[mod.ai] Known solution to travelling salesman problem

jbn@SU-GLACIER.ARPA.UUCP (06/15/86)

     There is a well-known and fast method for finding near-optimum
solutions to the travelling salesman problem.  It was discovered at
Bell Labs in the 1960s, and it is as follows:

	1.  Connect up all N points in some arbitrary order,
	    resulting in a path with N-1 edges and two endpoints.

        2.  Pick two edges at random.  Cut the path at these points.
	    This produces three paths, each with two endpoints.

        3.  There are six possible ways to connect the paths into
	    a single path.  Try all six, and compute the total 
	    distance for each arrangement.  Keep the arrangement
	    with the shortest total length.

        4.  Iterate steps 2 and 3 until no improvement is observed
	    for a reasonable number of iterations, at least N
	    but less than N*N.

I strongly suspect that the neural nets people have just rediscovered
this classic algorithm, especially since the Business Week article
mentions that the neural net approach produces near-optimal, not
optimal, paths.  Comparisons with the brute-force solution are

					John Nagle

  [While the Hopfield-net solution may well be based on similar
  mathematics, the flavor is quite different.  It is more of a
  parallel "relaxation" process or fuzzy linking, with each node
  trying to link to neighbors in proportion to their nearness.
  Hopfield describes this as an analog process that cuts through
  the space of possibilities instead of moving around the outside
  as the iterative solutions do.  The net quickly approaches a
  stable configuration of intersecting cliques (if that's not a
  contradiction) separated by longer paths, then the cliques fight
  it out to determine the final route.  (The establishment of one
  clique disrupts others, so a slow gradient search for the optimum
  is necessary.)  The lack of guaranteed optimality is primarily due
  to the initial rapid convergence -- it is possible to construct
  problems for which the true optimum is quite far from any broad
  "potential well" that would attract the system.  Some algorithms
  use randomized "stochastic anealing" to get around this, others
  start the process many times from very different initial conditions,
  others just ignore the problem.

  For an interesting study of one such problem, see the Spring 1985 issue
  of Abacus.  It presents a lengthy analysis of Lee Sallows' custom-built
  hardware for solving pangram puzzles by full search, then a short article
  by John Letaw showing how the same puzzles can (usually!) be solved by
  approximation/optimization on a microcomputer running BASIC.  -- KIL]