[mod.ai] Seminar - Parallelization of Alpha-Beta Search

Feng-Hsiung.Hsu@UNH.CS.CMU.EDU (12/06/86)

	   Large Scale Parallelization of Alpha-beta Search:
		An Algorithmic and Architectural Study

			Feng-hsiung Hsu
		Time: Thursday, 6:00 pm, Dec. 11
			Place: WH 4605

This proposal presents a class of new parallel alpha-beta algorithms that
gives speedup arbitrarily close to linear when the game tree is
best-first ordered and sufficiently deep.  It will also be shown that the
parallel algorithms strictly dominate the weaker form of alpha-beta
algorithm that does not use deep cutoff; that is, they never search a node
that is not explored by the weaker form of alpha-beta algorithm, and usually
search fewer nodes.  Preliminary simulation results indicate that the
parallel algorithms are actually much better than the weak alpha-beta in
terms of the number of nodes searched.  Moreover, unlike previous parallel
algorithms, the new parallel algorithms do not degrade drastically when
the number of processors exceeds certain small number typically around 6 to
8.  In fact, based on simulation data, it appears that no serious
degradation of speedup would occur before technological considerations such
as system reliability limit the maximum speedup.

As an example of the applications of the parallel algorithms, the
possibility and complications of applying the algorithms to computer chess
will be examined.  A new design for special purpose chess processors that is
orders of magnitude smaller than existing designs is presented as the basis
for a proposed multi-processor chess machine.  Based on the measured data
from a single chip chess move generator that has already been fabricated, it
is estimated that with a 3-micron CMOS process a 3-chip chess processor, two
custom chips and one commercial SRAM, searching about one million positions
per second can be built.  Some architectural considerations on how to
coordinate vast number of such processors will be presented here.  In the
case that the proposed multi-processor machine cannot be completed in time,
a small scale system will be built using off-the-shelf components and the
move generators.