[mod.ai] Conference - Conceptual Information Processing

hendler@BRILLIG.UMD.EDU.UUCP (01/30/87)

			Call for Participation

			Fourth Annual Workshop


	Theoretical Issues in Conceptual Information Processing

			Washington, D.C. 
			 June 4-5, 1987

			 Sponsored by

	American Association for Artificial Intelligence


		University of Maryland Institute for 
		     Advanced Computer Studies


The goal of the investigations under the title "conceptual information
processing" has been understanding intelligence and cognition
computationally, rather than merely the construction of performance programs
or formalization per se.  Thus, this workshop will focus on an exploration
of issues common to representation and organization of knowledge and memory
for natural language understanding, planning, problem solving, explanation,
learning and other cognitive tasks.  The approaches to be covered are united
by a concern with representation, organization and processing of conceptual
knowledge with an emphasis on empirical investigation of these phenomena by
experimentation and implementation of computer programs.


The TICIP workshop will be comprised of a combination of panels, invited
paper presentations, and "debates" designed to encourage lively and active
discussion.  Not all participants will be invited to present, but all will
be expected to interact.


In order to maximize the interactive nature of this workshop, attendance
will be limited.  Those interested in participating, either as speakers or
audience, are asked to submit a one-page summary of work in this area.  A
small number of invitations will be extended to those who are interested in
the area but have not yet contributed.  Those interested in such an
invitation should contact the Program Chair.  A limited amount of financial
assistance will be available to graduate students invited to participate.

Review Process:

Invitation will be based on an informal review of submissions by the Program

Workshop Information:

The conference chair is Prof. B. Chandrasekaran (Ohio State University).  The
program committee consists of Prof.s R. Alterman (Brandeis), J. Carbonell
(CMU), M. Dyer (UCLA), and J. Hendler (U of Maryland, Chair).


A one page abstract of recent work in the area should be submitted to the
Program Chair.  The deadline for these submissions is April 15, 1987.
Applicants will be informed of their status soon thereafter.  Send abstracts
(but please, no papers) to:

James Hendler
Computer Science Department
University of Maryland
College Park, Md. 20742.