[mod.ai] Defs for ai.bib35, new keyword code for editorials

E1AR0002@SMUVM1.BITNET (09/29/86)

D MAG39 Computer Aided Design\
%V 18\
%N 3\
%D APR 1986
D MAG40 Automation and Remote Control\
%V 46\
%N 9 Part 2\
%D SEP 1985
D MAG41 IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics\
%V 33\
%N 2\
%D MAY 1986
D MAG42 Soviet Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences\
%V 23\
%N 6\
%D NOV-DEC 1985
D MAG43 Journal of Symbolic Computation\
%V 2\
%N 1\
%D MARCH 1986
D MAG44 Image and Vision Computing\
%V 3\
%N 4\
%D NOV 1985
D BOOK42 Second Conference on Software  Development Tools, Techniques and Altern
%I IEEE Computer Society Press\
%C Washington\
%D 1985
D BOOK43 Fundamentals of Computation Theory (Cottbus)\
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science\
%V 199\
%I Springer-Verlag\
%C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York\
%D 1985
D BOOK44 Robot Sensors, Volume 1 (Vision)\
%I IFS Publications\
%C Bedford\
%D 1986
D BOOK45 Robot Sensors, Volume 2 (Tactile and Non-Vision)\
%I IFS Publications\
%C Bedford\
%D 1986
D MAG45 Journal of Logic Programming\
%V 2\
%D 1985\
%N 3
D BOOK46 Advances in Cryptology\
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science\
%V 196\
%I Springer-Verlag\
%C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York\
%D 1985
D BOOK47 Mathematical Foundations of Software Development V 1\
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science\
%V 185\
%I Springer-Verlag\
%C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York\
%D 1985
D MAG46 Proceedings of the 44th Session of the International
Statistical Institute\
%V 1\
%D 1983
D BOOK48 Seminar Notes on Concurrency\
%S Lecture Notes in Computer Science\
%V 197\
%I Springer-Verlag\
%C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York\
%D 1985
D MAG47 Proceedings of the Conference "Algebra and Logic"\
%D 1984\
%C Zagreb
D MAG48 Pattern Recognition\
%V 19\
%N 2\
%D 1986
D MAG49 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing\
%V 24\
%N 3\
%D MAY 1986
D MAG50 Information and Control\
%V 67\
%N 1-3\
%D OCT-DEC 1985
D MAG51 Kybernetes\
%V 15\
%N 2\
%D 1986
D MAG52 Data Processing\
%V 28\
%N 3\
%D APR 1986
D MAG53 J. Tsinghua Univ.\
%V 25\
%D 1985\
%N 2
D MAG54 Logique et. Anal (n. S.)\
%V 28\
%D 1985\
%N 110-111
D MAG55 Werkstattstechnik wt Zeitschrift fur Industrielle Fertigung\
%V 76\
%N 5\
%D MAY 1986
D MAG56 Robotica\
%V 4\
%D APR 1986
D MAG57 International Journal of Man Machine Studies\
%V 24\
%N 1\
%D JAN 1986
D MAG58 Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing\
%V 34\
%N 1\
%D APR 1986
D BOOK49 Flexible Manufacturing Systems: Methods and Studies\
%S Studies in Management Science and Systems\
%V 12\
%I North Holland Publishing Company\
%C Amsterdam\
%D 1986
D MAG59 International Journal for Robotics Research\
%V 5\
%N 1\
%D Spring 1986
D BOOK50 International Symposium on Logic Programming\
%D 1984
D MAG61 Proceedings of the 1986 Symposium on Symbolic and\
Algebriaic Computation\
%D JUL 21-23 1986

A new keyword code for article types has been added, AT22, which is for