[mod.ai] Expert Systems - The New Cop on the Beat

Laws@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA (08/05/86)

The FBI has developed Big Floyd, an expert system to assist in criminal
investigations.  Similar programs are being developed to catch drug
smugglers and target potential terrorists.  The EPA wants to identify
polluters; the Treasury Department is looking for money-laundering
banks; the Energy Department would like to find contractors who cut
corners; the Customs service is after drug smugglers; the IRS is
developing a system to spot tax cheaters; the Secret Service is working
on a classified system to point out potential presidential assassins;
and the FBI's National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crimes is
developing expert systems to identify potential serial killers,
arsonists, and rapists.  Systems to target counterfeiters and bombers
are also being built.  -- Michael Schrage, The Washington Post National
Weekly Edition, Vol. 3, No. 40, August 4, 1986, p. 6.