[mod.ai] Correction - Parallel Archictures Course

Tim@CIS.UPENN.EDU (Tim Finin) (12/04/86)

                     ***** IMPORTANT CORRECTION *****

Alex Borgida forwarded a message from me to AILIST that needs correcting.
This message concerns a short course on "Computer Architectures For Parallel
Processing In AI Applications" that we are giving here at Penn next week for
the Army Research Office. In this message I announced that the course would
be open to colleagues from nearby insitutions.  Unfortunately, since I sent
Alex the message, the status of the course has changed and it will no longer
be open to outside people other than those whom ARO is sponsoring.  We're
sorry for this confusion.


  [Actually, I was the one who forwarded the message from a
  local bboard.  I should have added a note to that effect.  -- KIL]