[mod.ai] New Review Journal in AI


To:  The AI Community

From: J. R. Bourne and J. Sztipanovits,
      Editors, CRC Critical Reviews in Artificial Intelligence

Subject: Knowledge Acquisition for CRC-CRAI

The CRC Press has recently announced the creation of
a new journal entitled "CRC Critical Reviews in Artificial
Intelligence" to be edited by J. Bourne and J. Sztipanovits
of Vanderbilt University. The CRC-CRAI will seek to
provide in-depth reviews of tightly constrained areas
in the broad field of Artificial Intelligence. We plan
to  cover the breadth of the field and publish in the
following format. Each volume will consist of 4 issues
of roughly 100 pages in each issue. Each issue will contain
either 2 or 3 articles. The number of volumes published
each year will depend on the interest of the AI community.

The topic areas in AI that we have initially selected for
review include:

        Knowledge Acquisition
        Knowledge Representation
        Automated reasoning
        Education/Cognitive Modelling
        Natural Language
        Intelligent Robotics
        Machine Vision
        AI Languages

The purpose of this memorandum is to solicit opinions
and recommendations from the AI community concerning
prospective authors who would be capable of writing and
potentially willing to contribute excellent review articles
in the above areas. We are seeking authors who can review,
in depth, tightly constrained areas of research. At this
time we are not accepting papers for review or inviting
reviews; we are collecting a knowledge base about
authors and topics. Once this phase of the work is
complete we will begin to structure the initial
volumes of the journal.

If any of the above is of interest to anyone, and you
have suggestions for us, please reply to: