Stern.pasa@XEROX.COM (12/04/86)
The responses to my question of a few weeks ago, regarding publications discussing OOP and AI: Xerox PARC work in OOP has a long history, with a flurry of publishing recently including AI Mag Spring 1976 for "Object-oriented Programming: Themes and Variations" and Science, 28 Feb, Vol 231 "Perspectives on AI Programming", both by D. Bobrow and M. Stefik. Other responses referred me to our (note - I work for Xerox) LOOPS knowledge programming system. Some responses referred me to KEE, ART (?) and Flavors. A couple of people described their own work in progress on OOP languages or systems. I had completely missed the SIGPlan issue (V21, #10, Oct 86) on the OOP Workshop at IBM Watson Research Center organized by them and Peter Wegner of Brown University, who includes his own excellent paper in the proceedings. Josh