CALENDAR@IBM.COM (IBM Almaden Research Center Calendar) (11/06/86)
IBM Almaden Research Center 650 Harry Road San Jose, CA 95120-6099 UNCERTAIN DATA MANAGEMENT L. A. Zadeh, Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley Computer Science Sem. Wed., Nov. 12 10:00 A.M. Room: Rear Audit. The issue of data uncertainty has not received much attention in the literature of database management even though the information resident in a database is frequently incomplete, imprecise or not totally reliable. Classical probability-based methods are of limited effectiveness in dealing with data uncertainty, largely because the needed joint probabilities are not known. Among the approaches which are more effective are (a) support logic programming which is Prolog-based, and (b) probabilistic logic. In our approach, uncertainty is modeled by (a) allowing the entries in a table to be set-values or, more generally, to be characterized as possibility distributions, and (b) interpreting a column as a source of evidence which may be fused with other columns. This model is closely related to the Dempster-Shafer theory of evidence and provides a conceptually simple method for dealing with some of the important types of uncertainty. In its full generality, the problem of uncertain data management is quite complex and far from solution at this juncture. Host: S. P. Ghosh