[mod.ai] the definitive connectionist reference

Dave.Touretzky@A.CS.CMU.EDU (10/16/86)

The definitive book on connectionism (as of 1986) has just been published
by MIT Press.  It's called "Parallel Distributed Processing:  Explorations in
the Microstructure of Cognition", by David E. Rumelhart, James H. McClelland,
and the PDP research group.  If you want to know about connectionist models,
this is the book to read.  It comes in two volumes, at about $45 for the set.

For other connectionist material, see the proceedings of IJCAI-85 and the
1986 Cognitive Science Conference, and the January '85 issue of the
journal Cognitive Science.

-- Dave Touretzky

single-layer learning machines, meaning they had an input layer and an
output layer, with exactly one learning layer in between.  No feedback paths
were permitted between units -- a severe limitation.  The learning
algorithms were simple.  Minsky and Papert wrote a well-known book showing
that perceptrons couldn't do very much at all.  They can't even learn the
XOR function.  Since they had initially been the subject of incredible
amounts of hype, the fall of perceptrons left all of neural network
research in deep disrepute among AI researchers for almost two decades.

In contrast to perceptrons, connectionist models have unrestricted
connectivity, meaning they are rich in feedback paths.  They have rather
sophistcated learning rules, some of which are based on statistical
mechanics (the Boltzmann machine learning algorithm) or information
theoretic measures (G-maximization learning).  These models have been
enriched by recent work in physics (e.g., Hopfield's analogy to spin
glasses), computer science (simulated annealing search, invented by
Kirkpatrick and adapted to neural nets by Hinton and Sejnowski), and
neuroscience (work on coarse coding, fast weights, pre-synaptic
facilitation, and so on.)

Many connectionist models perform cognitive tasks (i.e., tasks related to
symbol processing) rather than pattern recognition; perceptrons were mostly
used for pattern recognition.  Connectionist models can explain certain
psychological phenomena that other models can't; for an example, see
McClelland and Rumelhart's word recognition model.  The brain is a
connectionist model.  It is not a perceptron.

Perhaps the current interest in connectionist models is just a passing fad.
Some folks are predicting that connectionism will turn out to be another
spectacular flop -- Perceptrons II.  At the other extreme, some feel the
initial successes of ``the new connectionists'' may signal the beginning of
a revolution in AI.   Read the journals and decide for yourself.