I'm interested in computer (assisted) completeness and consistency checking of rule bases. Is there someone on the net who could provide me with some references to the literature on these subjects. Both references on theoretical and practical issues are welcomed. Please, send them to me directly, I will compile a complete list for posting on the net. Jan L. Talmon Department of Medical Informatics and Statistics University of Limburg PO Box616 6200 MD Maastricht The Netherlands EARN/BITNET: MFMISTAL@HMARL5 ReSent-Date: Sat 28 Feb 87 22:38:41-PST ReSent-From: Ken Laws <Laws@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA.#Internet> ReSent-To: post-ailist@UCBVAX.Berkeley.EDU.#Internet ReSent-Message-ID: <12282829697.14.LAWS@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA> 2