[mod.ai] spliting the AIList


the whole question of what people want to appear on AIList is a question
of degree.  i enjoyed all of the philo-type talk when it started, but it
has gotten to the point where entire digests are devoted to one person's
posts on the subject.  this, i think, is too much.  the discussion
should move to e-mail.  however, i am against splitting the list in two
assuming that discussions are kept within reason.

Bruce Krulwich                  arpa:   krulwich@c.cs.cmu.edu
                                bitnet: bk0a%tc.cc.cmu.edu@cmuccvma.bitnet

   "if you're right 95% of the time, why worry about the other 3% ??"
               **any other former B-CC'ers out there??**