[mod.ai] Seminar - BiggerTalk: An Object-Oriented Extension to Prolog


                     Object-Oriented Programming Meeting 

         		    Friday, September 19
			       2:00-3:00 p.m.
		                Taylor 3.128

		    An Object-Oriented Extension to Prolog

        	          Speaker:  Eric Gullichsen
                       MCC Software Technology Program

BiggerTalk is a system of Prolog routines which provide a capability for
object-oriented programming in Prolog.  When compiled into a standard
Prolog environment, the BiggerTalk system permits programming in the
object-oriented style of message passing between objects, themselves
defined as components of a poset (the 'inheritance structure')
created through other BiggerTalk commands.  Multiple inheritance of
methods and instance variables is provided dynamically.  The full functional
capability of Prolog is retained, and Prolog predicates can be invoked
from within BiggerTalk methods.

A provision exists for storage of BiggerTalk objects in the MCC-STP 
Object Server, a shared permanent object repository.  The common external
form for objects in the Server permits (restricted) sharing of objects
between BiggerTalk and Zetalisp Flavors, the two languages currently
supported by the Server.  Concurrent access to permanent objects is
mediated by the server.

This talk will discuss a number of theoretical and pragmatic issues of
concern to BiggerTalk and its interface to the Object Server.  Some
acquaintance with the concepts of logic programming and object-oriented
programming will be assumed.