Commonsense and Nonmonotonic Reasoning Seminar A QUERY ANSWERING ALGORITHM FOR CIRCUMSCRIPTIVE AND CLOSED-WORLD THEORIES Teodor C. Przymusinski University of Texas at El Paso <ft00@utep.bitnet> Thursday, January 29, 4pm Bldg. 160, Room 161K McCarthy's theory of circumscription appears to be the most powerful among various non-monotonic logics designed to handle incomplete and negative information in knowledge representation systems. In this presentation we will describe a query answering algorithm for circumscriptive theories. The algorithm is based on a modified version of ordered linear resolution (OL-resolution), which we call a MInimal model Linear Ordered resolution (MILO-resolution). MILO-resolution constitutes a sound and complete procedure to determine the existence of minimal models satisfying a given formula. Our algorithm is the first query evaluation algorithm for general circumscriptive theories. The Closed-World Assumption (CWA) and its generalizations, the Generalized Closed-World Assumption (GCWA) and the Extended Closed-World Assumption (ECWA), can be considered as special forms of circumscription. Consequently, our algorithm also applies to answering queries in theories using the Closed-World Assumption and its generalizations. Similarly, since prioritized circumscription is equivalent to a conjunction of (parallel) circumscriptions, the algorithm can be used to answer queries in theories circumscribed by prioritized circumscription.