[mod.ai] Methodological Epiphenomenalism

harnad@seismo.CSS.GOV@mind.UUCP (01/27/87)

"CUGINI, JOHN" <cugini@icst-ecf> wrote on mod.ai"

>	Subject: Consciousness as a Superfluous Concept, But So What?

So methodological epiphenomenalism.

>	Consciousness may be as superflouous (wrt evolution) as earlobes.
>	That hardly goes to show that it ain't there.

Agreed. It only goes to show that methodological epiphenomalism may
indeed be the right research strategy. (The "why" is a methodological
and logical question, not an evolutionary one. I'm arguing that no
evolutionary scenario will help. And it was never suggested that
consciousness "ain't there." If it weren't, there would be no
mind/body problem.)

>	I don't think it does NEED to be so. It just is so.

Fine. Now what are you going to do about it, methodologically speaking?

Stevan Harnad
{allegra, bellcore, seismo, rutgers, packard}  !princeton!mind!harnad