E1AR0002@SMUVM1.BITNET (10/19/86)
The corrected citations are indicated below. Sadly, several references from an issue of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics got misattributed to an issue of IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering within ai.bib36 due to an editing mistake. Of the 2600 references sent out in this format, this is first complaint I got about an error in one of the citations. Of the three complaints I got about mistakes in a summary of something I sent in, only one turned out to be my fault. The other two statements were checked successfully against the article in question so the error was on the part of the original author. I thus consider my error rate reasonable. Typing in references by hand is something that I will probably only be doing for a few more years. I suspect by then, I will get an optical disk with all the journals on them and extract the informaiton directly. One publisher is already putting a bar-code like strip with the table of contents in issues of their magazines. I wonder whether it would be legal for someone to get a selective dissemination service from a database provider like Dialog or ISI and pipe that into AIList. I believe SIGART publishes the result of a search of dissertation abstracts for AI related material on a regular basis and SIGPLAN used to do the same for the NTIS database for programming language materials. __________________________________________________________________________ %A G. R. Dattatreya %A L. N. Kanal %T Adaptive Pattern Recognition with Random Costs and Its Applications to Decision Trees %J IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics %D MAR/APR 1986 %V SMC-16 %N 2 %P 208-218 %K AI06 AA01 AI04 AI01 clustering spina bifida bladder radiology %X applies clustering algorithm to results of reading radiographs of the bladder. The system was able to determine clusters that corresponded to those of patients with spina bifida. %A Klaus-Peter Adlassnig %T Fuzzy Set Theory in Medical Diagnosis %J IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics %D MAR/APR 1986 %V SMC-16 %N 2 %K AA01 AI01 O04 %X They developed systems for diagnosing rheumatologic diseases and pancreatic disorders. They achieved 94.5 and 100 percent accuracy, respectively. %A William E. Pracht %T GISMO: A Visual PRoblem Structuring and Knowledge-Organization Tool %J IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics %D MAR/APR 1986 %V SMC-16 %N 2 %P 265-270 %K AI13 AI08 Witkin Geft AA06 %X discusses the use of a system for displaying effect diagrams on decision making in a simulated business environment. The tool improved net income production. The tool provided more assistance to those who were more analytical than to those who used heuristic reasoning as measured by the Witkin GEFT. %A Henri Farreny %A Henri Prade %T Default and Inexact Reasoning with Possiblity Degrees %J IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics %D MAR/APR 1986 %V SMC-16 %N 2 %P 270-276 %K O04 AI01 AA06 %X discusses storing for each proposition, a pair consisting of the probability that it is true and probability that it is false where these two probabilities do not necessarily add up to 1. Inference rules have been developed for such a system including analogs to modus ponens, modus tollens and how to combine two such ordered pairs applying to the same fact. These have been applied to an expert system in financial analysis. %A Chelsea C. White, III %A Edward A. Sykes %T A User Preference Guided Approach to Conflict Resolution in Rule-Based Expert Systems %J IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics %D MAR/APR 1986 %V SMC-16 %N 2 %P 276-278 %K AI01 multiattribute utility theory %X discusses an application of multiattribute utility theory to resolve conflicts between rules in an expert system.