[mod.ai] Conference - Workshop on Qualitative Physics

forbus@P.CS.UIUC.EDU (Kenneth Forbus) (09/26/86)

Call for Participation

Workshop on Qualitative Physics
May 27-29, 1987
Urbana, Illinois

Sponsored by:
	the American Association for Artificial Intelligence
	Qualitative Reasoning Group
	University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Organizing Committee:
	Ken Forbus (University of Illinois)
	Johan de Kleer (Xerox PARC)
	Jeff Shrager (Xerox PARC)
	Dan Weld (MIT AI Lab)

Qualitative Physics, the subarea of artificial intelligence concerned with
formalizing reasoning about the physical world, has become an important and
rapidly expanding topic of research.  The goal of this workshop is to
provide an opportunity for researchers in the area to communicate results
and exchange ideas.  Relevant topics of discussion include:

	-- Foundational research in qualitative physics
	-- Implementation techniques
	-- Applications of qualitative physics
	-- Connections with other areas of AI
		 (e.g., machine learning, robotics)

Attendance:  Attendence at the workshop will be limited in order to maximize
interaction.  Consequently, attendence will be by invitation only.  If you
are interested in attending, please submit an extended abstract (no more
than six pages) describing the work you wish to present.  The extended
abstracts will be reviewed by the organizing committee.  No proceedings will
be published; however, a selected subset of attendees will be invited to
contribute papers to a special issue of the International Journal of
Artificial Intelligence in Engineering.  There will be financial assistance
for graduate students who are invited to attend.

The deadline for submitting extended abstracts is February 10th.  On-line
submissions are not allowed; hard copy only please.  Any submission over 6
pages or rendered unreadable due to poor printer quality or microscopic font
size will not be reviewed.  Since no proceedings will be produced, abstracts
describing papers submitted to AAAI-87 are acceptable.  Invitations will be
sent out on March 1st.  Please send 6 copies of your extended abstracts to:

	Kenneth D. Forbus
	Qualitative Reasoning Group
	University of Illinois
	1304 W. Springfield Avenue
	Urbana, Illinois, 61801
