[mod.ai] Seminar - Connectionist Knowledge Representation System

Mark.Derthick@G.CS.CMU.EDU (06/11/86)

I will present my thesis proposal, "A Connectionist Knowledge Representation
System," 2pm Wednesday, June 18, in 5409.

I propose to develop a knowledge representation system that is functionally
similar to KL2, but implemented on a parallel, non-symbolic architecture.
Answering queries is carried out by a Boltzmann Machine
network in which concepts, roles, and individuals are represented by
patterns of activity of very simple processing units.  By choosing good
representations, a small network suffices to capture the knowledge as
pairwise interactions among the units in the network.  A single parallel
constraint satisfaction search accomplishes the answering process.  I will
prove that for any definable knowledge base, the network constructed will
answer queries as specified by the formal knowledge level semantics.