[mod.ai] Seminar - Hypothesis Formation


On Thursday, March 19th at 10:30 AM, Prof. Lindley Darden from the
University of Maryland will speak on her work on hypothesis formation.  The
room will be announced shortly.  An abstract and a summary of her interests

     "Hypothesis Formation Using Part-Whole Interrelations"

                         Lindley Darden

     This  paper discusses an implementation,  called SUTTON,  of 
strategies  for rediscovering the chromosome theory of  heredity.  
Walter Sutton formulated the theory in the early 20th century, by 
postulating  interrelations  between the fields of  cytology  and 
genetics.   Knowledge  from these fields during that  period   is 
represented   in  a  frame-based  system,  and  rules  for  using 
knowledge  from  one  field  to  guide  hypothesis  formation  in 
the other are implemented in LISP.   In particular, the discovery 
that the gene is part of the chromosome is simulated, and general 
rules for part-whole reasoning are investigated,  including rules 
for inheritance and propagation of causal relations in part-whole 

Keywords:  Hypothesis formation, scientific discovery, learning,
identity relation, part-whole relation, causality.

Lindley  Darden  is an Associate Professor in the Departments  of 
Philosophy  and History and a member of the graduate  faculty  in 
the  Committee  on the History and Philosophy of Science  at  the 
University of Maryland,  College Park.   She is currently serving 
in  the  second year of a half-time research appointment  in  the 
University  of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer  Studies.  
This work was done in collaboration with Roy Rada of the National 
Library of Medicine.  Her research interests include reasoning in 
scientific   discovery   (including  analogical   reasoning   and 
formation  of abstract theory types) and knowledge representation 
techniques for biological knowledge.   Her address is  Department 
of  Philosophy,  University of Maryland,  College Park,  Maryland 
20742 and darden@mimsy.umd.edu.

(In addition, Prof. Darden gave an invited talk at last summer's AAAI
entitled "Viewing History of Science as Compiled Hindsight".)