[mod.ai] Hardware vs. AI

meyers@CIP.UCI.EDU.UUCP (03/01/87)

I would like to suggest that the AILIST be more open to hardware topics
that are related to WORKING in Artificial Intelligence, for several reasons:

This would be a valuable service to people working in AI who are having
hardware problems.  They can draw upon the solutions of others who have
solved the same problems, and upon knowledge of AI facilities with hardware

Even though there are bulletin boards for specific hardware, it would be
useful to to organize the AI community's hardware and environment problems
as a single list. If this is too much for AILIST then perhaps an
AI-HARDWARE list is called for.

I disagree with the notion that hardware problems have 'nothing to do with
AI'.  While discussions of LISP and PROLOG dialects are interesting, they
appear to me to have no more relevance to 'AI' than do hardware issues.
Likewise discussion of the operation and environment provided by LISP
machines and other workstations.  Likewise philosophical discussions of
the mind.  My point is that it is not useful to try to define AI too
narrowly.  There is a theory and practice of AI, and AILIST seems to stress
the theory.  It would be nice if the 'practice' were taken up somewhere
as well.

I can certainly understand that the AILIST is already overburdened, and
that the moderator already does too much work (and a fine job as well).
THOSE should be the reasons for excluding hardware issues, not arbitration
about what is and is not relevant to AI.

	Amnon Meyers

P.S. I often wonder where people are writing from, so...

	Irvine Computational Intelligence Project
	ICS Department
	University of California
	Irvine, California  92717
	(714) 856-4840