[mod.ai] Seminar - RS: Distributed Sensory-based Robot Control

LYONS%cs.umass.edu@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA.UUCP (07/28/86)

Hi: I know I'm a bit late on posting this; however, I would welcome
    comments from interested persons out there:

                    July 25th, 1986.
          Dept. of Computer and Information Science.
            University of Massachusetts at Amherst.
                     Amherst, MA.01003.

        RS: A Formal Model of Distributed Computation
               For Sensory-based Robot Control.

                        Damian M. Lyons

     Robot systems  are  becoming  more  and  more complex, both in terms of
available  degrees  of  freedom  and  in  terms  of sensors. It is no longer
possible  to  continue  to regard robots as peripheral devices of a computer
system,  and  to  program  them  by  adapting  general-purpose  programming
languages.  This dissertation analyzes the inherent
computing  characteristics  of the robot programming domain, and formally
constructs an appropriate model of computation. The programming of a dextrous
robot hand is the example domain for the development of the model.

     This model, called RS, is a model of distributed computation: the basic
mode  of  computation  is  the interaction of concurrent computing agents. A
schema in RS describes a class of computing agents. Schemas are instantiated
to  produce  computing  agents,  called  SIs, which can communicate with each
other  via input and output ports. A network of SIs can be grouped atomically
together  in an Assemblage, and appears externally identical to a single SI.
The  sensory  and  motor  interface  to  RS is a set of primitive, predefined
schemas.  These  can  be  grouped  arbitrarily  with  built-in  knowledge in
assemblages   to  form  task-specific  object  models.  A  special  kind  of
assemblage  called  a  task-unit is used to structure the way robot programs
are built.

     The formal  semantics  of RS is automata theoretic; the semantics of an
SI   is  a  mathematical  object,  a  Port  Automaton.  Communication,  port
connections,  and  assemblage  formation  are  among  the  RS concepts whose
semantics  can  be expressed formally and precisely. A Temporal Logic
specification and verification methodology is constructed using the automata
semantics as a model. While the automata semantics allows the analysis of
the model of computation, the Temporal Logic methodology allows the top-down
synthesis of programs in the model.

A computer implementation of the RS model has been constructed, and used 
in  conjunction  with  a  graphic  robot  simulation,  to formulate and test
dextrous  hand  control  programs. In general RS facilitates the formulation
and  verification  of  versatile  robot  programs, and is an ideal tool with
which to introduce AI constructs to the robot domain.