[mod.ai] Recent Articles in Robotics and Vision

E1AR0002@SMUVM1.BITNET (09/29/86)

%A Kunwoo Lee
%A Daniel A. Tortorelli
%T Computer-aided Design of Robotic Manipulators
%J MAG39
%P 139-146
%K AI07

%A Ho Bin
%T Inputting Constructive Solid Geometry Representations Directly from 2D
Orthographic Engineering Drawings
%J MAG39
%P 147-155
%K AA05

%A T. H. Richards
%A G. C. Onwubolu
%T Automatic Interpretation of Engineering Drawings for 3D Surface
Representation in CAD
%J MAG39
%P 156-160
%K AA05

%A  J. S.  Arora
%A G. Baenziger
%T Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Design Optimization
%J Computer Methods in Mechanics and Engineering
%V 54
%N 3
%D MAR 1986
%P 303-324
%K AA05

%A V. N. Burkov
%A V. V. Tayganov
%T Adaptive Functioning Mechanisms of Active Systems. I. Active
Identification and Progressive Mechanisms
%J MAG40
%P 1141-1146
%K AA20 AI09 AI04 AI08 AI13

%A A. A. Zlatopolskii
%T Image Segmentation along Discontinuous Boundaries
%J MAG40
%P 1160-1167
%K AI06

%A E. B. Yanovskaya
%T Axiomatic Characterization of the Maxmin and the Lexicographic Maxmin
Solution in Bargaining Schemes
%J MAG40
%P 1177-1185
%K AI02 AI03 AA11

%A Yu. V. Malyshenko
%T Estimating and Minimizing Diagnostic Information when Troubleshooting an
Analog Device
%J MAG40
%P 1192-1195
%K AA04 AA21

%A G. Hirzinger
%T Robot Systems Completely Based on Sensory Feedback
%J MAG41
%P 105-109
%K AI07 AI06

%A Y. Y. Hung
%A S. K. Cheng
%A N. K. Loh
%T A Computer Vision Techniques for Surface Curvature Gaging with
Project Grating
%J MAG41
%P 158-161
%K AI07 AI06

%A Zvi Galil
%T Optimal Prallel Algorithms for String Matching
%J Information and Control
%V 67
%N 1-3
%D 1985
%P 144-157
%K O06

%A E. Tanic
%T Urban Planning and Artificial Intelligence - The Urbys System
%J Computers, Environment and Urban Systems
%V 10
%N 3-4
%D 1986
%P 135-146
%K AA11

%A B. M. Shtilman
%T A Formal Linguistic Model for Solving Discrete Optimization Problems. II.
The Language of Zones, Translations and the Boundary Problem
%J MAG42
%P 17-28
%K AI02 AA05

%A V. A. Abramov
%A A. I. Piskunov
%A Yu. T. Rubanik
%T A Modification to the Bellman-Zadeh Multistep Procedure for Decision Making
under Fuzzy  Conditions for Microelectronic Systems
%J MAG42
%P 143-151
%K AI13 O05

%A James L. Eilbert
%A Richard M. Salter
%T Modeling Neural Networks in Scheme
%J Simulation
%V 46
%D 1986
%N 5
%P 193
%K AI12 T01

%A E. A. Shingareva
%T Semiotic Basis of the Pragmatic Approach to Recognition of the Text Meaning
%J Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya, Seriya II- Informatisionnye Protessy I
%N 3
%D 1986
%K AI02

%A T. Kim
%A K. Chwa
%T Parallel Algorithms for a Depth First Search and a Breadth First Search
%J International Journal of Computer Mathematics
%V 19
%N 1
%D 1986
%P 39-56
%K AI03 H03

%A Hsu-Pin Wang
%A Richard A. Wysk
%T An Expert System for Machining Data Selection
%J Computers and Industrial Engineering
%V 10
%N 2
%D 1986
%K AA26 AI01

%A L. R. Rabiner
%A F. K. Soong
%T Single-Frame Vowel Recognition Using Vector Quantization with Several
Distance Measures
%J AT&T Technical Journal
%V 64
%N 10
%D DEC 1985
%P 2319-2330
%K AI05

%A A. Pasztor
%T Non-Standard Algorithmic and Dynamic Logics
%J MAG43
%P 59-82

%A Alex P. Pentland
%T On Describing Complex Surface Shapes
%J MAG44
%P 153-162
%K AI06 AI16

%A B. F. Buxton
%A D. W. Murray
%T Optic Flow Segmentation as an Ill-posed and Maximum Likelihood Problem
%J MAG44
%P 163-169
%K AI06

%A M. C. Ibison
%A L. Zapalowski
%A C. G. Harris
%T Direct Surface Reconstruction from a Moving Sensor
%J MAG44
%P 170-176
%K AI06

%A S. A. Lloyd
%T Binary Stereo Algorithm Based on the Disparity-Gradient Limit and Using
Optimization Theory
%J MAG44
%P 177-182
%K AI06

%A Andrew Blake
%A Andrew Zimmerman
%A Greg Knowles
%T Surface Descriptions from Stereo and Shading
%J MAG44
%P 183-196
%K AI06

%A G. D. Sullivan
%A K. D. Baker
%A J. A D. W. Anderson
%T Use of Multiple Difference-of-Gaussian Filters to Verify Geometric
%J MAG44
%P 192-197
%K AI06

%A J. Hyde
%A J. A. Fullwood
%A D. R. Corrall
%T An Approach to Knowledge Driven Segmentation
%J MAG44
%P 198-205
%K AI06

%A J. Kittler
%A J. Illingworth
%T Relaxation Labelling Algorithm - A Review
%J MAG44
%P 206-216
%K AI06 AT08

%A R. T. Ritchings
%A A. C. F. Colchester
%A H. Q. Wang
%T Knowledge Based Analysis of Carotid Angiograms
%J MAG44
%P 217
%K AI06 AA01

%A W. L. Mcknight
%T Use of Grammar Templates for Software Engineering Environments
%P 56-66
%K AA08

%A M. T. Harandi
%A M. D. Lubars
%T A Knowledge Based Design Aid for Software Systems
%P 67-74
%K AA08

%A Y. Takefuji
%T AI Based General Purpose Cross Assembler
%P 75-85
%K AA08

%A R. N. Cronk
%A D. V. Zelinski
%T ES/AG System Generation Environment for Intelligent Application Software
%P 96-100
%K AA08

%A B. Friman
%T X - A Tool for Prototyping Through Examples
%P 141-148
%K AA08

%A D. Hammerslag
%A S. N. Kamin
%A R. H. Campbell
%T Tree-Oriented Interactive Processing with an Application to Theorem-Proving
%P 199-206
%K AA08 AI11

%A Gudmund Frandsen
%T Logic Programming and Substitutions
%P 146-158
%K AI10

%A H. J. Cho
%A C. K. Un
%T On Reducing Computational Complexity in Connected Digit Recognition by the
Frame Labeling Method
%J Proceedings of the IEEE
%V 74
%N 4
%D APR 1986
%P 614-615
%K AI06

%A Vijay Gehlot
%A Y. N. Srikant
%T An Interpreter for SLIPS - An Applicative Language Based on Lambda-Calculus
%J Computer Languages
%V 11
%N 1
%P 1-14
%D 1986

%A Sharon D. Stewart
%T Expert System Invades Military
%J Simulation
%V 46
%N 2
%D FEB 1986
%P 69
%K AI01 AA18

%A F. C. Hadipriono
%A H. S. toh
%T Approximate Reasoning Models for Consequences on Structural Component Due to
Failure Events
%J Civil Engineering Pract Design Engineering
%V 5
%N 3
%D 1986
%P 155-170
%K AA05 AA21 O04

%A J. Tymowski
%T Industrial Robots
%J Mechanik
%V 58
%N 10
%D 1985
%P 493-496
%K AI07
%X (in Polish with English, Polish, Russian and German summaries)

%A Dieter Schutt
%T Expert Systems - Forerunners of a New Technology
%J Siemens Review
%V 55
%N 1
%D JAN- FEB 1986
%P 30
%K AI01

%A H. Kasamatu
%A S. Omatu
%T Edge-Preserving Restoration of Noisy Images
%J International Journal of Systems Sciences
%V 17
%N 6
%D JUN 1985
%P 833-842
%K AI06

%A A. Pugh
%T Robot Sensors - A Personal View
%P 3-14
%K AI07

%A L. J. Pinson
%T Robot Vision - An Evaluation of Imaging Sensors
%P 15-66
%K AI07 AI06

%A D. G. Whitehead
%A I. Mitchell
%A P. V. Mellor
%T A Low-Resolution Vision Sensor
%P 67-74
%K AI06

%A J. E. Orrock
%A J. H. Garfunkel
%A B. A. Owen
%T An Integrated Vision/Range Sensor
%P 75-84
%K AI06

%A S. Baird
%A M. Lurie
%T Precise Robotic Assembly Using Vision in the Hand
%P 85-94
%K AI06 AI07 AA26

%A C. Loughlin
%A J. Morris
%T Line, Edge and Contour Following with Eye-in-Hand Vision
%P 95-102
%K AI06 AI07

%A P. P. L. Regtien
%A R. F. Wolffenbuttel
%T A Novel Solid-State Colour Sensor Suitable for Robotic Applicatinos
%P 103-114
%K AI06 AI07

%A A. Agrawal
%A M. Epstein
%T Robot Eye-in-Hand Using Fibre Optics
%P 115-126
%K AI06 AI07

%A P. A. Fehrenbach
%T Optical Alignment of Dual-in-Line Components for Assembly
%P 127-138
%K AI06 AI07 AA26 AA04

%A Da Fa Li
%T Semantically Positive Unit Resolution for Horn Sets
%J MAG53
%P 88-91
%K AI10
%X Chinese with English Summary

%A V. S. Neiman
%T Proof Search without Repeated Examination of Subgoals
%J Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR
%V 286
%D 1986
%N 5
%P 1065-1068
%K AI11
%X Russian

%A A. Colmerauer
%T About Natural Logic. Automated Reasoning in Nonclassical Logic
%J MAG54
%P 209-231
%K AI11

%A Ulf Grenander
%T Pictures as Complex Systems
%B Complexity, Language and Life: Mathematical Approaches
%S Biomathematics
%V 16
%I Spring
%C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York
%D 1986
%P 62-87
%K AI06

%A G. E. Mints
%T Resolution Calculi for Nonclassical Logics
%J Semiotics and Information Science
%V 25
%P 120-135
%D 1985
%K AI11
%X Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vsesoyuz. Inst. Nauchn. i Tekn. Inform., Moscow
(in Russian)

%A Charles G. Margon
%T Autologic. Automated Reasoning in Nonclassical Logic
%J MAG54
%P 257-282
%K AI11

%A B. M. Shtilman
%T A Formal Linguistic Model for Solving Discrete Optimization Problems I.
Optimization tools. Language of Trajectories
%J Soviet J. Computer Systems Science
%V 23
%D 1985
%N 5
%P 53-64

%A David Lee
%T Optimal Algorithms for Image Understanding: Current Status and Future Plans
%J J. Complexity
%V 1
%D 1985
%N 1
%P 138-146
%K AI06

%A Douglas B. West
%A Prithviraj Banerjee
%T Partial Matching in Degree-Restricted Bipartite Graphs
%J Proceedings of the Sixteenth Southeastern International Conference on
Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing
%P 259-266
%D 1985
%K O06

%A Kyota Aoki
%A N. Mugibayashi
%T Cellular Automata and Coupled Chaos Developed in  Lattice Chain of N
Equivalent Switching Elements
%J Phys. Lett. A
%V 114
%D 1986
%N 8-9
%P 425-429
%K AI12

%A R. J. R. Back
%T A Computational Interpretation of Truth Logic
%J Synthese
%V 66
%D 1986
%N 1
%P 15-34

%A Max Michel
%T Computation of Tempral Operators: Automated Reasoning in Nonclassical Logic
%J MAG54
%P 137-152
%K AI11

%A H. J. Warnecke
%A A. Altenhein
%T 2-1/2D Geometry Representation for Collision Avoidance of Industrial
%J MAG55
%P 269-272
%K AI07

%A W. Jacobi
%T Industrial Robots - Already Sufficiently Flexible for the User
%J MAG55
%P 273-277
%K AI07

%A H. J. Warnecke
%A G. Schiele
%T Measurement Methods for the Determination of Industrial Robot Characteristics
%J MAG55
%P 278-280
%K AI07

%A H. H. Raab
%T Assembly of Multipolar Plug Bonding Boxes in a Programmable Assembly
%J MAG55
%P 281-283
%K AA26

%A M. Schwiezer
%A E. M. Wolf
%T Strong Increase in Industrial Robot Installation
%J MAG55
%P 286
%K AT04 AI07

%A T. W. Stacey
%A A. E. Middleditch
%T The Geometry of Machining for Computer-aided Manufacture
%J MAG56
%P 83-92
%K AA26

%A S. S. Iyengar
%A C. L. Jorgensen
%A S. U. N. Rao
%A C. R. Weisbin
%T Robot Navigation Algorithms Using Learned Spatial Graphs
%J MAG56
%P 93-100
%K AI07

%A Guy Jamarie
%T On the Use of Time-Varying Intertia Links to Increase the Versatility of
%J MAG56
%P 101-106
%K AI07

%A Eugeny Krustev
%A Ljubomir Lilov
%T Kinematic Path Control of Robot Arms
%J MAG56
%P 107-116
%K AI07

%A Tony Owen
%T Robotics: The Strategic Issues
%J MAG56
%P 117
%K AI07

%A C. H. Cho
%T Expert Systems, Intelligent Devices, Plantwide Control and Self Tuning
Algorithms: An Update on the ISA/86 Technical Program
%J MAG56
%P 69
%K AA20 AI01

%A A. Hutchinson
%T A Data Structure and Algorithm for a Self-Augmenting Heuristic Program
%J The Computer Journal
%P 135-150
%V 29
%N 2
%D APR 1986
%K AI04

%A B. Kosko
%T Fuzzy Cognitive Maps
%J MAG57
%P 65-76
%K AI08 O04

%A C. L. Borgman
%T The Users Mental Model of an Information Retrieval System - An Experiment
on a Prototype Online Catalog
%J MAG57
%P 47-64
%K AI08 AA14

%A D. R. Peachey
%A G. I. Mccalla
%T Using Planning Techniques in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
%J MAG57
%P 77
%K AA07 AI09

%A H. J. Bernstein
%T Determining the Shape of a Convex n-sided Polygon Using 2n+k
Tacticle Probes
%J Information Processing Letters
%V 22
%N 5
%D APR 28, 1986
%P 255-260
%K AI07 O06

%A Fu-Nian Ku
%A Jian-Min Hu
%T A New Approach to the Restoration of an Image Blurred by a Linear
Uniform Motion
%J MAG58
%P 20-34
%K AI06

%A Charles F. Neveu
%A Charles R. Dyer
%A Roland T. Chin
%T Two-Dimensional Object Recognition Using Multiresolution Models
%J MAG58
%P 52-65
%K AI06

%A Keith E. Price
%T Hierarchical Matching Using Relaxation
%J MAG58
%P 66-75
%K AI06

%A Angela Y. Wu
%A S. K. Bhaskar
%A Azriel Rosenfeld
%T Computation of Geometric Properties from the Medial Axis Transform in
O(n log n) Time
%J MAG58
%P 76-92
%K AI06 O06

%A H. B. Bidasaria
%T A Method for Almost Exact Historgram Matching for Two Digitized Images
%J MAG58
%P 93-98
%K AI06 O06

%A Azriel Rosenfled
%T "Expert" Vision Systems: Some Issues
%J MAG58
%P 99-101
%K AI06 AI01

%A John R. Kender
%T Vision Expert Systems Demand Challenging Expert Interactions
%J MAG58
%P 102-103
%K AI06 AI01

%A Makoto Nagao
%T Comment on the Position Paper \*QExpert Vision Systems\*U
%J MAG58
%P 104
%K AI06 AI01

%A Leonard Uhr
%T Workshop on Goal Directed \*QExpert\*U Vision Systems: My Positions
and Comments
%J MAG58
%P 105-108
%K AI06 AI01

%A William B. Thompson
%T Comments on "Expert" Vision Systems: Some Issues
%J MAG58
%P 109-110
%K AI06 AI01

%A V. A. Kovalevsky
%T Dialog on "Expert" Vision Systems: Comments
%J MAG58
%P 111-113
%K AI06 AI01

%A David Sher
%T Expert Systems for Vision Based on Bayes Rule
%J MAG58
%P 114-115
%K AI06 AI01 O04

%A S. Tanimoto
%T The Case for Appropriate Architecture
%J MAG58
%P 116
%K AI06 AI01

%A Azriel Rosenfeld
%T Rosenfeld's Concluding Remarks
%J MAG58
%P 117
%K AI06 AI01

%A Robert M. Haralick
%T "Robot Vision" by Berthold Horn
%J MAG58
%P 118
%K AI06 AI07  AT07

%A K. Shirai
%A K. Mano
%T A Clustering Experiment of the Spectra and the Spectral Changes of Speech
to Extract Phonemic Features
%J MAG58
%P 279-290
%K AI05

%A A. K. Chakravarty
%A A. Shutub
%T Integration of Assembly Robots in a Flexible Assembly System
%P 71-88
%K AI07 AA26

%A R. C. Morey
%T Optimizing Versatility in Robotic Assembly Line Design- An Application
%P 89-98
%K AI07 AA26

%A J. Grobeiny
%T The Simple Linguistic Approach to Optimization of a Plant Layout by Branch
and Bound
%P 141-150
%K AA26 AI02 AI03

%A Z. J. Czjikiewicz
%T Justification of the Robots Applications
%P 367-376
%K AI07

%A M. J. P. Shaw
%A A. B. Whinston
%T Applications of Artificial Intelligence to Planning and Scheduling in
Flexible Manufacturing
%P 223-242
%K AI07

%A S. Subramanymam
%A R. G. Askin
%T An Expert Systems Approach to Scheduling in Flexible Manufacturing Systems
%P 243-256
%K AI07

%A Michael K. Brown
%T The Extraction of Curved Surface Features with Generic Range Sensors
%J MAG59
%P 3-18
%K AI06

%A Michael Erdmann
%T Using Backprojections for Fine Motion Planning with Uncertaintly
%J MAG59
%P 19-45
%K AI07 AI09 O04

%A Katsushi Ikeuchi
%A H. Keith Nishihara
%A Berthold K. P. Horn
%A Patrick Sobalvarro
%A Shigemi Nagati
%T Determining Grasp Configurations Using Photometric Stereo and the PRISM
Binocular Stereo System
%J MAG59
%P 46-65
%K AI06  AI07

%A Dragan Stokic
%A Miomir Vukobratovic
%A Dragan Hristic
%T Implementation of Force Feedback in Manipulation Robots
%J MAG59
%P 66-76
%K AI07

%A Oussama Khatib
%T Real-Time Obstacle Avoidance for Manipulators and Mobile Robots
%J MAG59
%P 90-98
%K AI07 AA19

%A R. Featherstone
%T A Geometric Investigation of Reach
%J MAG59
%P 99
%K AI07 AT07

%A Maria Virginia Aponte
%T Editing First Order Proofs: Programmed Rules vs. Derived Rules
%P 92-98
%K AI11

%A Hellfried Bottger
%T Automatic Theorem-Proving with Configuraitons
%J Elektron. Informationsverarb. Kybernet.
%V 21
%N 10-11
%P 523-546
%K AI11

%A D. R. Brough
%A M. H. van Emden
%T Dataflow, Flowcharts and \*QLUCID\*U style Programming in Logic
%P 252-258

%A Laurent Fribough
%T Handling Function Definitions Through Innermost Superposition and Rewriting
%P 325-344

%A T. Gergely
%A M. Szots
%T Cuttable Formulas for Logic Programming
%P 299-310

%A N. N. Leonteva
%T Information Model of the Automatic Translation System
%J Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya, Seriya II -
Informatsionnye Protsessy I Sistemy
%N 10
%D 1985
%P 22-28
%X in Russian