levin@LOCUS.UCLA.EDU.UUCP (02/16/87)
I have been asked to post this by Prof. Earl Hunt. Note that there are two changes to the original: a new submission deadline, and info on camera-ready papers. Cognitive Science Society Announcement of Meeting and Preliminary call for Papers The Ninth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society will be held on July 16-18, 1987 at the University of Washington. The dates have been chosen to allow people to attend this conference and the conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, which meets in Seattle earlier in the week. The conference will feature symposia and invited speakers on the topics of mental models, educational and indus- trial applications of cognitive science, discourse comprehension, the relation between cognitive and neural sciences, and the use of connec- tionist models in the cognitive sciences. The conference schedule will include paper sessions and a poster session, covering the full range of the cognitive sciences. The proceedings of the conference will be published by L Erlbaum Associates. Submitted papers are invited. These should cover original, unreported work, research or analysis related to cognition. All submissions for paper and poster sessions will be refereed. All submitted papers and posters must include the following: Author's name, address, and telephone number. Set of four or fewer topic area keywords. Four copies of the full paper (4000 words maximum) or poster (2000 words maximum). Each copy should include a 100-250 word abstract. Indication of preference for paper or poster session. All papers MUST adhere to the following rules for preparation of camera-ready copy. NOTE: Papers will NOT be sent back after acceptance for modification. The accepted paper will be sent directly to the publisher. 1 inch margins on both sides, top, and bottom. Single spaced text. Figures centered on type page at top or bottom. Titles and author's names and institutions centered at top of first page. One line between title heading and text. Use American Psychological Association publication format. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reprint published material. Send submissions to Earl Hunt, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Seattle, Wa 98195 Submissions are due by MARCH 16, 1987. NOTE NEW DATE All members of the Cognitive Science society will receive a further mailing discussing registration, accommodation, and travel.