[mod.ai] Notice of journal issue

rwl1@gte-labs.CSNET (Bob Lawler) (06/25/86)

          [Forwarded from the AI-Ed Digest by Laws@SRI-AI.]

Dear Colleagues,

     Today I received from Elsevier a special issue of the Journal of
Instructional Science on the theme of "AI and Education".  This double-
number volume (several hundred pages in length) was prepared by
Masoud Yazdani (University of Exeter) and myself (Bob Lawler) as a
preliminary collection of articles prepared for the Second International
Conference on AI and Education held at Exeter University in September
1985.  The issue is Volume 14, Nos. 3 and 4, dated May, 1986. A more
comprehensive book on the theme will be forthcoming at the end of 1986.

     The contents of the special issue are as follows:

M. Yazdani and R. Lawler     AI and Education: an overview
A. DiSessa                   Artifical Worlds and Real Experience
W. Feurzeig                  Algebra Slaves and Agents in a Logo-based
                              Mathematics Curriculum
R. Lawler and G. Lawler      Computer Microworlds and Reading
H. Lieberman                 An Example Based Environment for Beginning
S. Ohlsson                   Some Principles of Intelligent Tutoring
J. Self                      The Application of Machine Learning to
                              Student Modelling
A. Priest                    Solving Problems in Newtonian Mechanics
G. Drescher                  Genetic AI: translating Piaget to Lisp
K. Carley                    Knowledge Acquisition as a Social Phenomenon

If you are interested in having a copy of this journal, write to:
        Elsevier Science Publishers
        Science and Technology Division
        P.O. Box 330
        1000 AH Amsterdam
        The Netherlands
The price for this double-issue of the journal is $57.25, which
includes air transport to the US and surface mail on the continent.

                             Bob Lawler
                             (LAWLER at GTE-LABS on CSNET)
                             (LAWLER at MIT-OZ through MIT-MC on ARPANET)