%K AI06 AA03

%A H. H. Liu
%T A Rule-Based System for Automatic Seismic Determination
%J MAG25
%P 459-464
%K AI06 AA03

%A J. C. Hassab
%A C. H. Chen
%T On Constructing An Expert System for Contact Localization and Tracking
%J MAG25
%P 465-474
%K AI06 AA03 underwater acoustics

%A R. C. Hughes
%A J. N. Maksym
%T Acoustic Signal Interpretation: Reasoning with Nonspecific and Uncertain
%J MAG25
%P 475-484
%K AI06 AA03 O04

%A C. H. Chen
%T Recognition of Underwater Transient Patterns
%J MAG25
%P 485-490
%K AI06

%A B. Bentz
%T Automatic Programming System for Signal Processing Applications
%J MAG25
%P 491
%K AA08 AI06

%A Shigemi Nagata
%A Tohio Matsura
%A Hidachi Endo
%T Automatic Recognition System for Logic Circuit Diagrams
%J Fujitsu Scientific and Technical Journal
%V 21
%N 4
%D AUG 1985
%P 408-420
%K AI06 AA04

%A Yishai A. Feldman
%T A Decidable Propositional Dynamic Logic with Explicit Probabilities
%J MAG26
%P 11-38
%K O04 AI11

%A David Harel
%A Dexter Kozen
%T A Programming Language for the Inductive Sets and Applications
%J MAG26
%P 118

%A R. I. Phelps
%T Artificial Intelligence-An Overview of Similarities with O. R.
%J MAG27
%P 13-20

%A M. J. Russell
%A R. K. Moore
%A M. J. Tomlinson
%T Dynamic Programming and Statistical Modeling in Automatic Speech Recognition
%J MAG27
%P 21-30
%K AI05

%A Michael Tso
%T Network Flow Models in Image Processing
%J MAG27
%P 31-34
%K AI06

%A Jon Warwick
%A Bob Phelps
%T An Application of Dynamic Programming to Pattern Recognition
%J MAG27
%P 35-40
%K AI06

%A T. J. Grant
%T Lessons for O. R. from A. I.: A Scheduling Case Study
%J MAG27
%P 41-48
%K AA05

%A V. G. Sigillito
%T Artificial Intelligence Research at the APL Research Center: An Overview
%J MAG28
%P 15-18

%A B. F. Kim
%A J. Bohandy
%A V. G. Sigillito
%T A Hierarchical Computer Vision Programming
%J MAG28
%P 19-22
%K AI06

%A B. I. Blum
%A V. G. Sigillito
%T An Expert system for Designing Information Systems
%J MAG28
%P 23-30
%K AI01 AA08

%A B. W. Hamill
%A R. L. Stewart
%T Modeling the Acquisition and Representation of Knowledge for Distributed
Tactical Decision Making
%J MAG28
%P 31-38
%K AA18 H03

%A Zuo L. Cao
%A Sung J. Oh
%A Ernest L. Hall
%T Dynamic Omnidirectional Vision for Mobile Robots
%J MAG29
%P 5-18
%K AI06 AI07

%A Wei-Chung Lin
%A Joseph B. Ross
%A Michelle Ziegler
%T Semiautomatic Calibration of Robot Manipulator for Visual Inspection Task
%J MAG29
%P 19-40
%K AI06 AI07

%A K. C. Gupta
%A G. J. Carlson
%T On Certain Aspects of the Zero Reference Position Method and its Application
to an Industrial Manipulator
%J MAG29
%P 41-58
%K AI07

%A T. H. Chiu
%A A. J. Koivo
%A R. Lewczyk
%T Experiments on Manipulator Gross Motion Using Self-tuning Controller and Visu
%J MAG29
%P 59-70
%K AI07 AI06

%A A. A. Goldenberg
%A A. Bazerghi
%T Contribution to Synthesis of Manipulator Control
%J MAG29
%P 71-104
%K AI07

%A Shuhei Aida
%A Mitsuhiko Hasegawa
%A Taizo Ueda
%T Technology and Corporate Culture of Industrial Robots in Japan
%J MAG29
%P 105
%K AI07 GA01 O05

%A A. Micho
%T Developments in Expert Systems by M. J. Coombs
%J Proceedings of the IEEE
%V 74
%N 3
%D MAR 1986
%P 52
%K AT07 AI01

%A J. O. Eklundh
%A L. Kjelidahl
%T Computer Graphics and Computer Vision -- Some
Unifying and Discriminating Features
%J Computer and Graphics
%V 9
%N 4
%P 339-350
%D 1985
%K AI06

%A John Sandor
%T Octree Data Structures and Perspective Imagery
%J Computers and Graphics
%V 9
%N 4
%D 1985
%K AI06

%A Joseph Y. Halpern
%A Yoram Moses
%T Toward a Theory of Knowledge and Ignorance (Preliminary Report)
%P 459-476
%K AI16

%A Asher Peres
%T Reversible Logic and Quantum Computers
%J Physics Reviews A
%V 32
%D 1985
%N 6
%P 3266-3276

%A G. G. Ananiashviii
%A Z. I. Mundzhishvii
%A N. N. Bichashvii
%T Word Identification in a Natural Language in Interactive Systems
%J Soobshch. Akad. Nauk. Gruzin. SSR
%V 116
%D 1984
%N 3
%P 497-500
%K AI02
%X in Russian with English and Georgian Summaries

%A Dumitru Dumitrescu
%T Hierarchical Classification with Fuzzy Sets
%R Reprint 84-5
%I Univ. Babes-Bolyai
%C Cluj-Napoca
%D 1984
%K O04 O06
%X also appeared in Seminar of Models, Structures and Information Processing,

%A V. V. Krasnoproshin
%A V. A. Obratsov
%T Two-Level Models of Pattern Recognition Algorithms
%J Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i. Mat. Fiz
%V 25
%D 1985
%N 10
%P 1534-1546, 1582
%K AI06
%X (in Russian)

%A A. M. Slinko
%T Some Algebraic Operations Over Classification Algorithms and Their
%J Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i. Mat. Fiz.
%V 25
%D 1985
%N 10
%P 1547-1546
%K O06
%X (in Russian)

%A Ronald R. Yager
%T Aggregating Evidence Using Quantified Statements
%J Inform. Sci
%V 36
%D 1985
%N 1-2
%P 179-206
%K O04

%A A. S. Dzyuba
%T Mean Deviation of the Frequency of Incorrect Pattern Recognition from
the Probability
%J Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i. Mat. Fiz.
%V 25
%D 1985
%N 10
%P 1547-1546
%K AI06
%X (in Russian)

%A D. M. Gabbay
%T Theoretical Foundations for Nonmonotonic Reasoning in Expert Systems
%P 439-457
%K AI15 AI16

%A Brian R. Gaines
%A Mildred L. G. Shaw
%T Logic, Algebra and Databases
%S Computers and Their Applications
%V 29
%I Ellis Horwood
%C Chichester
%K AT15  AA09
%X 294 pages ISBN 0-85312-709-3

%A H. Guggenheimer
%T Optical Flow for General Transformations
%S Polytechnic Notes on Artificial Intelligence
%V 1
%I Polytechnic Institute of New York, Division of Computer Science
%C Farmingdale, NY 1985
%K AI06
%X 19 pages

%A Abraham Lempel
%A Jacob Ziv
%T Compression of Two-Dimensional Images
%P 141-154
%K AI06

%A Can Isik
%A Alexander Meystel
%T Decision Making at a Level of a Hierarchical Control for Unmanned Robot
%K AI07

%A Marcin Banachiewicz
%T MSL: Robotic Sensor/Effector Programming Language
%K AI07

%A Michael K. Brown
%T On Ultrasonic Detection of Surface Features
%K AI07 AI06

%A B. A. Auld
%A A. J. Bahr
%T A Novel Multifunctional Robot Sensor
%K AI07

%A P. P. Lin
%A P. Datseris
%T Development of a Position and Force Sensor for Robotic Applications
%K AI07

%A F. W. Sinden
%A R. A. Bole
%T A Planar Capactive Force Sensor with Six Degrees of Freedom
%K AI07

%A William I. Bullers
%T Logic Programming for Manufacturing System Specification
%K  AI10 AA26

%A Rodger Cliff
%T Meta-Architectural Issues of the ALV: Developing a Paradigm for Intelligent
System Engineering
%K AI07 AA19

%A David Payton
%T A Reflexive Control Approach to Autonomous Vehicle Navigation
%K AI07 AA19

%A Daryl T. Lawton
%A Tod Levitt
%A Jay Glicksman
%T Terrain Modeling and Recognition for an Autonomous Lank Vehicle (sic)
%K AI07 AA19 AI06

%A Don Shapiro
%A Ted Linden
%A Jay Glicksman
%A Daryl Lawton
%T Object Based Planning for an Autonomous Land Vehicle
%K AI07 AA19 AI09

%A W. W. W. Cimino
%A G. R. Penrock
%T Workspace of a Six Revolute Decoupled Robot Manipulator
%K AI07

%A Bayliss McInnis
%A Chen-Kang Liu
%T Coordinate Frames, Transformations and Inverse Functions for Joint Variables
in Robotics: A Tutorial Based Upon Classical Concepts
%K AI07

%A Dieter W. Wloka
%T Simulation of Robots Using CAD-System Robsim
%K AI07

%A Chi-hau Wau
%A Herando Valenco
%T Trajectory Feasibility Study Based on Cartesian Workspace Geometry for
Robot Manipulators
%K AI07

%A J. Korein
%A R. Taylor
%A G. Maier
%A L. Durfee
%T A Configurable Environment for Motion Programming and Control
%K AI07

%A Richard Paul
%A Hang Zhang
%T A Force and Motion Server for Distributed Robot Control
%K AI07 H03

%A D. Siegel
%A S. Narasimhan
%A K. Biggers
%A G. Gerpheide
%T Implementation of Control Methodologies on the Computational
Architecture for the Utah/MIT Hand
%K AI07

%A Robert D. Gaglianello
%A Howard P. Katseff
%T A Distributed Computing Environment for Robotics
%K AI07