[mod.ai] Seminar - TI AI Satellite Symposium

Peter.Capell@GNOME.CS.CMU.EDU (03/05/87)

IEEE  sponsors...

The TEXAS INSTRUMENT'S Third Artificial Intelligence Satellite Symposium

Wednesday, April 8, 1987 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM


Dr. Edward A. Feigenbaum - AI pioneer, author and lecturer, Stanford
University educator and past president of the American Association of
Artificial Intelligence.

Dr. George Heilmeier - Senior Vice President and Chief Technical Officer of
Texas Instruments, former Director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency (DARPA).

Dr. Alan C. Kay - Apple fellow, pioneer and key innovator in personal
computing and artificial intelligence.  Invented "Smalltalk" computer
language and pioneered the use of icons.

Dr. Douglas B. Lenat - Principal Scientist for Microelectronics and Computer
Technology Corporation (MCC), pioner in machine learning through study of
the nature of heuristics.

Dr. Roger C. Schank - Professor of Computer Science and Psychology, Yale
University, and Chairman of Cognitive Systems, Inc.  Pioneer in development
of computer models of memory and learning.

Dr. Herbert Schorr - Group Director of Products and Technology, IBM.
Responsible for the introduction of new advanced technology and

Dr. Harry R. Tennant - roundtable host, Senior Member Technical Staff and
Manager of AI Research in Texas Instruments Computer Science Laboratory.
Inventor of the concept of menu-based natural language understanding.

Abstract: (see February IEEE Spectrum for more details)

In four hours, Symposium III will examine the very latest developments,
applications and future potential - from diverse perspectives.  It will
broaden the view of AI beyond knowledge-based systems to include natural
language processing and rapid prototyping of both AI and conventional

Site (for CMU): The APICS "castle" in Wilmerding 
Directions:  Lee Ann Goettel:  825-3000	
Fee: $6.00 (to cover doughnuts and lunch, Texas Instruments isn't charging
	    anything for the downlink)
Checks payable to: "APICS" or cash accepted
Registration and information:  Call or write - 	

		Attn: Peter Capell (Education Chair) 
		Center for Art and Technology
		111 CFA
		Carnegie Mellon University
		Pittsburgh, PA 15213