Posted-Date: Mon, 17 Nov 86 09:51 EST From: Tim Finin <> Here is a description of a 1 and 1/2 day course we are putting on for the Army Research Office. We are opening it up to some people from other universities and nearby industry. We have set a modest fee of $200. for non-academic attendees and is free for academic colleagues. Please forward this to anyone who might be interested. SPECIAL ARO COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT COMPUTER ARCHITECTURES FOR PARALLEL PROCESSING IN AI APPLICATIONS As a part of our collaboration with the Army Research Office, we are presenting a three-day course on computer architectures for parallel processing with an emphasis on their application to AI problems. Professor Insup Lee has organized the course which will include lectures by professors Hossam El Gindi, Vipin Kumar (from the University of Texas at Austin), Insup Lee, Eva Ma, Michael Palis, and Lokendra Shastri. Although the course is being sponored by the ARO for researchers from various Army research labs, we are making it available to colleagues from within the University of Pennsylvania as well as some nearby universities and research institutions. If you are interested in attending this course, please contact Glenda Kent at 898-3538 or send electronic mail to GLENDA@CIS.UPENN.EDU and indicate your intention to attend. Attached is some addiitonal information on the course. Tim Finin TITLE Computer Architectures for Parallel Processing in AI Applications WHEN December 10-12, 1986 (from 9:00 a.m. 12/10 to 12:00 p.m. 12/12) WHERE room 216, Moore School (33rd and Walnut), University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. FEE $200. for non-academic attendees PRESENTERS Hossam El Gindi, Vipin Kumar, Insup Lee, Eva Ma, Michael Palis, Lokendra Shastri POC Glenda Kent, 215-898-3538, Insup Lee, INTENDED FOR Research and application programmers, technically oriented managers. DESCRIPTION This course will provide a tutorial on parallel architectures, algorithms and programming languages, and their applications to Artificial Intelligence problems. PREREQUISITES Familiarity with basic computer architectures, high-level programming languages, and symbolic logic, knowledge of LISP and analysis of algorithms desirable. COURSE CONTENTS This three day tutorial seminar will present an overview of parallel computer architectures with an emphasis on their applications to AI problems. It will also supply the neccessary background in parallel algorithms, complexity analysis and programming languages. A tentative list of topics is as follows: - Introduction to Parallel Architectures - parallel computer architectures such as SIMD, MIMD, and pipeline; interconnection networks including ring, mesh, tree, multi-stage, and cross-bar. - Parallel Architectures for Logic Programming - parallelism in logic programs; parallel execution models; mapping of execution models to architectures. - Parallel Architectures for High Speed Symbolic Processing - production system machines (e.g, DADO); tree machines (e.g., NON-VON); massively parallel machines (e.g., Connection Machine, FAIM). - Massive Parallelism in AI - applications of the connectionist model in the areas of computer vision, knowledge representation, inference, and natural language understanding. - Introduction to Parallel Computational Complexity - formal parallel computation models such as Boolean circuits, alternating Turing machines, parallel random-access machines; relations between sequential and parallel models of computation; parallel computational complexity of AI problems such as tree, graph searches, unification and natural language parsing. - Parallel Algorithms and VLSI - interconnection networks for VLSI layout; systolic algorithms and their hardware implementations; - Parallel Programming Languages - language constructs for expressing parallelism and synchronization; implementation issues. COMPUTER ARCHITECTURES FOR PARALLEL PROCESSING IN AI APPLICATIONS COURSE OUTLINE The course will consist of seven lectures, where each lecture is between two to three hours. The first lecture introduces the basic concepts of parallel computer architectures. It explains the organization and applications of different classes of parallel computer architectures such as SIMD, MIMD, and pipeline. It then discusses the properties and design tradeoffs of various types of interconnection networks for parallel computer architectures. In particular, the ring, mesh, tree, multi-stage, and cross-bar will be evaluated and compared. The second and third lectures concentrate on parallel architectures for AI applications. The second lecture overviews current research efforts to develop parallel architectures for executing logic programs. Topics covered will include potential for exploiting parallelism in logic programs, parallel execution models, and mapping of execution models to architectures. Progress made so far and problems yet to be solved in developing such architectures will be discussed. The third lecture overviews the state-of-the-art of architectures for performing high speed symbolic processing. In particular, we will describe parallel architectures for executing production systems such as DADO, tree machines (e.g., NON-VON), massively parallel machines (e.g., Connection Machine, FAIM). The fourth lecture explains why the von Neuman architecture is inappropriate for AI applications and motivates the need for pursuing the connectionist approach. To justify the thesis, some specific applications of the connectionist model in the areas of computer vision, knowledge representation, inference, and natural language understanding will be discussed. Although the discussion will vary at the levels of detail, we plan to examine at least one effort in detail, namely the applicability and usefulness of adopting a connectionist approach to knowledge representation and limited inference. The fifth lecture introduces the basic notions of parallel computational complexity. Specifically, the notion of ``how difficult a problem can be solved in parallel'' is formalized. To formulate this notion precisely, we will define various formal models of parallel computation such as boolean circuits, alternating Turing machines, and parallel random-access machines. Then, the computational complexity of a problem is defined in terms of the amount of resources such as parallel time and number of processors needed to solve it. The relations between sequential and parallel models of computation, as well as characterizations of ``efficiently parallelizable'' and ``inherently sequential'' problems are also given. Finally, the parallel computational complexity of problems in AI (e.g., tree and graph searches, unification and natural language parsing) are discussed. The sixth lecture discusses how to bridge the gap between design of parallel algorithms and their hardware implementations using the present VLSI technology. This lecture will overview interconnection networks suitable for VLSI layout. Then, different systolic algorithms and their hardware implementations will be discussed. To evaluate their effectiveness, we compare how important data storage schemes, like queue (FIFO), dictionary, and matrix manipulation, can be implemented on various systolic architectures. The seventh lecture surveys various parallel programming languages. In particular, the lecture will describe extensions made to sequential procedural, functional, and logic programming languages for parallel programming. Language constructs for expressing parallelism and synchronization, either explicitly or implicitly, will be overviewed and their implementation issues will be discussed. -------