[mod.ai] Conference - 3rd IEEE Conference on AI Applications


                                CALL FOR PAPERS

                          THE THIRD IEEE CONFERENCE ON

                             ORLANDO HYATT REGENCY
                                ORLANDO, FLORIDA
                              FEBRUARY 22-28, 1987


This conference is devoted to the application of artificial intelligence
techniques to real-world problems.  Two kinds of papers are appropriate:

   - Papers that focus on knowledge-based techniques that can be applied
     effectively to important problems, and

   - Papers that focus on particular knowledge-based application programs
     that solve significant problems.

AI techniques include:			 Application areas include:
   - Knowledge representation		    - Science and engineering
   - Reasoning                              - Medicine
   - Knowledge acquisition                  - Business
   - Learning                               - Natural language
   - Uncertainty                            - Intelligent interfaces
   - General tools                          - Vision
                                            - Robotics

Only new, significant, and previously unpublished work will be accepted.  Two
kinds of papers may be submitted:

   - Full papers: 5000 words maximum, describing significant completed 

   - Poster session papers: 1000 words, describing interesting ongoing

Both categories of papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee.

                              CONFERENCE COMMITTEE

General chair:				 Program committee chairs:
Jan Aikins, Aion                         James Miller and Elaine Rich, MCC 

                               Program committee:

Jan Aikins, Aion                         Benjamin Kuipers, University of Texas
Byron Davies, Texas Instruments          John McDermott, Carnegie-Mellon
William Clancey, Stanford University     Charles Petrie, MCC
Keith Clark, Imperial College            John Roach, Virginia Polytechnic
Michael Fehling, Teknowledge             J. M. Tenenbaum, Schlumberger
Mark Fox, Carnegie-Mellon University     Harry Tennant, Texas Instruments
Bruce Hamill, Johns Hopkins/APL          Charles R. Weisbin, Oak Ridge 
Peter Hart, Syntelligence                Michael Williams, Intellicorp
Elaine Kant, Schlumberger                

                             SUBMISSION INFORMATION

   - Full length papers:  Submit four copies of the paper by September 9,
     1986 to the Program Committee chairs, listed below.  The first page of
     the paper should contain the author's (or authors') name, affiliation,
     and address, a 100 word abstract, and a list of appropriate subject
     categories, both AI topics and application areas.  Conference sessions
     may be organized around either kind of subject category.  Authors are
     not restricted to only those categories listed above.  Accepted papers
     will be allocated six manuscript pages in the proceedings.

   - Poster session papers:  Submit four copies of a 1000 word abstract by
     December 1, 1986 to the Program Committee chairs, listed below.
     Indicate on the front of the paper all appropriate subject categories.
     Accepted abstracts will be reprinted and distributed at the
     conference.  In addition, authors of accepted poster session papers
     will be provided with table space at the conference to display
     examples of their work and to discuss their findings with others.

                                IMPORTANT DATES

   - Full-length papers must be received by: September 9, 1986
   - Authors notifications mailed: October 24, 1986
   - Accepted full-length papers returned to IEEE for proceedings:
     November 15, 1986
   - Poster session papers must be received by: December 1, 1986
   - Conference: February 22 - 28, 1987, Orlando, Florida

                       FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, CONTACT:

     Jan Aikins                               James Miller
     General Chair                            Elaine Rich
     Third IEEE Conference on                 Program Committee Chairs
        Artificial Intelligence               Third IEEE Conference on
        Applications                             Artificial Intelligence
     Aion Corporation                            Applications
     101 University Avenue                    MCC
     Palo Alto, California 94301              9430 Research Blvd.
                                              Austin, Texas 78759