[mod.ai] matching

beck@clstr1.DECnet ("CLSTR1::BECK") (09/02/86)

Mr. Rosa, is correct in saying that "the obstacles to implementation are not
technological,"  since this procedure is currently being implemented.  See
"matches hit civil servants hardest" in the august 15, 1986 GOVERNMENT COMPUTER
NEWS. "Computer Matching/Matches" is defined as searching the available data for
addresses, financial information, specific personal identifiers and various
irregularities".  The congressional Office of Technology Assessment has recently
issued a report, "Electronic Record Systems and Individual Privacy" that
discusses matching. 

My concern with this is how will the conflicting rules of society be reconciled
to treat the indiviual fairly.  Maybe the cash society and anonymous logins will
become prevalent.    Do you think that the falling cost of data will force data
keepers to do more searches to justify their existence?  Has there been any
discussion of this topic?

peter beck     <beck@ardec-lcss.arpa>