[net.sf-lovers] SF-LOVERS Digest V10 #273


From: Anne Marie Quint {/amqueue} <quint@RUTGERS.ARPA>

     Rush 2112 is based on Anthem, by Ayn Rand... it says so on the
album cover. They change what the narrator finds, from (an old battery?)
to a guitar, and I dont remember any mention of an Elder Race in the story,
but Im sure that is the basis.

     Yes, the story of the blind engineer hobo minstrel is Green Hills
of Earth by Robert Heinlein. This song and lots of others are 
attributed to Rhysling, the name of the minstrel, in many of his short

     Anne McCaffrey wrote Crystal Singer. It certainly did strike a
chord... whole mountain ranges of them! (sorry, I dont have your self

     Windhaven was written by George R.R. martin and Lisa Tuttle.

     The only filk song I have ever been able to remember is one I heard at
a Star Trek Convention in 1976 at teh Commodore Hotel in NYC... it is set
to the tune of Hava Nagila, and is about the episode with the giant
space-going sea walrus.. ur, uh, I mean the giant space-going amoeba. (one
of the poorer episodes...) I get very strange looks when I sing it...

have fun
Keep on Trekkin!