[mod.ai] Conference - SIGIR Conf. on R&D in Information Retrieval

kraft@lsu.CSNET (Don) (08/13/86)

         Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
  Special Interest Group on Information Retrieval (SIGIR)
1987 International Conference on Research and Development
            in Information Retrieval

June 3-5, 1987   Monteleone Hotel (in the French Quarter)
                                                   New Orleans, Louisiana   USA

                      CALL FOR PAPERS
Papers are invited on theory, methodology, and  applications
of  information retrieval.  Emerging areas related to infor-
mation  retrieval,  such  as  office  automation,   computer
hardware technology, and artificial intelligence and natural
language processing are welcome.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
retrieval system modeling           user interfaces
retrieval in office environments    mathematical models
system development and evaluation   natural language processing
knowledge representation            linguistic models
hardware development                complexity problems
multimedia retrieval                storage and search techniques
cognitive and semantic models       retrieval system performance
information retrieval and database management

Submitted papers can be either full length papers of approx-
imately twenty to twenty-five pages or extended abstracts of
no more than ten  pages.   All  papers  should  contain  the
authors'  contributions  in comparison to existing solutions
to the same or to similar problems.

Important Dates
        Submission Deadline       December 15, 1986
        Acceptance Notification   February 15, 1987
        Final Copy Due            March 20, 1987
        Conference                June 3-5, 1987

Four copies of each paper should be submitted.  Papers  sub-
mitted from North America can be sent to Clement T. Yu; sub-
missions from outside North America should be sent to C.  J.
"Keith" van Rijsbergen.

Conference Chairman              Program Co-Chairmen
Donald H. Kraft            Clement T. Yu            C. J. "Keith" van Rijsbergen
Department of              Department of            Department of
  Computer Science           Electrical Engineering   Computer Science
Louisiana State University   and Computer Science   University of Glascow
Baton Rouge, LA  70803     University of Illinois,  Lilybank Gardens
                              Chicago               Glascow   G12 8QQ
                           Chicago, IL  60680       SCOTLAND
(504) 388-1495             (312) 996-2318           (041) 339-8855
For details, contact the Conference Chairman at kraft%lsu@csnet-relay or
Michael Stinson, the Arrangements Chairman at stinson%lsu@csnet-relay.

Don Kraft