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%A R. Neches %A P. Langley %A D. Klahr %T Learning, Development and Production Systems %I Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine %D JAN 1986 %R 86-01 %K AI01 AI04 %X 46 pages ($4.00) %A R. P. Hall %T Understanding Analogical Reasoning: Computational Approaches %D MAY 1986 %I Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine %R 86-11 %K AI04 AT09 %X 60 pages ($5.00) %A P. Langley %A J. G. Carbonell %T Language Acquisition and Machine Learning %D JUN 1986 %I Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine %R 86-12 %K AI02 AI04 %X 41 pages $3.00 %A J. C. Schlimmer %T A Note on Correlational Measures %D MAY 1986 %I Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine %R 86-13 %X determining the degree that two events are interrelated 14 pages $2.00 %A B. Nordhausen %T Conceptual Clustering Using Relational Information %D JUN 1986 %I Department of Information and Computer Science, University of California, Irvine %R 86-15 %K AI04 O06 %X 15 pages $2.00 %A Peter J. Denning %T Expert Systems %I Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science, NASA Ames Research Center %R 85.17 %K AI01 %A Peter J. Denning %T Will Machines Ever Think? %I Research Institute for Advanced Computer Science, NASA Ames Research Center %R 86.12 %K AI16 %A Ajay Rastogi %A Sargur N. Srihari %T Recognizing Textual Blocks in Document Images Using the Hough Transform %I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo %R 86-01 %K AI06 AA14 %X 1.00 /1.50 %A Pudcode Swaminathan %A Sargur N. Srihari %T Document Image Binarization: Second Derivative Versus Adaptive Thresholding %I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo %R 86-02 %K AI06 %X $1.00/ $1.50 %A William J. Rapaport %T Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence: A Course Outline %I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo %R 86-03 %K AI16 AT18 %X $1.00/$1.50 %A Shoshana L. Hardt %A William J. Rapaport %T Recent and Current Ai Research in the Department of Computer Science, SUNY-Buffalo %I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo %R 86-05 %K AT21 %X $1.00/$1.50 %A Kemal Eboioglu %T An Expert System for Harmonization of Chorales in the Style of J. S. Bach %I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo %R 86-09 %K AA25 AI01 %X $3.00/$4.00 289 pages %A Stuart C. Shapiro %T Symmetric Relations, Intensional Individuals, and Variable Binding %I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo %R 86-10 %K AI16 AI02 AI01 %X dealing with relations such as "are adjacent" and "are related" %A Sargur N. Srihari %A Jonathan J. Hull %A Paul W. Palumbo %A Ching-Huei Wang %T Automatic Address Block Locatino: Analysis of Images and Statistical Data %I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo %R 86-11 %K AI06 %X finding the destination address on a letter, magazine or parcel for the post office 63 pages $1.00/$1.50 %A S. L. Hardt %A D. H. Macfadden %A M. Johnson %A T. Thomas %A S. Wroblewski %T The Dune Shell Manual: Version 1 %I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo %R 86-12 %K AI01 AA11 AA18 T03 common sense %X DUNE is Diagnostic Understanding of Natural Events, a shell that has been applied to threat assessment, personality assessment and common sense reasoning $1.00/$1.50 %A Janyce M. Wiebe %A William J. Rapaport %T Representing de re and de dicto belief reports in discourse and narrative %I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo %R 86-14 %K AI02 AI16 %X $1.00/$1.50 %A William J. Rapaport %A Stuart C. Shapiro %A Janyce M. Wiebe %T Quasi-Indicators, Knowledge Reports, and Discourse %I Department of Computer Science State University of New York at Buffalo %R 86-15 %K AI02 AI16 de re de dicto %X $1.00/$1.50 %A David E. Rumenhart %A James L. McClelland %T Parallel Distributed Processing: Explorations in the Microstructures of Cognition, %I Library of Computer Science %K AT15 AI04 AI03 AI08 %X Two volume set for $35.95. Volume I: Foundations Volume II: Psychological Models %A Christian Lengauer %T A View of Automated Proof Checking and Proving %R TR-86-16 %D JUN 1986 %I University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences %K AI11 %X $1.50 %A Manuel V. Hermengildo %T An Abstract Machine Based Execution Model for Computer Architecture Design and Efficient Implementation of Logic Programs in Parallel %R TR-86-20 %D JUN 1986 %I University of Texas at Austin, Department of Computer Sciences %K AI10 H03 %X $5.00 %A Nicholas V. Findler %A Timothy W. Bickmore %A Robert F. Cromp %T A General-Purpose Man-Machine Environment to Aid in Decision Making and Planning with Special Reference to Air Traffic Control %I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department %R TR-84-001 %K AI13 AI09 O01 %A Nicholas V. Findler %A Timothy W. Bickmore %A Robert F. Cromp %T A General-Purpose Man-machine Environment with Special Reference to Air Traffic Control %I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department %R TR-84-002 %K AI13 AI09 O01 %A Nicholas V. Findler %A Ron Lo %T An Examination of Distributed Planning in the World of Air Traffic Control %I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department %R TR-84-004 %K AI13 AI09 O01 %A Ben Huey %T Using Register Transfer Languages for Knowledge-Based Automatic Test Generation %I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department %R TR-84-011 %K AA04 %A F. Golshani %T Tools for the Construction of Expert Database Systems %I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department %R TR-84-013 %K AA09 AI01 %A Ben M. Huey %T The Heuristic State Search Algorithm %I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department %R TR-84-018 %K AI03 %A F. Golshani %A A. Faustin %T The Eductive (sic) Knowledge Engine-Preliminary Investigations %I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department %R TR-84-023 %K AI16 %A A. L. Pai %A J. W. Pan %T A Computer Graphics Kinematic Simulation System for Robot Manipulators %I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department %R TR-85-003 %K AI07 %A Nicholas V. Findler %T Air Traffic Control, A Challenge for Artificial Intelligence %I Arizona State University, Computer Science Department %R TR-85-006 %K AI16 %A Richard L. Madarasz %A Loren C. Heiny %A Norm E. Berg %T The Design of an Autonomous Vehicle for the Handicapped %I Arizona State University, Computer Science Departme
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%A L. S. Fainzilberg %A G. A. Shklyar %T Estimation of Attribute Utility in Statistical Recognition of Two Classes %J Soviet J. Automat. Inform. Scie. %V 189 %N 5 %P 81-86 %K O04 O06 %A Peter Naur %T Thinking and Turing's Test %J BIT %V 26 %D 1986 %N 2 %P 175-187 %K AI16 %A Persi Diaconis %A Mehrdad Shahshani %T Products of Random Matrices and Computer Image Generation %B Random Matrices and Tehir Applications %P 173-182 %S Contemp. Math. %V 50 %I Amer. Math. Soc. %C Providence, R. I. %D 1986 %K AI06 %A V. A. Nepomnyaschii %T Problem-oriented Program Verification %J Programmirovanie 1986 %N 1 %P 3-13 %K AA08 %A Yong Qiang Sun %A Bao Xing Tang %T Strong Verification of Nested-loop Programs %J J. Shanghai Jiatong Univ. %D 1984 %N 6 %P 1-10 %K AA08 %X Chinese with English summary %A A. Browne %T Vision and the Robot %J Philips Journal of Research %V 41 %N 3 %D 1986 %P 232-246 %K AI06 AI07 %A B. J. Falkowski %A L. Schmitz %T A Note on the Queen's Problem %J Information Processing Letters %V 23 %N 1 %D JUL 20, 1986 %K AI03 AA17 %A Huia-Chuan Chen %A J. H. Fang %T A Heuristic Search Method for Optimal Zonation of Well Logs %J Mathematical Geology %V 18 %N 5 %D 1986 %P 489-500 %K AA03 AI06 AI03 %X improved the Houwkins and Merium algorithm by 7 to 50 fold %A A. Kong %A G. O. Barnett %A F. Mosteller %A C. Youtz %T How Medical Professional Evaluate Expressions of Probability %J New England Journal of Medicine %V 315 %D SEP 18, 1986 %N 12 %P 740-744 %K AA01 AI02 AI01 %X explains what is meant in probabilistic terms by doctors by such phrases as "likely" %A G. Vontrzebiatowski %A B. Bank %T On the Convergence of the Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm Fuzzy ISODATA %J Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik %P 201-208 %V 66 %N 6 %D 1986 %K O04 O06 %A Makoto Kaneko %A Minoru Abe %A Eiichi Horiuchi %A Kazuo Tanie %T Study on Hexapod Walking Machine using an Approximate Straight Line Mechanism Third Report; A Control Method for Proceeding over Soft Ground %J Journal of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory %V 40 %N 4 %D JUL 1986 %K AI07 %A A. G. Erdman %A T. Thompson %A D. R. Riley %T Type Selection of Robot and Gripper Kinematic Topology Using Expert Systems %J International Journal of Robot Research %V 5 %N 2 %D 1986 %P 183 %K AA05 AI01 AI07 %X [. There are many other articles on this issue on robot kinematics (this was a special issue). I do not include those in this bibliography.] %A James J. Clark %A Peter D. Lawrence %T A Theoretical Basis for Diffrequency Stereo %J MAG80 %P 1-19 %K AI06 %A Brian G. Schunck %T The Image Flow Constraint Equation %J MAG80 %P 20-46 %K AI06 %A Teresa M. Silberberg %A David A. Harwood %A Larry S. Davis %T Object Recognition Using Oriented Model Points %J MAG80 %P 47-71 %K AI06 %A Haluk Derin %A William S. Cole %T Segment of Textured Images Using Gibbs Random Fields %J MAG80 %P 72-98 %K AI06 %A Theo Pavlidis %T A Vectorizer and Feature Extractor for Document Recognition %J MAG80 %P 111 %K AI06 %A Matthew Hennessy %T Proving Systolic Systems Correct %J ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems %V 8 %N 3 %D JUL 1986 %P 344-387 %K AA08 AA04 AI11 %A Krzysztof R. Apt %T Correctness Proofs of Distributed Termination Algorithms %J ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems %V 8 %N 3 %D JUL 1986 %P 388-407 %K AA08 AI11 %A A. Pathak %A S. K. Pal %T A Generalized Learning Algorithm Based on Guard Zones %J MAG81 %P 63-70 %K AI04 %A S. Larsen %A L. N. Kanal %T Analysis of k-nearest Neighborhood Branch and Bound Rules %J MAG81 %P 71-78 %K AI03 %A F. Pasian %A C. Vuerli %T Core-line Tracing for Fuzzy Image Subsets %J MAG81 %P 93 %K O04 AI06 %A O. R. Polonskaya %T Logic-Semantic Connectors of the English Language as Formal Indicators of Text Coherence %J Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya Seriya II - Informatsionnye Protessy I Systemy %N 6 %D 1986 %P 19-22 %K AI02 %A J. Victor %T Bell-Labs Models Parallel Processor on Neural Networks %J Mini-Micro Systems %V 19 %N 10 %D AUG 1986 %P 43+ %K AI12 H03 %A C. Dede %T A Review and Synthesis of Recent Research in Intelligent Computer-Assisted Instruction %J MAG82 %P 329-354 %K AA07 AT08 AT21 %A J. S. Greenstein %A L. Y. Arnaut %A M. E. Revesman %T An Empirical Comparison of Model-Based and Explicit Communication for Dynamic Human-Computer Task Allocation %J MAG82 %P 355-364 %K AI08 O01 %A C. G. Leedham %A A. C. Downton %T On-Line Recognition of Pitman Handwritten Shorthand %J MAG82 %P 375-394 %K AI06 %A P. N. Crowley %T The Use of Q-Analysis and Q-Factor Weightings to Derive Clinical Psychiatric Syndromes %J MAG82 %P 395-408 %K AA11 O04 %A Concettina Guerra %T A VLSI Algorithm for the Optimal Detection of a Curve %J MAG83 %P 206-214 %K AI06 %A Bruce K. Hillyer %A David Elliot Shaw %T Execution of OPS5 Production Systems on a Massively Parallel Machine %J MAG83 %P 236-268 %K H03 AI01 %A Salvatore J. Stolfo %A Daniel P. Miranker %T The DADO Production System Machine %J MAG83 %P 269 %K AI01 H03 %A Gerrit Broekstra %T Organizational Humanity and Architecture: Duality and Complementarity of PAPA -Logic and MAMA-Logic in Managerial Conceptualizations of Change %J MAG84 %P 13-42 %K AI08 AA11 AA06 %A Stuart A. Umpleby %T Self-Authorization: A Characteristic of Some Elements in Certain Self-Organiz ing Systems %J MAG84 %P 79-88 %K H03 AI12 %A R. M. Lougheed %A C. M. Swonger %T An Analysis of Computer Architectural Factors Contributing to Image Processor Capacity %B BOOK53 %P 3-13 %K AI06 %A O. R. Hinton %A H. G. Kim %T A Bit-Sequential VLSI Pixel-Kermel Processor for Image Processing %B BOOK53 %P 14-20 %K AI06 H03 %A D. J. Skellern %T A Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) System for Image Reconstruction from Projections %B BOOK53 %P 21-26 %K AI06 %A P. W. Besslich %T Parallel Architecture for Line-Scanned Images %B BOOK53 %P 27-35 %K AI06 H03 %A R. P. W. Duin %A H. Haringa %A R. Zeelen %T A Hardware Design for Fast 2-D Percentile Filtering %B BOOK53 %P 36-40 %K AI06 %A R. Boekamp %A F. C. A. Groen %A F. A. Gerritsen %A R. J. Vanmunster %T Design and Implementation of a Cellular Logic VME Processor Module %B BOOK53 %P 41-45 %K AI06 %A J. L. Basille %A S. Castan %T Multilevel Architectures for Image Processing %B BOOK53 %P 46-53 %K AI06 H03 %A J. Rommelaere %A L. Vaneycken %A P. Wambacq %A A. Oosterlinck %T A Microprogrammable Processor Architecture for Image Processing %B BOOK53 %P 59-67 %K AI06 %A M. Suk %A S. S. Pyo %T A Geometry Processor for Image Processing and Pattern Recognition %B BOOK53 %P 68-73 %K AI06 %A P. W. Pachowicz %T Image Processing by a Local-SIMD Co-Processor %B BOOK53 %P 82-87 %K AI06 AI03 %A V. Cantoni %A L. Carrioli %A O. Catalano %A L. Cinque %A V. Digesu %A M. Ferretti %A G. Gerardi %A S. Levialdi %A R. Lombardi %A A. Machi %A R. Sterfanelli %T The Papia Image Analysis System %B BOOK53 %P 88-97 %K AI06 %A J. Ronsin %A D. Barba %A S. Raboisson %T Comparison Between Cooccurrence Matrices, Local Histograms and Curvilinear Integration for Texture Characterization %B BOOK53 %P 98-104 %K AI06 %A N. Lins %T Refinement of Spectral Methods for Use in Texture Analysis %B BOOK53 %P 105-111 %K AI06 %A M. Slimani %A C. Roux %A A. Hillioun %T Image Segmentation by Cluster Analysis of High Resolution Textured SPOT Image s %B BOOK53 %P 112-119 %K AI06 %A A. Beckers %A L. Dorst %A L. T. Young %T The Choice of Filter Parameters for non-Linear Grey-Value Image Processing %B BOOK53 %P 120-128 %K AI06 %A J. Illingworth %A J. Kittler %T A Parallel Threshold Selection Algorithm %B BOOK53 %P 129-134 %K AI06 H03 %A R. Samy %T An Adaptive Image Sequence Filtering Scheme Based on Motion Detection %B BOOK53 %P 135-144 %K AI06 %A B. K. Ghaffary %T A Review of Image Matching Techniques %B BOOK53 %P 164-172 %K AI06 %A K. Martinez %A D. E. Pearson %T PETAL A Parallel Processor for Real-Time Primitive Extraction %B BOOK53 %P 173-175 %K AI06 O03 %A T. J. Dennis %A L. J. Clark %T Real Time Detection of Spot-Type Defects %B BOOK53 %P 178-183 %K AI06 O03 %A E. Egeli %A F. Klein %A G. Maderlechner %T Model-Based Instantiation of Symbols from Structurally Related Image Primitives %B BOOK53 %P 184-189 %K AI06 %A R. L. Shoemaker %A P. H . Bartels %A H. Bartels %A W. G. Griswold %A D. Hillman %A R. Maenner %T Image-Data-Driven Dynamically-Reconfigurable Multiprocessor System in Automated Histopathology %B BOOK53 %P 190-198 %K AI06 AA10 %A T. Lorch %A J. Bille %A M. Frieben %A G. Stephan %T An Automated Biological Dosimetry System %B BOOK53 %P 199-206 %K AI06 AA10 %A C. Katsinis %A A. D. Poularikas %T Pattern Recognition of Zooplankton Images Using a Circular Sampling Technique %B BOOK53 %P 207-211 %K AI06 AA10 %A D. Lecomte %A J. Beullier %A D. Grangeon %T Image Porcessing Adapted to Radiographs %B BOOK53 %P 212-218 %K AI06 AA01 %A Zohar Manna %A Richard Waldinger %T The Logical Basis for Computer Programming. Vol I. Deductive Reasoning %I Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. %C Reading, MASS %D 1985 %K AA08 AI11 AT15 %A A. S. Morozov %T Logic with Incomplete Information as an Information System in the Sense of Scott %J Vychisl. Sistemy NO. 107 %D 1985 %P 71-79 %K AI16 %A B. C. Moszkowski %T Executing Temporal Logic Programs %I Cambridge University Press %C Cambridge-New York %D 1986 %K AT15 AI10 %X ISBN 0-521-31099-7 %A A. P. Sistla %A E. M. Clarke %A N. Francez %A A. R. Meyer %T Can Message Buffers be Axiomatized in Linear Temporal Logic %J Inform. and Control %V 63 %N 1-2 %P 88-112 %K AA08 AI11 %A Wolfgang Wechler %T R-fuzzy Computation %J J. Math. Anal. Appl. %V 115 %D 1986 %N 1 %P 225-232 %K O04 %A Luis Aguila Feros %A Jose Ruiz Shulcloper %T A Bm-Algorithm for Processing K-valent Data in Recognition Problems %J Cinc. Mat. (Havana) %V 5 %D 1984 %N 3 %P 89-101 %K AI16 %X Spanish. English Summary %A Vincent Digricoli %A Malcolm Harrison %T Equality-based Binary Resolution %J JACM %V 33 %D 1986 %N 2 %P 253-289 %K AI11 %A M. H. van Emden %T Quantitative Deduction and its Fix-Point Theory %J MAG85 %P 37-53 %K AI10 %A Hong Fan %A Jorge L. C. Sanz %T Comments on "Direct Fourier Reconstruction in Computer Tomography" [IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Signal Process 29 (1981) no. 2. 237-245 by H. Stark, J. W. Woods, I. Paul and R. Hingorani %J IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Signal Process. %V 33 %D 1985 %N 2 %P 446-449 %K AI06 AA01 AT13 %A D. M. Gabbay %A M. J. Sergot %T Negation as Inconsistency %J MAG85 %P 1-35 %K AI10 %A Han Rong Lu %T Some Problems in Logic Program Design %J Comput. Sci %D 1986 %N 1 %P 38-39 %K AI10 O02 %X (Chinese) %A Anca L. Ralescu %T A Note on Rule Representation in Expert Systems %J Inform. Sci %V 38 %D 1986 %N 2 %P 193-203 %K AI01 %A Yu A. Zuev %T Probabilistic Model of a Committee of Classifiers %J Zh. Vychisl. Mat. i Mat. Fiz %V 26 %D 1986 %N 2 %P 276-292 %K H03 O04 %X (russian) %A Irena Pevac %T Heuristic for Avoiding Skolemization in Theorem Proving %J Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) (N. S.) %V 38 %N 52 %D 1985 %P 207-213 %K AI11 %A A. A. Voronkov %T A Method of Search for a Proof %J Vychisl. Sistemy No. 107 %D 1985 %P 109-123 %K AI03 AI11 %X (Russian) %A Kiem Hoang %T Geometric Transforms of Digital Images %J Rostock. Math. Kolloq. No 28 %D 1985 %P 87-98 %K AI06 %A Jacques Loeckx %A Kurt Sieber %A Ryan D. Sansifer %T The Foundations of Program Verication %S Wiley-Teubner Series in Computer Science %I John Wiley and Sons %C Chichester %D 1984 %K AT15 AA08 AI11 %X ISBN 0-471-90323-X %A Andreas Blass %A Yuri Gurevich %A Dexter Kozen %T A zero-one Law for Logic with a Fixed-point Operator %J Information and Control %V 67 %D 1985 %N 1-3 %P 70-90 %K AI11 %A J. Sakalauskaite %T Axiom Systems for Proving the Equivalence of Compositions of Simple Assignments %J Mat. Logika Primenen. No. 1 %D 1981 %P 109-132 %K AA08 AI11 %X Russian. English and Lithuanian summaries %A A. Prasad Sistla %A Moshe Y. Vardi %A Pierre Wolper %T The Complementation Problem fo Buchi Automata with Applications to Temporal Logic %B BOOK52 %P 465-475 %K AI11 %A Colin Stirling %T A Complete Modal Proof System for a Subset of SCCS %B BOOK47 %P 235-266 %K AA08 AI11 %A Colin Stirling %T A Complete Compositional Modal Proof System for a subset of CCS %B BOOK52 %P 475-486 %K AA08 AI11 %A Rimgaudas Zaldokas %T Construction of Term Rewriting Rules for Abstract Data Types %J Mat. Logika Primenen No. 1 %D 1981 %P 9-19 %K AI14 %A Lev Goldfarb %T A New Approach to Pattern Recognition %B Progress in Pattern Recognition %P 241-402 %S Machine Intell. Pattern Recognition %V 1 %I North-Holland %C Amsterdam, New York %D 1985 %A Jieh Hsiang %A Mandayam Srivas %T PROLOG-based Inductive Theorem Proving %B BOOK40 %P 129-149 %K AI10 AI11 %A Neil D. Jones %A Alan Mycroft %T Stepwise Development of Operational and Denotational Semantics of Prolog %B BOOK50 %P 281-288 %K AI10 AI11 O02 %A Kenneth M. Kahn %T A Primitive for the Control of Logic Programs %B BOOK50 %P 242-251 %K AI10 %A Prateek MIshra %T Towards a Theory of Types in Prolog %B BOOK50 %P 289-298 %K AI10 O02 %A David A. Plaisted %T The Occur-Check Problem in Prolog %B BOOK50 %P 272-280 %K AI10 %A Zbigniew Ras %A Maria Zemankova-Leech %T Rough Sets Based Learning Systems %B Computation Theory (Zaborow, 1984) %S Lecture Notes in Computer Science %V 275 %I Springer-Verlag %C Berlin-Heidelberg-New York %D 1985 %P 263-275 %K AI04 %A Mark E. Stickel %T A PROLOG Technology Theorem Prover %B BOOK50 %P 211-217 %K T02 AI11 %A Hisao Tamaki %T Semantics of a Logic Programming Language with a Reducability Predicate %B BOOK50 %P 259-264 %K AI10 %A Raymond Turner %T Logics for Artificial Intelligence %I Ellis Horwood %C Chichester %D 1985 %A Michael J. Wise %A David M. W. Powers %T Indexing Prolog Clauses Via Superimposed Code Words and Field Encoded Words %B BOOK50 %P 203-210 %K T02 %A Kathy Yelick %T Combining Unification Algorithms for Confined Regular Equational Theories %J BOOK54 %P 365-380 %K AI14 %A Pierre Rety %A Claude Kirchner %A Helene Kirchner %A Pierre Lescanne %T NARROWER: A New Algorithm for Unification and its Application to Logic Programming %J BOOK54 %P 141-157 %K AI10 AI11 %A Harvey Abramson %T Definite Clause Translation Grammars %B BOOK50 %P 233-240 %K AI11 %A Marta Cialdea %T Some Remarks on the Possibility of Extending Resolution Proof Procedures to Intuitionistic Logic %J Inform. Process. Lett %V 22 %D 1986 %N 2 %P 87-90 %K AI10 AI11 %A Stavros S. Cosmadakis %A Paris C. Kanellakis %T Two Applications of Equational Theories to Database Theory %B BOOK54 %P 107-123 %K AI10 AA09 AI11 %A Amitava Bagchi %A A. Mahanti %T Three Approaches to Heuristic Search in Networks %J JACM %V 32 %D 1985 %N 1 %P 1-27 %K AI03 %A G. Gottlob %A A. Leitsch %T On the Efficiency of Subsumption Algorithms %J JACM %V 32 %D 1985 %N 2 %P 280-295 %K AI11 %A O. K. Khanmamedov %T Approximating Perceptron and Convergence of a Process of Training a Classifier %J Akad. Nauk. Azerbaidzhan. SSR Dokl. %V 41 %D 1985 %N 8 %P 8-11 %K AI04 AI06 %X Russian with English and Azerbaijani Summaries %A V. S. Neiman %T Unattainable Subgoals in Searching for an Inference from a Goal %B Complexity Problems of Mathematical Logic %P 68-72 %I Kalinin. Gos. Univ. %C Kalinin %D 1985 %K AI16 %X Russian %A Bernard Silver %T Meta-level Inference. Representing and Learning Control Information in Artificial Intelligence %S Studies in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence %V 1 %I North-Holland Publishing Co. %C Amsterdam-new York %D 1986 %K AT15 AI04 AI03 AI16 %X ISBN-0-444-87900-5 %A V. I. Vasilev %A F. P. Ovsyannikova %T Optimization of the Space in Teaching Pattern Recognition %J Soviet J. Automat. Inform. Sci %D 1985 %N 3 %P 6-14 %V 18 %K AI04 AI06 %A Dennis de Champeaux %T About the Paterson-Wegman Linear Unification Algorithm %J J. Comput. System Sci %V 32 %D 1986 %N 1 %P 79-90 %K AI11 %A Da Fa Li %T Semantic Resolution and Paramodulation for Horn Sets %J J. Huazhong Univ. Sci. Tech %V 12 %N 2 %P 13-16 %K AI10 AI11 %X Chinese with English Summary %A David Harel %T Dynamic Logic %B Handbook of Philosophical Logic, Vol II %P 497-604 %S Synthese Library %V 165 %C Reidel, Boston %D 1984 %A A. Hoppe %T Temporal Logic Specification of Synchronization Primitives %B BOOK55 %P 455-466 %K AA08 %A Erica Jen %T Invariant Strings and Pattern-Recognizing Properties of One-Dimensional Cellular Automata %J J. Statist. Phys %V 43 %D 1986 %N 1-2 %P 219-242 %K AI12 %A H. R. Nielson %T A Hoare-Like Proof System for Total Correctness of Nested Recursive Procedures %B BOOK55 %P 227-239 %K AA08 %A Shi Tie Wang %T Modal Logic and Program Verification %J Acta Sci. Natur. Univ. Amoien %V 24 %D 1985 %N 3 %P 300-307 %K AA08 %X Chinese with English Summary %A S. J. Young %A C. Proctor %T UFI - An Experimental Frame Language Based on Abstract Data Types %J The Computer Journal %V 29 %N 4 %D AUG 1986 %P 340-347 %K AI16 %A H. J. Eibner %A D. Holzel %T Aspects of Expert Systems Applications in Medicine %J Angewandte Informatik %N 7 %D JUL 1986 %P 279-284 %K AI01 AA01 %A Q Tian %A Michael N. Huhns %T Algorithms for Subpixel Registration %J MAG86 %P 220-233 %K AI06 %A Vladimir Kim %A Leonid Yaroslavskii %T Rank Algorithms for Picture Processing %J MAG86 %P 234-258 %K AI06 %A Michael H. Brill %T Perception of Transparency in Man and Machine: A Comment on Beck %J MAG86 %P 270-271 %K AI06 AI08 %A Ye. K. Gordiyenko %A V. N. Zakhavov %T Process Management in Knowledge Bases %J Soviet Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences %V 24 %N 1 %D JAN-FEB 1986 %P 81-95 %K H03 %A C. L. Ramsey %A J. A. Reggia %A D. S. Nau %A A. Ferrentino %T A Comparative Analysis of Methods for Expert Systems %J International Journal of Man-Machine Studies %V 24 %N 5 %D MAY 1986 %K AI01 %P 475 %K AI01 %A Bruce L. Golden %A A. Hevner %A D. Power %T Decision Insight Systems for Microcomputers: a Critical Evaluation %J MAG87 %P 287-300 %K AI13 %A Arjang A. Assad %A Bruce L. Golden %T Expert Systems, Microcomputers and Operations Research %J MAG87 %P 301-322 %K H01 AI01 %A Jeffrey Perrone %T Down from the Clouds: Notes on "Expert Systems, Microcomputers, and Operation s Research" %J MAG87 %P 323-324 %K H01 AI01 %A E. Eugene Carter %T Creating a Shell-based Expert System %J MAG87 %P 325-328 %K T03 AI01 %A James A. Reggia %A Sanjesv B. Ahuja %T Selecting an Approach to Knowledge Processing %J MAG87 %P 329-332 %K AI01 %A Richard T. Wong %T Comment on "Expert Systems, Microcomputers, and Operations Research" %J MAG87 %P 333 %K AI01
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%A W. H. H. J. Lunscher %A M. P. Beddoes %T Optimal Edge Dector Evaluation %J IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics %V SMC-16 %N 2 %D MAR/APR 1986 %P 304-312 %K AI06 %A L. F. Chaparro %A M. Boudaoud %T Image Multimodeling and a Two-Dimensional Multicategory Wiener Filter %J IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics %V SMC-16 %N 2 %D MAR/APR 1986 %P 312-316 %K AI06 %A Mitch Betts %T In with Electronic Filing System, Out with Antique Regulations %J ComputerWorld %D JUL 21, 1986 %V 20 %N 29 %P 15 %K AI02 AA14 AA06 Securities and Exchange Commission SEC Internal Revenue Service IRS %X The Securities and Exchange Commission is requiring companies to do their mandatory filings on computer readable media. The SEC has tried an AI system to extract financial data from the reports to be input into calculations. This worked with a 94 percent success rate but the SEC is now requiring that these figures be tagged for easy extraction. The IRS would like to store tax returns on optical disk and then destroy the paper copies but the Department of Justice is opposed because this would prevent forensic examination of fingerprints or signatures on the physical returns. %A Charles Babcock %T AI to drive 5GL Software %J ComputerWorld %D JUL 21, 1986 %V 20 %N 29 %P 23+ %K George Schussel AA08 AA06 AT14 %X George Schussel, president of Digital Consulting Associates said that AI would become part of fifth generation languages to help automate the programming of business software systems. %A Eddy Goldberg %T Expert System Financial Tool Out for Small Business %J ComputerWorld %D JUL 21, 1986 %V 20 %N 29 %P 28 %K AT02 H01 AA06 Sterling Wentworth Businessplan financial planner %X Sterling Wentworth announced that Businessplan would be released in August. This is a tool for financial planners and contains 7500 decision rules and 500 parameters that can be adjusted by the financial planner for his philosophy and style. It costs $4500 and runs on IBM PC's. %A Leilani Allen %T The Cost of an Expert %J ComputerWorld %D JUL 21, 1986 %V 20 %N 29 %P 59-68 %K Knowledge Consortium Campbell's Soup Company AI01 %X quantifies the cost of a human expert in salary, overhead, etc., so that people can judge whether building an expert system to replace him is worth the investment. %T Tool Lets PC, 370 Share Applications %J ComputerWorld %D JUL 21, 1986 %V 20 %N 29 %P 81 %K H01 T03 Aion MVS AI01 %X Aion has two shell products, one for the IBM PC and the other for IBM mainframes under MCS which are fully compatible so that applications can be shared. The MVS version sells for $60,000. %T AI Eases Conversion form CAD to NC Format %J Electronics %D MAR 31, 1986 %P 67-68 %V 59 %N 13 %K AA26 %X PMX is selling an AI system that will convert IGES standard data to numerical control programs. It runs on PC/XT's and costs for $8500, $11,500 for 3d capabilities %A K. W. Ng %A W. Y. Ma %T Pitfalls in Prolog Programming %J SIGPLAN Notices %V 21 %N 4 %D APR 1986 %P 75-79 %K T02 %A Gerardo Cisneros %A Harold V. Mcintosh %T Introduction to the Programming Language Convert %J SIGPLAN Notices %V 21 %N 4 %D APR 1986 %P 48-57 %K H01 %X A new applicative and transformation based language that runs on 8080 and 808 6 based systems %A T. L. Huntsberger %A C. Rangarajan %A S. N. Jayaramamurthy %T Representation of Uncertainty in Computer Vision Using Fuzzy Sets %J IEEE Transactions on Computers %V C-35 %D FEB 1986 %N 2 %P 145-157 %K Flash O04 AI06 %A Takeshi Yamakawa %A Tsutomu MIki %T The Current Mode Fuzzy Logic Integrated Circuits Fabricated by the Standard CMOS Process %J IEEE Transactions on Computers %V C-35 %D FEB 1986 %N 2 %P 161-167 %K O04 %T Olivetti, Digtalk Ink Pact to Make AI Pack Version %J Electronic News %D MAY 19, 1986 %V 32 %N 1602 %P 44 %K Smalltalk H01 AT16 AI01 %X Olivetti has agreed with Digitalk to jointly develop an advanced version of Digitalk's Smalltalk for 80286 based systems. Olivetti will use the system as the primary expert in its Advance Technology Center and will integrate the resulting products with a proprietary environment. %A Eddy Goldberg %T Massively Parallel Processor Introduced %J Computerworld %D May 5, 1986 %V 20 %N 18 %P 4 %K connection machine AT02 H03 %X announcement thereof. They have sold six units. Applications demonstrated include document retrieval fluid dynamics modelling, creating contour maps from aerial photographs and VLSI design %A Eric Bender %T HAL: Just Another Add on %J Computerworld %D May 5, 1986 %V 20 %N 18 %P 19+ %K Lotus AI02 H01 AA15 %X HAL, an English language interface, to Lotus 1-2-3 offers transcripts, unddo commands, self-documenting English language macros, %A Barbara Robertson %T AI Typists Now Rates Satisfactory for Novices %J INfoWorld %D MAY 19, 1986 %V 8 %N 20 %P 63-64 %K AA15 AT02 H01 AT07 AT03 %X A review of an updated version of this Word Processor, alledgedly using AI to help with correcting spelling errors. It got the following ratings: .DS L Overall: 5.4 Performance: Satisfactory Documentation: Poor Ease of Learning: Very Good Ease of Use: Very Good Error Handling: Satisfactory Support: Very Good Value: Satisfactory .DE %A Hank Kee %T PC Managers Should Not Consider AI a Panacea %J INfoWorld %D MAY 19, 1986 %V 8 %N 20 %P 34 %K AI01 %X column argues that we need more applications and less shells and that AI shells should be oriented towards the non-programmer. [See August Spang Robinson Report for a list of real Expert Systems that are being used. LEFF] %T Expert Systems Firm Gets Boost %J Electronics %D MAY 5, 1986 %V 59 %N 19 %P 64 %K France AI01 AT16 Cognitech AA05 %X Cognitech got four million dollars of additional capital. They got 53 expert system orders including one from Pechiney for a system analyzing faults in cast aluminum. %A D. D. Kary %A P. L. Juell %T TRC; An Expert System Compiler %J Sigplan Notices %V 21 %N 5 %D MAY 1986 %P 64-68 %K air cargo C T03 %X describes an expert system tool which translates input into C code. It has been applied to an air cargo routing problem. When the system was translated from a LISP based expert system tool running on the VAX to TRC, the execution time went down from hours to seconds. The system consists of an expert system running in conjunction with a mathematical optimization technique. The expert system handles things like incompatibilities between objects. The results are as good or better than human experts. %A J. B. Marti %A A. C. Hearn %T REDUCE as a Lisp Benchmark %J MAG60 %P 8-16 %K T01 %X CPU times for various machines running the REDUCE timing test. REDUCE is a symbolic math package written in LISP. (There are more machines and other information in the article) .TS tab(~); l n. Amdahl 470 V8~7.2 Apollo DN 600~89.9 CDC Cyber 170/825~106.8 DEC 1099~17.7 DEC 2020~122.8 DEC 2060~22.5 DEC VAX 11/750~78.7 DEC VAX 11/780~50.3 Facom M-382~3.6 Hewlett Packard 9836~65.3 Hitachi S-810~2.8 IBM 3031~40.1 IBM 3084~5.4 IBM 4341 MOdel 1~52.0 IBM 4341 Model 2~30.1 Robotron ES-1040~149.2 Sage IV~224.8 Siemens 7890~3.8 SML Darkstar~227.9 Symbolics 3600~45.0 Tektronix 4404~120.1 Xerox Dolphin~322.0 .TE %A J. W. Shavlik %A G. F. DeJong %T Computer Understanding and Generalization of Symbolic Mathematical Calculations: A Case Study in Physics Problem Solving %J MAG61 %P 148-153 %K AA16 AA07 AI04 %A M. Hadzikadic %A F. Lichtenberger %A D. Y. Y. Yun %T An Application of Knowledge-Base Technology in Education: A Geometry Theorem Prover %J MAG61 %P 141-147 %K AA13 AA07 T02 H01 %A J. S. Vitter %A R. A. Simons %T New Classes for Parallel Complexity: A Study of Unification and Other Complete Problems for P [Script P] %J IEEE Transactions on Computers %D MAY 1986 %V C-35 %N 5 %P 403-418 %K AI11 O06 H03 %X Parallel Algorithms for Unification in $O ( E over P + V log P)$ or $O( alpha (2E,V) E over P + V )$ where E is the number of edges and V is the number of vertices in the expression graph and P is the number of processor and $alpha$ is the inverse ackerman's fun ction. %A Karen Sorensen %T AT&T Leads New Scanner Parade %J InfoWorld %V 8 %N 19 %D MAY 12, 1986 %P 17 %K AI06 Vision Research Canon %X AT&T has an Image Director for digitizing an 8.5 by 11 paper at 100 by 100 resolution for $2885.00 Vision Research has a 8.5 by 11 scanner for $2495.00. Canon has a scanner for $1,190. OCR software is available for $595.00 to go with it. %T Study Says Australia Needs AI Development %J InfoWorld %V 8 %N 19 %D MAY 12, 1986 %P 30 %K AI16 %X According to an Australian government report, Australia has an international strength in expert systems but needs help to commercialize their work. %A Charles Babcock %T Cobol-Based AI Shell Bows %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 1, 1986 %V 20 %N 35 %K McCormick and Dodge John B. Landry Distribution Management Systems T03 AI01 AT02 %X Distribution Management Systems (DMS) will be producing expert system shells written in Cobol designed to be integrated into mainstream MIS. Releases scheduled are DEC for October, MVS/CICS in January and the IBM PC for first quarter 1987. %T Fujitsui Commits to AI Market %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 1, 1986 %V 20 %N 35 %P 15 %K AT04 AT02 H01 T03 AI01 GA01 %X Fujitsu has an Expert System shell running on its FM 16 Beta PC costing $2940 and oriented to the Japanese Language %A Michael Sullivan-Trainor %T In Depth %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 1, 1986 %V 20 %N 35 %P 55-62 %K AI01 AA18 AA06 Perks budget support personnel %X describes development and functionality of expert system for budget analysis for the US Navy and one to help Army force designers design how many support personnel are needed. %A Maura McEnaney %T Lefebvre Signs on with Expert Systems Developer Cognitive %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 1, 1986 %V 20 %N 35 %P 95 %K AI01 AT11 AT16 Multimate %X Richard Lefebvre, former chief operating officer for Multimate, is now president and ceo of Cognitive Systems Inc.. %T Japanese Launch Language Project %J InfoWorld %D SEP 1, 1986 %V 8 %N 35 %P 18 %K AI02 GA01 Hitachi NEC Fujitsu Thailand Chinese %X MITI will launch a 7 year 39 million effort to develop translation systems between Japanese and other Asian languages. %T The Next Revolution %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 15, 1986 %V 20 %N 37 %P 16 %K AA06 AT22 %X Editorial stating: The recent announcement of an expert system shell written in COBOL and designed to be integrated into mainframe applications signals the widespread integration of artificial intellgence into MIS. MIS managers should have their existing staffs get involved in AI and look out for applications of AI to their shops. They should be "movers" and not "responders" during this next phase of the computer revolution. [. ComputerWorld is a weekly newspaper with one of the largest circulations in the computer commuity LEFF .] %A Harvey P. Newquist %T Forty-bit Architecture: Latest in Push for More Power %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 15, 1986 %V 20 %N 37 %P 17 %K H02 Integrated Inference SM45000 %X discusses the new Integrated Inference Machines SM45000 which uses a 40 bit word %T Artificial -intelligence Work Gains Mainstream Acceptance %J The Institute %V 10 %N 10 %P 1+ %D OCT 1986 %K AI07 Nils Nillson Feigenbaum Minsky McDermott Schorr IBM AT14 %X discusses statements by Edward Feigenbaum, Marvin Minsky, Drew McDermott and Nils Nillson at the recent AAAI conference. Edward Feigenbaum "claimed that every time an area of AI becomes successful, it is no longer considered Artificial Intelligence." Marvin Minsky said that there isn't necessarily anything corresponding to "intelligence." Nils Nilsson discussed robotics. They applauded IBM for its "embracing" of AI and for acknowledging university research. However, there was a complaint about a long conversation with IBM represenatives in which they asked what new techniques that would have applications to new products would come out of MIT in the next eighteen months. %A Charles Babcock %T Landry Returns to the Fray %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 8, 1986 %V 20 %N 36 %P 19+ %K John Landry McCormack and Dodge Distribution Management Systems AA06 %X Discusses the head of Impact/AE which is the expert system for use in COBOL environments. %A Eddy Goldberg %T AI Debuts Move Expert Systems into Mainstream Computing %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 8, 1986 %V 20 %N 36 %P 22 %K AAAI-86 Xerox CommonLoops Texas INstruments Vaxstation DEC Apollo Franz Aion Lisp Machine H02 H01 T03 T01 %X reviews some announcements made at AAAI-86 %A MItch Betts %T Archives Gets Expert System %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 8, 1986 %V 20 %N 36 %P 93 %K AA14 %X The National ARchives is developing a prototype expert system to help users who have vague requests for information. In tests, the computer and the archivi sts agreed 66% of the time, 21% of the answers were achieved by the computer and not the archivists and 13% of the time the archivists gave the answer and not the computer and 7% of the time the computer was "simply wrong." The prototype covers the old Bureau of Land Management records and was written with M.1 %T DEC Unveils HIgh-end VAX %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 8, 1986 %V 20 %N 36 %P 107 %K DEC T01 %X DEC introduced the AI Vaxstation/GPX which is a color version of the Microvax II. %T New Products/Software and Services %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 8, 1986 %V 20 %N 36 %P 111 %K T03 OPS5 Data Directions DDi-OPS Xerox 1100 %X Data Directions, 37 Jerome Ave., Bloomfield, Conn 06002, has released an OPS-5 for the Xerox Corp. 1100 Lisp Machine costing $995.00 %A Alice LaPlante %T Communications Program to Help Novices, Experts %J infoWorld %D SEP 8, 1986 %V 8 %N 36 %P 16 %K AA08 AI01 H01 AA15 %X Costing $49.95, is a system that helps users handling microcomputer communications. It helps configure Smartcom II, Crosstalk, Concept Development' s Line Plus. It can help design a serial cable. %T Symbolics Compiler Gets DOD Approval %J Electronic News %V 32 %N 1618 %D SEP 8, 1986 %P 26 %K H02 Symbolics Tempest Ada %X DOD validated Symbolics' ADA compiler. This costs $3600.00. They also brought out a Tempest version of their 3645 processor which will cost $104,900 %T Commercializing AI Provides 16000 Jobs in US %J Electronics %D SEP 18, 1986 %P 23 %V 59 %N 13 %K AT04 %X There are 16000 people now working in US to commercialize AI technologies. This excludes people in academe and research organizations. %T Vision Processor on a Board Goes for $10,000 %J Electronics %D SEP 18, 1986 %P 28 %V 59 %N 13 %K AI06 AT02 %X The 2000/VP costs $10,000 and is said to be comparable to $40,000 boards %T Dainichi Kiko Asks Court Protection %J Electronics %D SEP 18, 1986 %P 114 %V 59 %N 13 %K AI07 AT16 GA01 %X This company, a fast growing Japanese robotic maker, sought court protection from creditors. %T Vision System Checks Assembled Boards %J Electronics %D SEP 18, 1986 %P 103 %V 59 %N 13 %K AI06 AA26 AA04 %X Intellidex has a new system that uses ten cameras to check PC boards. %A Peggy Watt %T AI Languages for Mac, IBM PC,VAX Introduced %J ComputerWorld %D SEP 22, 1986 %V 20 %N 38 %P 35 %K T02 H01 T01 AT02 logo macintosh VAX %X Expertelligence will be selling an IBM PC version of prolog and versions of LISP for Macintosh and VAX. The system uses Macintosh like windows and pull down menus. %A Pat Shipman %T The Recent Life of an Ancient Dinosaur %J Discover %D OCT 1986 %V 7 %N 10 %K analogy functional anatomy AA10 %X shows where reasoning by analogy went wrong and where it went right in determining the nature of the Iguanadon from various bones. He argues that analogy from functional similarities is valid but that from mere circumstantial reasoning where there is no causual relationship between the sets of traits in question. Might be of interest to those developing AI systems to reason by analogy. %A D. Snyers %A A. Thayse %T Algorithmic State Machine Design and Automatic Theorem Proving: Two Dual Approaches to the Same Activity %J IEEE Transactions on Computers %V C-35 %N 10 %D OCT 1986 %V C-35 %K AI11 AA08 %X Transformations acting on P-function can be interpreted in terms of synthesizing programs consisting of if-then-else and do and theorem proving. Attempts to show a relation between Prolog and logic design. %A Ralph Emmett Carlyle %T Sneaking in the Back %J Datamation %D OCT 1, 1986 %V 32 %N 19 %P 32+ %K AT02 Cullinet MSA McCormack and Dodge AA06 MIS Impact/AE Distribution Management Incorporated AION CICS %X MSA is adding rules-based software to Information Expert and will be announcing stand alone systems for expert systems. Boole and Babbage and others will be adding expert systems to their performance measurement and capacity planning systems. Aion will be able to run its expert systems under CICS. (Interview with Bob goldman of Artificial Intelligence Corporation which markets Intellect. They are developing expert systems, voice recognition systems and software to run under IBM's DB2 database system.) %A James T. Brady %T A Theory of Productivity in the Creative Process %J IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications %D May 1986 %V 6 %N 5 %P 25-34 %K AI08 roll system response time %X discusses the state of "being on a roll" where everything seems to go right. Programmers and engineers who used terminals found that for programmers system response time dropping from 2.5 to .3 seconds increased productivity by a factor of two and for engineers in a graphic applications environment, productivity could go up as much as nine times for a drop from 1.5 secons to 0.3 seconds. Develops an analytical model to explain these empirical results. %A Ellis S. Cohen %A Edward t. Smith %A Lee A. Iverson %T Constraint Based Tiled Windows %J IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications %D May 1986 %V 6 %N 5 %P 35-45 %K AI15 AI01 %X discusses uses ruled based techniques to automatically determine size and locations of windows in a tile-based systems. This is where windows do not "overlap" but are resized so they all fit together on the rectangle that forms the screen. %A G. J. Li %A B. W. Wah %T Coping with Anomalies in Parallel Branch-and-Bound Algorithms %J IEEE Transactions on Computers %D JUN 1986 %V C-35 %N 6 %P 568-573 %K H03 AI03 %X Sufficient conditions to guarantee no degradation in performance due to parallelisma nd necessary conditions for allowing parallelism to have a speedup greater than the number of processors is found. %A Ed Winfield %T Image Processing Prooducts for the Q=Bus Meet INdustry Needs for Precision Inspection %J Hardcopy %V 6 %N 7 %D JUL 1986 %P 83-94 %K AI06 AT02 %X Data Translation .br DT2651 Frame Grabber 512 x 512, on-board ALU .br Datacube .br QVG-153 768x512 x 8 bit frame capture, can be expanded to 24 bits per pixel, daughterboard to do processing .br Matrox .br QFAF-512 512 x 512 x 4 .br Reticon .br SB6320 (interface to reticon's solid-state cameras) .br Imaging Technology .br AP512,FB512,ALU512, processor, display and converter for 512 by 512 (hardware for histograms and feature extractions %A John Naughton %T Artificial Intelligence: Can DEC Stay Ahead? %J Hardcopy %V 6 %N 7 %D JUL 1986 %P 113-117 %K AI01 AA26 AA21 %X IDT helps engineers locate field-replaceable units in PDP 11-03's. (description of other of DEC's AI expert systems and experiences.) %A T. F. Knoll %A R. C. Jain %T Recognizing Partially Visible Objects Using Feature Indexed Hypotheses %J IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation %D MAR 1986 %V RA-2 %N 1 %P 3-13 %K AI06 %X develops an algorithm for isolating objects that partially match of cost $O( sqrt p ) r$ where p is the number of possible objects and r is the number of redundancies. %A E. K. Wong %A K. S. Fu %T A Hierarchical Orthoganal Space Approach to Three-Dimensional Path Planning %J IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automation %D MAR 1986 %V RA-2 %N 1 %P 42-52 %K AI07 AI03 AI09
leff%smu@RELAY.CS.NET (10/17/86)
%A V. F. Shangin %T Industrial Robots for Miniature Parts %I Mashinostroenie %C Moscow %D 1985 %K AT15 AI07 AA26 %A E. P. Popov %A E. I. Yurevich %T Robotics Engineering %I Mashinostroenie %C Leningrad %D 1984 %K AT15 AI07 AA26 %A L. S. Yampolskii %T Industrial Robotics %I Tekhnika %C Kiev %D 1984 %K AT15 AI07 AA26 %A Thaddeus J. Kowalski %T An Artificial Intelligence Approach to VLSI Design %I Kluwer Academic Publishers %C Norwell, MA %D 1985 %K AA04 AT15 %X 238 pages $34.95 ISBN 0-89838-169-X %A Rostam Joobbani %T An Artificial Intelligence Approach to VLSI Routing %I Kluwer Academic Publishers %C Norwell, MA %D 1985 %K AA04 AT15 %X 192 pages ISBN 0-89838-205-x $34.50 %A Narinder Pal Singh %T An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Test Generation %I Kluwer Academic Publishers %C Norwell, MA %K AA04 AT15 %X forthcoming, price and availability to be announced %A Anita Tailor %A Alan Cross %A David Hogg %A David Mason %T Knowledge Based interpretation of Remotely Sensed Images %J MAG62 %P 67-83 %K AI01 AI06 %A Tom Henderson %A Ashok Samal %T Multiconstraint Shape Analysis %J MAG62 %P 84-96 %K AI01 AI06 %A Robert Schalkoff %T Automated Reasoning About Image Motion Using A Rule-based Deduction System %J MAG62 %P 97-107 %K AI01 AI06 %A B. C. Vemun %A A. Mitiche %A J. K. Aggarwal %T Curvature-based Representation of Objects from Range Data %J MAG62 %P 107-115 %K AI01 AI06 %A J. A. D. W. Anderson %A K. D. Baker %A G. D. Sullivan %T 'Model': A POPLOG Package to Support Model-based Vision' %J MAG62 %P 115 %K AI01 AI06 T02 %A J. G. Llaurado %T Adapting Robotics More and More to Biology %J MAG63 %P 3-8 %K AI07 AA10 %A S. R. Ray %A W. D. Lee %A C. D. Morgan %A W. Airth-Kindree %T Computer Sleep Stage Scoring - An Expert System Approach %J MAG63 %P 43-61 %K AI01 AA10 AA11 %A I. D. Craig %T The Ariadne-1 Blackboard System %J MAG64 %P 235-240 %K AI01 %A G. Papakonstantinou %A J. Kontos %T Knowledge Representation with Attribute Grammars %J MAG64 %P 241-246 %K AI16 %A M. H. Williams %A G. Chen %T Translating Pascal for Execution on a Prolog-based System %J MAG64 %P 246-252 %K AI16 %A G. W. Smith %A J. B. H. du Boulay %T The Generation of Cryptic Crossword Clues %J MAG64 %P 282 %K AA17 %A Y. Ishida %A N. Adachi %A H. Tokumaru %T An Analysis of Self-Diagnosis Model by Conditional Fault Set %J International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences %V 14 %N 5 %D OCT 1985 %P 243-260 %A B. R. Gaines %A M. L. G. Shaws %T Foundations of Dialog Engineering: The Development of Human-Computer INteraction. Part II %J MAG65 %P 101-124 %K AI02 AA15 %A P. Shoval %T Comparison of Decision Support Strategies in Expert Consultation Systems %J MAG65 %P 125-140 %K AI01 AI13 %A S. Gottwald %A W. Pedrycz %T On the Suitability of Fuzzy Models: An Evaluation Through Fuzzy Integrals %J MAG65 %P 141-152 %K O04 %A A. L. Kamouri %A J. Kamouri %A K. H. Smith %T Training by Exploration: Facilitating the Transfer of Procedural Knowledge Through Analogical Reasoning %J MAG65 %P 171 %K AI04 AI16 %A C. Vallet %A J. Chastang %A J. D. Huet %T Partial Self-Reference in Models of Natural Systems and Spatiotemporal Reference Insufficiency of Physicians (French) %J Cybernetica %V 29 %N 2 %D 1986 %P 145-160 %K AA01 AI08 %A Y. F. Wang %A J. K. Aggarwal %T Surface Reconstruction and Representation of 3-D Scenes %J MAG66 %P 197-208 %K AI06 %A A. C. Bovik %A t. S. Huang %A D. C. Munson, Jr. %T Nonparametric tests for Edge Detection in Noise %J MAG66 %P 209-220 %K AI06 %A J. Katajainen %A O. Nevalainen %T Computing Relative Neighborhood Graphs in the Plane %J MAG66 %P 221-228 %K AI06 %A X. Li %A R. C. Dubes %T Tree Classifier Design with a Permuation Statistic %J MAG66 %P 229-236 %K AI06 %A M. Yamashita %A T. Ibaraki %T Distances Defined by Neighborhood Sequences %J MAG66 %P 237 %K AI06 %A Robert Michaelsen %A Donald Michie %T Prudent Expert Systems Applications can Provide a Competititve Weopon %J Data Management %V 24 %N 7 %D JUL 1986 %P 30-35 %K AI01 AA06 %A J. W. Park %T An Efficient Memory System for Image Processing %J IEEE Transactions on Computers %V 35 %N 37 %D JUL 1986 %P 669 %K AI06 %A Minoru Abe %A Makoto Kaneko %A Kazuo Tanie %T Study on Hexapod Walking Machine using an Approximate Straight-line Mechanism %J Journal of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory %V 40 %N 3 %D MAY 1986 %P 111-124 %K AI07 GA01 %A Tatsuo Arai %A Eiji Nakano %A Tomoaki Yano %A Ryoichi Hashimoto %T Hybrid Control System for a Manipulator and its Application %J Journal of Mechanical Engineering Laboratory %V 40 %N 3 %D MAY 1986 %P 133 %K AI07 GA01 %A H. Heiss %T Fundamentals About the Transformation of Coordinates for Robots (German) %J MAG67 %P 65-72 %K AI07 %X German %A P. Rojek %A J. Olomski %T Fast Coordinate Transformation and Processing of Command Signals for Continuous Path Robot Control %J MAG67 %P 73-82 %K AI07 %X (German) %A T. Tsumura %T Recent Developments of Automated Guided Vehicles in Japan %J MAG67 %P 91-98 %K GA01 AI07 %X (german) %A G. W. Kohler %T Mechanical Master-Slave Manipulators %J MAG67 %P 99-104 %K AI07 %X (german) %A G. Pritschow %A K. H. Hurst %T Design of Industrial Robots with Modular Components %J MAG67 %P 105-110 %K AI07 %X (german) %A T. Friedmann %T Robots in the Automotive Industry %J MAG67 %P 111-119 %K AI07 AA26 %X (german) %A R. Backmann %T Optoelectronic Sensors Sensoroptics - Some Basic Considerations for the Selection of Optical Sensor Components for Textile Identification %J MAG67 %P 120 %K AI06 %X (german) %A N. Sugamura %A S. Furui %T Speaker-Dependent Large Vocabulary Word Recognition Using the SPLIT Method %J MAG68 %P 327-334 %K AI05 GA01 %A K. Aikawa %A K. Shikano %T Spoken Word Recognition Using Spectrum and Power %J MAG68 %P 343-348 %K AI05 GA01 %A M. Sugiyama %A K. Shikano %T Unsupervised Learning Algorithm for Vowel Templates Based on Minimum Quantization Distortion %J MAG68 %P 357-362 %K AI05 GA01 %A E. Berti %T Forms of Rationality and the Future of Human Intelligence in the New Technological Age %J L'Elettrotcnica %V 73 %N 4 %D APR 1986 %K AI08 O05 %X (in itialian) %A R. Muller %A G. Horner %T Chemosensors with Pattern Recognition %J MAG69 %P 95-100 %K AI06 %A H. Fritz %A P. Wurll %T Tactile Force-torque Sensor for Performing Control Tasks in Robotics %J MAG69 %P 120-125 %K AI07 %A K. C. O'Kane %T An Expert Systems Facility for Mumps %J MAG70 %P 205-214 %K AA01 AI01 T03 %X [Mumps is an integrated language/database system often used in the medical records field. I heard Dr O'Kane speak on this work and he believed that such a system would allow expert systems to share clinical data with existing MIS systems in hospitals and make their introduction more practicable. - LEFF] %A H. Mansour %A M. E. Molitch %T A New Strategy for Clinical Decision Making: Censors and Neuroendocrinological Diseases %J MAG70 %P 215-222 %K AA01 AI01 %A Harold Stone %A Paolo Sipala %T Average Complexity of Depth-first Search with Backtracking and Cutoff %J IBM J. Res. and Dev. %V 30 %N 3 %D MAY 1986 %P 242-258 %K AI03 %T Artificial Intelligence - Wise Guys Wire Ships %J Marine Engineering Log %V 91 %N 6 %D JUN 1986 %P 119-122 %K AA18 AA05 %A Robert Cartwright %T A Practical Formal Semantic Definition and Verification System for TYPED LISP %D 1975 %I Garland Publishing %C New York, New York %K AT15 T01 AA08 %X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4420-7 %A Cordell Green %T The Application of Theorem Proving to Question-Answering Systems %D 1969 %I Garland Publishing %C New York, New York %K AT15 AI11 AA08 %X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4415-0 $18.00 %A James Richard Meehan %T The Metanovel: Writing Stories by Computer %D 1976 %I Garland Publishing %C New York, New York %K AT15 AI02 %X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4409-6 $18.00 %A Robert C. Moore %T Reasoning from Incomplete Knowledge in a Procedural Deduction System %D 1975 %I Garland Publishing %C New York, New York %K AT15 AI09 planner %X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4403-7 $13.00 %A Susan Speer Owicki %T Axiomatic Proof Techiques for Parallel Programs %D 1975 %I Garland Publishing %C New York, New York %K AT15 AA08 AI11 %X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4413-4 $20.00 %A Norihisa Suzuki %T Automatic Verification of Programs with Complex Data Structures %D 1976 %I Garland Publishing %C New York, New York %K AT15 AA08 AI11 %X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4425-8 $19.00 %A Robert Wilensky %T Understanding Goal-Based Stories %D 1978 %I Garland Publishing %C New York, New York %K AT15 AI02 PAM %X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4410-X $31.00 %A William A. Woods %T Semantics For a Question-Answering System %D 1967 %I Garland Publishing %C New York, New York %K AT15 AI02 %X Distinguished Dissertation System ISBN 0-8240-4405-3 $28.00 %A Stephen J. Andriole %T Applications in Artificial Intelligence %I Petrocelli Books %C Princeton, NJ %K AT15 AI07 AI02 AI01 AA18 %X $49.95 %A T. Gergely %T Cuttable Formulas for Logic Programming %J BOOK50 %P 299-310 %K AI10 %A Maria Virginia Aponte %A Jose Alberte Fernandez %A Philippe Roussel %T Editing First Order Proofs; Programmed Rules vs. Derived Rules %J BOOK50 %P 92-98 %K AI01 AI10 AI11 %A Hellfried Bottger %T Automatic Theorem Proving with Configurations %J Elektron. Informationsverarb. Kybernet. %V 21 %D 1985 %N 10-11 %P 523-546 %A G. Cedervall %T Robots for Definite Routine Analysis %J Kemisk Tidskrift %V 98 %N 4 %D APR 1986 %P 73-75 %K AI07 %X in Swedish %A Brian Harvey %T Computer Science Logo Style Volume 2: Projects, Styles and Techniques %I MIT Press %C Cambridge, Mass %D 1986 %K AT15 %A Daniel N. Osherson %A Michael Stob %A Scott Weinstein %T Systems that Learn: An Introduction to Learning Theory for Cognitive and Computer Scientists %I MIT PRESS %C Cambridge, Mass %D 1986 %K AT15 AI04 AI08 %A K. H. Narjes %T Perspectives for European Cooperation %J MAG71 %P 13 %K GA03 %A M. Carpentier %T Community Strategy in Information Technology and Telecommunications %J MAG71 %P 19 %K AA08 %A M. Aigarain %T The Technological Perspective %J MAG71 %P 23 %K AI16 %A R. W. Wilmot %T The Market Perspective %J MAG71 %P 27 %K AT04 %A W. Dekker %T Issues Basic to the Development of a European Information Technology %J MAG71 %P 33 %K GA03 %A M. Gagao %T Cooperative R&D of Information Technologies Between the Government and Private Sector in Japan %J MAG71 %P 39 %K GA01 %A P. F. Smidt %T U. S. Industrial Cooperation in R&D %J MAG71 %P 45 %K GA03 %A J. M. Cadiou %T ESPRIT in Action %J MAG71 %P 51 %K GA03 %A F. F. Kuo %T A Return Visit to ICOT %J MAG71 %P 61 %K GA01 %T Network Support of Supercomputers: Conference Report. %J MAG71 %P 65 %K H04 %A W. J. Rapaport %T Philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, and the Chinese-Room Argument %J Abacus %V 3 %N 4 %D Summer 1986 %K AI16 %A D. I. Shapiro %T A Model for Decision Making under Fuzzy Conditions %J MAG72 %P 481 %K O04 AI13 AI08 %A G. Agre %T An Implementation of the Expert System DIGS for Diagnostics %J MAG72 %P 495 %K AA21 AI01 %A J. Hromkovic %T On One-Way Two-Headed Deterministic Finite State Automata %J MAG72 %P 503 %K AI16 %A E. Braunsteinerova %T Operating Alphabet Complexity of Homogenous Trellis Automata and Symmetric Functions %J MAG72 %P 527 %A I. Plander %T Projects of the New Generation Computer Systems and Informatics %J MAG72 %P 551 %A Julian Hewett %A Ron Sasson %T Expert Systems 1986, volume 1 --USA and Canada %I Ovum Limited %C London %K AT15 AI01 GA02 GA04 %A Philip Klahr %A Donald A. Waterman %T Expert Systems, Techniques, Tools and Applications %I Addison-Wesley %K AT15 Rand AI01 %A Michael Brady %A Jean Ponce %A Alan Yuille %A Haruo Asada %T Describing Surfaces %J MAG73 %P 1-28 %K AI06 %A Irving Biederman %T Human Image Image Understanding: Recent Research and a Theory %J MAG73 %P 29-73 %K AI06 AI08 AT08 AI16 %A Steven W. Zucker %T Early Orientation Selection: Tangent Fields and the Dimensionality of Support %J MAG73 %P 74-103 %K AI06 %A Martin D. Levine %A Ahmed M. Nazif %T Rule-Based Image Segmentation: A Dynamic Control Strategy Approach %J MAG73 %P 104-126 %K AI01 AI06 %A M. J. Magee %A J. K. Aggarwal %T Using Multisensory Images to Dervie the Structure of Three-Dimensional Object s - A Review %J MAG74 %P 145-157 %K AI06 AT08 %A Edgar A. Cohen %T Generalized Sloped Facet Models Useful in Multispectral Image Analysis %J MAG74 %P 171-190 %K AI06 %A A. Lashas %A R. Shurna %A A. Verikas %A A. Dosinas %T Optical Character Recognition Based on Analog Preprocessing and Automatic Fea ture Extraction %J MAG74 %P 191-207 %K AI06 %A John E. Wampler %T Enhancing Real-Time Perception of Quantum Limited Images from a Doubly Intensified SIT Camera System %J MAG74 %P 208-220 %K AI06 %A T. Y. Kong %A A. W. Roscoe %T A Theory of Binary Digital Pictures %J MAG74 %P 221-243 %K AI06 %A Ron Gershon %T Aspects of Perception and Computation in Color Vision %J MAG74 %P 244 %K AI06 %A I. G. Biba %T The adaptation of an Action-Planning System to Accomodate Problem Classes %J Cybernetics %V 21 %N 2 %D MAR-APR 1985 %P 242-253 %K AI09 %A Jaroslav Opatrny %T Parallel Programming Constructs for Divide-and-Conquer, and Branch and Bound Paradigms %J MAG75 %P 403-416 %K AI03 %A H. I. El-Zorkany %T Robot Programming %J MAG75 %P 430-446 %K AI07 %A David Butler %T Experience Using Artificial Intelligence %J Data Processing %V 27 %N 9 %D NOV 1985 %P 64 %K AI16 %A J. P. Keating %A R. L. Mason %T Some Practical Aspects of Covariance Estimation %J MAG76 %P 295-294 %K AI06 %A M. Krivanek %T An Application of Limited Branching in Clustering %J MAG76 %P 299-302 %K O06 %A W. Pedrycz %T Classification in a Fuzzy Environment %J MAG76 %P 303-308 %K O04 %A T. Kohonen %T Median Strings %J MAG76 %P 309-314 %K O06 %A W. G. Korpatsch %T A Pyramid that Grows by Powers of Two %J MAG76 %P 315-322 %K AI06 H03 %A C. Ronse %T A Simple Proof of Rosenfeld's Characterization of Digital Straight Line Segme nts %J MAG76 %P 323-326 %K AI06 %A I. K. Sethi %T A Genral Scheme for Discontinuity Detection %J MAG76 %P 327-334 %K AI06 %A O. Skliar %A M. H. Loew %T A New Method for Chracterization of Shape %J MAG76 %K AI06 %A F. C. A. Groen %A A. C. Sanderson %A J. F. Schlag %T Symbol Recognition in Electrical Diagrams Using Probabilistic Graph Matching %J MAG76 %K AI06 O06 AA04 %A Z. Pinjo %A D. Cyganski %A J. A. Orr %T Determination of 3-D Object Orientation From Projections %J MAG76 %K AI06 %A A. Bookstein %A K. K. Ng %T A Parametric Fuzzy Set Prediction Model %J MAG77 %P 131-142 %K O04 %A W. L. Chen %A R. J. Guo %A L. S. Shang %A T. Ji %T Fuzzy Match and Floating Threshold Strategy for Expert System in Traditional Chinese Medicine %J MAG77 %P 143-152 %K O04 AI01 AA01 %A D. G. Schwartz %T The Case for an Interval-based Representation of Linguistic Truth %J MAG77 %P 153-166 %K O04 AI02 %A L. O. Holl %A A. Kandel %T Studies in Possibilistic Recognition %J MAG77 %P 153-166 %K O04 AI06 %A M. Togai %T A Fuzzy Inverse Relation Based on Godelian Logic and its Applications %J MAG77 %P 211 %K O04 %A B. F. Buxton %A H. Buxton %A D. W. Murray %A N. S. Williams %T Machine Perception of Visual Motion %J GEC Journal of Research %V 3 %N 3 %D 1985 %P 145-161 %K AI06 %A M. S. Wilson %T An Evaluation of Manoeuvre Detector Algorithms %J GEC JOurnal of Research %V 3 %N 3 %D 1985 %P 181-190 %K AI06 AA18 %A J. M. Schurick %A B. H. Williges %A J. F. Maynard %T User Feedback Requirements with Automatic Speech Recognition %J Ergonomics %V 28 %N 11 %D NOV 1985 %K AI05 O01 %A R. Beg %T Image-Processing System Serves a Variety of Buses %J Computer Design %V 24 %N 16 %D NOV 15, 1985 %P 99 %K AI06 AT02 %A J. Zlatuska %T Normal Forms in the Typed Lambda-Calculus with Tuple Types %J MAG78 %P 366=381 %K T01 %A Osamu Furukawa %A Syohei Ishizu %T An Expert System for Adaptive Quality Control %J International Journal of General Systems %P 183-200 %V 11 %N 3 %D 1985 %K AA05 AI01 %A P. Carnevali %A L. Coletti %A S. Patarnello %T Image Processing by Simulated Annealing %J IBM Journal of Research and Development %V 29 %N 6 %P 569-579 %D NOV 1985 %K AI06 AI03 %A Michael Cross %T Down on th Automatic Farm %J New Scientist %V 108 %N 1483 %D NOV 21 1985 %P 56 %K AI07 AA23 %A S. Abramsky %A R. sykes %T Secd-m- a Virtual Machine for Applicative Programming %B BOOK51 %P 81-98 %A C. L. Hankin %A P.E. Osmon %A M. J. Shute %T COBWEB- A Combinator Reduction Architecture %B BOOK51 %P 99-112 %A P. Wadler %T How to Replace Failure by a List of Successes - A Method for Exception Handling, Backtracking, and Pattern Matching in Lazy Functional Languages %B BOOK51 %P 113-128 %K AI03 AI10 %A J. Hughes %T Lazy Memo-Functions %B BOOK51 %P 129-146 %A T. Johnsson %T Lambda-Lifting -0 Transforming Programs to Recursive Equations %B BOOK51 %P 190-203 %A S. K. Debray %T Optimizing Almost-Tail-Recursive Prolog Programs %B BOOK51 %P 204-219 %K T02 %A D. Patel %A M. Schlag %A M. Ercegovac %T vFP - an Environment for the Multi-Level specification, Analysis and Synthesis of Hardware Algorithms %B BOOK51 %P 238-255 %K AA08 AA04 %A J. Hughes %T A Distributed Garbage Collection Algorithm %B BOOK51 %P 256-272 %K T01 H03 %A D. R. Brownbridge %T Cyclic Reference Counting for Combinator Machines %B BOOK51 %P 273-288 %K T01 H03 %A D. S. Wise %T Design for a Multiprocessing Heap with On-Board Reference Couting %B BOOK51 %P 289-304 %K T01 H03 %A P. Dybjer %T Program Verification in a Logical Theory of Constructions %B BOOK51 %P 334-349 %K AA08 %A L. Augustsson %T Compiling Pattern Matching %B BOOK51 %P 368-381 %K O06 %A Mark Jerrum %T Random Generation of Combinatorial Structures for a Uniform Distribution (extended abstract) %B BOOK52 %P 290-299 %K O06 %A D. Kapur %A P. Narendran %A G. Sivakumar %T A Path Reordering for Proving Termination of Term Rewriting Systems %B BOOK47 %P 173-187 %K AI14 %A Deepak Kapur %A Mandayam Srivas %T A Rewrite Rule Based Approach for Synthesizing Abstract Data Types %B BOOK47 %P 188-207 %K AA14 AA08 %A Valentinas Kriauciukas %T A Tree-matching Algorithm %J Mat. Logika Primenen No. 1 %D 1981 %P 21-32 %K O06 %X Russian. English and Lithuanian Summaries %A Aida Pliuskeviciene %T Specification of cut-type Rules in Programming Logics with Recursion %J Mat. Logika Primenen No. 1 %D 1981 %P 33-60 %K AI10 %A C. Choppy %T A LISP Compiler for FP Language and its Proof via Algebraic Semantics %B BOOK47 %P 403-415 %K T01 AA08 %A Michael J. Corinthios %T 3D Cellular Arrays for Parallel/Cascade Image/Signal Processing %B Spectral Techniques and Fault Detection %P 217-298 %S Notes Rep. Comput. Sci. Appl. Math %V 11 %I Academic Press %C Orlando, Fla %D 1985 %K AI06 H03 %A D. O. Avetisyan %T The Probabilistic Approach to Construction of Intelligent Systems %J Mat. Voprosy Kibernet. Vychisl. Tekhn NO. 13 %D 1984 %P 5-21 %V 13 %K AI16 %X (Russian with Armenian Summary) %A Robert S. Boyer %A J. Strother Moore %T A Mechanical Proof of the Unsolvability of the Halting Problem %J JACM %V 31 %D 1984 %N 3 %P 441-458 %K AI11 %A N. A. Chuzhanova %T Grammatical Method of Synthesis of Programs %J Vychisl. Sistemy No. 102 %D 1984 %P 32-42 %N 102 %K AA08 %X russian %A S. M. Efimova %T Pi-Graphs for Knowledge Representation %I Akad. Nauk SSSR, Vychisl. Tsentr, Moscow %D 1985 %K AI16 %X Russian %A Melvin Fitting %T A Kripke-Kleene Semantics for Logic Programs %J MAG79 %P 295-312 %K AI10 %A D. M. gabbay %T N-Prolog: an Extension of PROLOG with Hypothetical Implication II. Logical Foundations, and Negation as Failure %J MAG79 %P 251-283 %K T02 %A Le Van Tu %T Negation-as-failure rule for General Logic Programs with Equality %J MAG79 %P 285-294 %K AI10 %A Zohar Manna %A Richard Waldinger %T Special Relations in Automated Deduction %B BOOK52 %P 413-423 %K AI11 %A Jack Minker %A Donald Perlis %T Computing Protected Circumscription %J MAG79 %P 235-249 %K AI11 AI15 %A J. A. Makowsky %T Why Horn Formulas Matter in Computer Science: Initial Structures and Generic Examples (extended abstract) %B BOOK47 %P 188-207 %K AI10 %A Xu Hua Liu %T The Input Semicancellation Resolution Principle on Horn Sets %J Kexue Tongbao %V 30 %D 1985 %N 16 %P 1201-1202 %K AI10 AI11 %X in chinese